Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 390
Danish comments on the Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative
Denmark supports the effort to seek alternative ways to leverage and make mostefficient use of the EU budget so as to achieve more value for money. Certainly ina time where public budgets face constraints it makes good sense to exploit otherpossible ways of financing EU projects as an alternative to pure budget financing.Denmark therefore welcomes the Commission’s reflections.Financial instrument in general
The Danish Government has two main reflections in relation to new financialinstruments. Firstly, the new financial instruments should in general helpreplacepart of the financing of the coming budgets and notsupplementthese. Second, newfinancial instruments should not unnecessarily expose public funds to risks – in-cluding funds from the EU budget. Risk exposure should always be limited to aminimum.Any new financial instruments - including the Project Bond Initiative – should beassessed in this context.In light of the discussion concerning financial instruments Denmark welcomes theCommission’s general principles for financial instruments and projects below.Only projects that have undergone an analysis which clearly point at a sub-optional investment situation – such as market failure, high innovation risk –should be considered.Projects financed through EU financial instruments must ensure EU valueadded and be clearly motivated as opposed to an intervention at na-tional/regional level.EU financial instruments shall create a multiplying effect by mobilising in-vestments several times the EU commitment.Financial instrument operations – such as procedures for budgeting, awardingfunds, implementation etc – shall be fully transparent.A legislative or delegated act shall insure harmonization and simplification ofall financial instruments.Financial instruments with great similarities in their targeted policy area andproduct shall be integrated.The EU will ensure to restrict risk exposure by preventing that liabilities –generated by the financial instrument – exceed the limit of the budget contri-bution.Financial instruments shall be flexible so that they can respond to market con-ditions.The management and implementation of financial instruments will in generalbe delegated to the EIB Group, other international financial institutions orpublic financial institutions.