Finansudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
KOM (2010) 0526 Bilag 1
Statement for the France-Germany-Russia Summit
Deauville – Monday, October 18
, 2010
France and Germany agree that the economic governance needs to be reinforced.
To this aim they have agreed on the following points :
1) France and Germany emphasize that budgetary surveillance and economic policy
coordination procedures should be strengthened and accelerated. This includes the
following issues:
A wider range of sanctions should be applied progressively in both the preventive
and corrective arm of the Pact. These sanctions should be more automatic, while
respecting the role of the different institutions and the institutional balance.
In enforcing the preventive arm of the Pact, the Council should be empowered to
decide, acting by QMV to impose progressively sanctions in the form of interest-
bearing deposits on any Member State whose fiscal consolidation path deviates
particularly significantly from the adjustment path foreseen in the Stability and Growth
As to the corrective arm, whenever the Council decides to open an excessive deficit
procedure, there should be automatic sanctions for any Member States found by the
Council, acting by QMV, to have failed to implement the necessary corrective
measures within a 6-months time limit.
Complementing the new legislative framework for the surveillance of economic
imbalances, the case of any Member State with persistent imbalances under
surveillance by the Council will be referred to the European Council for discussion.
2) France and Germany consider that an amendment of the Treaties is needed and
that the President of the European Council should be asked to present, in close
contact with the Members of the European Council, concrete options allowing the
establishment of a robust crisis resolution framework before its meeting in March
The amendment of the Treaties will be restricted to the following issues:
The establishment of a permanent and robust framework to ensure orderly
crisis management in the future, providing the necessary arrangements for an
adequate participation of private creditors and allowing Member States to take
appropriate coordinated measures to safeguard financial stability of the Euro
area as a whole.
In case of a serious violation of basic principles of Economic and Monetary
Union, and following appropriate procedures, suspension of the voting rights
of the Member State concerned.
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The necessary amendment to the Treaties should be adopted and ratified by
Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements in
due time before 2013.