Europaudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 53
Brussels, 24 – 26 October 2010
___________________________________1. COSAC considers it necessary to have regular debates on the implementation of theprovisions of the Treaty of Lisbon related to the new powers of national Parliaments.2. COSAC invites national Parliaments to develop a procedure to determine which EU draftlegislative acts should be subject to subsidiarity checks. Referring to the annual WorkProgramme of the European Commission, the COSAC Presidency is asked to presentproposals to have structured debates on this programme.3. Bearing in mind the Conclusions of the Conference of the Speakers of European UnionParliaments on the use of new technologies in interparliamentary cooperation, COSACreiterates the importance of using and optimising new technologies in the framework ofCOSAC and invites the IPEX Board and its Central Support to formulate specificproposals on this issue.4. COSAC notes a number of proposals by national Parliaments to amend its Rules ofProcedure and calls on the incoming Hungarian Presidency to open a debate with a viewto formulating specific proposals.5. Regarding the involvement of specialised committees in COSAC, COSAC refers to itsRules of Procedure, on one hand, and to national Parliaments’ autonomous right to decideon the composition of their COSAC delegations, on the other. Hence, COSAC invitesnational Parliaments to table amendments on its Rules of Procedure.6. COSAC welcomes the 14thBi-annual Report prepared by the COSAC Secretariat which itwarmly thanks for its excellent work. This report is an important source of information onthe EUROPE 2020 Strategy, the parliamentary oversight of CFSP and CSDP and thefuture role of COSAC.