European Commission
DG Internal Market and Services
B-1049 Bruxelles
Green Paper - Corporate governance in financial institu-
tions and remuneration policies
General comments
The Danish government welcomes the initiative by the European Com-
mission to review the adequacy of the corporate governance regulatory
framework. The Danish government agrees that a sound corporate gov-
ernance framework could enhance the stability of financial institutions
and the financial system.
The Danish government finds, however, that the European Commission
should await the outcome of the changes to the European supervisory
framework as well as Solvency II and changes to the Capital Require-
ments Directive, e.g. CRDIII, which the European Commission has al-
ready initiated regarding remuneration, risk management and the role of
supervisory authorities to ensure consistency and a smooth process.
As regards remuneration policies the Danish government stresses the im-
portance of ensuring a responsible remuneration policy in financial insti-
tutions. Therefore, the Danish government has already taken steps to im-
plement the revised capital requirements directive in this field.
At this stage of the process, the Danish government would recommend
that the European Commission focuses on the role and composition of the
board of directors (non-executive directors). Principles of diversity and
competency should be at the core of the decisions when appointing the
board of directors (non-executive directors).
The Danish government would urge the European Commission to consid-
er the responsibility of the board of directors (non-executive directors) in
subsidiaries as well and finds that subsidiaries should not be allowed to
delegate this responsibility to the board of directors at group level. In
general only focusing on the financial group level could be problematic
when implementing the new corporate governance framework.
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