Europaudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 567


Limassol, Cyprus, 8 July 2012


CHAIR: Mr Averof NEOFYTOU, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign andEuropean Affairs, CyprusVouli ton Antiprosopon.Ms Eva KJER HANSEN, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee, DanishFolketinget,Mr Dominic HANNIGAN, Chairman of the Joint Committee on EuropeanUnion Affairs, IrishDáil Éireann,Mr Othmar KARAS, Vice-President and Mr CarloCASINI, Chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, European Parliament.


1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC

2. Approval of the draft programme of the COSAC Chairpersons’ Meeting

3. Debate on the draft programme of the XLVIII COSAC

4. Approval of the outline of the 18th Bi-annual Report

5. Letters addressed to the Presidency

6. Any other business


1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC

The meeting was chaired by Mr Averof NEOFYTOU who welcomed the delegations ofthe Presidential Troika of COSAC (hereinafter referred to as "the Troika"), and inparticular its new member, Mr Dominic HANNIGAN, IrishDáil Éireann.The agenda of the meeting of the Troika was adopted without amendment.

2. Approval of the draft programme of the COSAC Chairpersons’ Meeting

Mr NEOFYTOU highlighted the two debates that would be held the next day. The firstone would focus on the priorities of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of theEuropean Union and would be presented by Mr Andreas MAVROYIANNIS, DeputyMinister for EU Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus. The second debate would focus onthe topic of Energy 2020 Strategy - Security of Supply and would be addressed by theEuropean Commissioner for Energy, Mr Günther OETTINGER.The draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC was adoptedwithout amendment.

3. Debate on the draft programme of the XLVIII COSAC

Mr NEOFYTOU presented the topics on the draft programme of the XLVIII COSAC tobe held on 14-16 October 2012 in Nicosia at the Conference Centre "Filoxenia". Thetopics to be discussed in the Plenary included: 1. State of Play - Priorities of the CyprusPresidency of the Council of the European Union to be presented by MrMAVROYIANNIS, Deputy Minister for EU Affairs; 2. The State of the Union to beaddressed by European Commissioner for Inter-institutional Relations andAdministration, Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ;3. Energy- Security of Supply to be addressed byMr Neoklis SYLIKIOTIS, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism; 4. SingleMarket Governance to be addressed by Mr Pierre DELSAUX, Deputy Director General,DG Internal Market and Services; and 5. Europe 2020 Strategy - Recovery from theFinancial Crisis.Mr NEOFYTOU expressed the hope that both the President of the Republic of Cyprusand the President of the House of Representatives would participate in the meetingnoting that these speakers, as stated in the draft programme, were yet to be confirmed.Mr Othmar KARAS proposed that a speaker from the European Parliament should beinvited on point two of the agenda regarding the State of the Union expressing the viewthat the topic was connected to the issue of the future of Europe, democratic legitimacyand the role of Parliaments. He also proposed Ms Pervenche BERÈS, Chairwoman ofthe Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, as aspeaker on point five regarding Europe 2020 Strategy - Recovery from the FinancialCrisis.Mr Carlo CASINI noted the two speakers from the European Parliament invited for thetopics of Energy and Recovery from the Financial Crisis and agreed with the additionalproposals by Mr KARAS.Ms Eva KJER HANSEN thanked the Presidency for giving priority to the topic ofSingle Market Governance. She disagreed on the number of speakers from the EuropeanParliament underlining that Parliaments are represented on an equal basis in the meetingand stressing the need to allow the same amount of time for interventions by anddiscussion amongst them. She supported inviting one speaker from the EuropeanParliament.Mr HANNIGAN agreed with Ms KJER HANSEN underlining the time constraints ofthe meeting warning against any extension of the number of speakers.Mr NEOFYTOU acknowledged the need to strike a compromise noting the twospeakers from the European Parliament, as initially proposed by the Presidency, one onthe topic of Energy and one on the topic of Recovery from the Financial Crisis, andwarned against an additional speaker. He said that the Presidency would work on thedraft programme and return with a compromise proposal.

4. Approval of the outline of the 18th Bi-annual Report

Mr NEOFYTOU briefly presented the outline of the 18th Bi-annual Report and thethree chapters proposed. The first chapter would be divided into two sections, in the
first section would focus on the approach regarding the principles of subsidiarity andproportionality and the second section would exchange information regarding nationalParliaments' practices in the context of the political dialogue with the EuropeanCommission. The second chapter would deal with the Treaty on Stability, Coordinationand Governance and the role of Parliaments. The third chapter would deal with the topicof energy - trans-European energy infrastructure and the exchange of information andbest practices on the issue.Ms KJER HANSEN suggested adding the topic of Single Market Governance to the Bi-annual Report in view of the recently published Commission Communication on BetterGovernance for the Single Market.1In the absence of objections, it was decided to addthe topic of Single Market Governance to the 18th Bi-annual Report of COSAC.

5. Letters addressed to the Presidency

The Presidency, as announced by Mr NEOFYTOU, had not received any letters.

6. Any other business

As there was no other business, Mr NEOFYTOU closed the meeting of the PresidentialTroika.
COM (2012) 259