Europaudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 123
Strasbourg, 17 November 2011
Joint Parliamentary MeetingDRAFT Programme
Social Cohesion and DemographicDevelopment in a SustainableEurope
5-6 December 2011
Hemicycle, Paul Henri Spaak buildingEuropean Parliament - Brussels
Monday 5 December 2011From 10.0012.30 - 15.00Arrival of participants - Reception and registration in the hallof the Altiero Spinelli building, Espace Simone Veil entranceMeetings of the European Parliament's political groups withmembers of national ParliamentsEPP:lunch at 12h30, in the Members' Restaurant, ASP building (groundfloor) and preparatory meeting 14h00 - 15h00 (meeting room JAN 6Q1,intrepretation FR, EN, DE, ES, IT, PL);S&D:working lunch on 12h30 - 14h00 (private lounge of the Members'Restaurant, ASP building (ground floor) and preparatory meeting at 14h00- 15h00 (room ASP 3H1, interpretation in EN- FR- DE- ES);ALDE:working lunch (time and venue to be confirmed)Green/EFA:working lunch at 12h30 -14h30 (venue to be confirmed)
ECR:GUE/NGL:EFD:15.0015.00 - 15.20Plenary Session-Room: Hemicycle, 3rd floor, Paul Henri SpaakbuildingOpening remarks by co-chairs:Mr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMs EwaKOPACZ,Marshal of the PolishSejm
15.20 - 15.30
Intervention by the Guest Speaker (tbc)
Panel 1 - Economic and Budgetary Impact of theDemographic ChangeCo-chairs:Ms ElisabethSCHROEDTER,MEPMr BogdanBORUSEWICZ,Marshal of the PolishSenat15.30 - 15.35Introduction to the debate by the Rapporteur:Mr/Ms ...., MP, PolishSejm
15.35 - 16.55
16.55 - 17.00
Concluding remarks by the Rapporteur
Panel 2 - Social Cohesion and Regional DevelopmentCo-chairs:Ms DanutaHÜBNER,MEPMs EwaKOPACZ,Marshal of the PolishSejm
17.00 - 17.05
Introduction to the debate by the Rapporteur:Ms ConstanzeKREHL,MEP
17.05 -18.2518.25 - 18.3019.00
DebateConcluding remarks by the Rapporteur
Buffet-Dinner hosted by Mr Jerzy BUZEK, President of theEuropean ParliamentWelcoming remarks:Mr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentVenue:Espace Yehudi Menuhin,Paul Henri Spaak Building,1st floor
Tuesday 6 December 2011Room: Hemicycle, 3rd floor, Paul Henri Spaak building9.30Panel 3 - Social and Equality Aspects of Employment andDemographic TrendsCo-chairs:Ms GesineMEISSNER,MEPMs EwaKOPACZ,Marshal of the PolishSejm
09.35 - 09.40
Introduction to the debate by the Rapporteur:MrMieczysławAUGUSTYN,MP, PolishSenat
09.40 - 11.0011.00 - 11.05
Concluding remarks by the Rapporteur
Plenary Session co-chaired by:Mr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMs EwaKOPACZ,Marshal of the PolishSejmMr BogdanBORUSEWICZ,Marshal of the PolishSenat11.05 - 11.15Statement by the Presidency of the Council of the EuropeanUnionMr DonaldTUSK,Prime Minister of Poland (tbc)
11.15 - 11.25
Statement by the European CommissionMr José ManuelBARROSO,President of the EuropeanCommission (tbc)
11.25 - 12.30
Debate with the participation of the Presidency of theCouncil of the European Union and the EuropeanCommission
12.30 - 12.45
Concluding remarksMr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMr BogdanBORUSEWICZ,Marshal of the PolishSenat
End of the Joint Parliamentary Meeting