Europaudvalget 2011-12, Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12, Miljøudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 58, FLF Alm.del Bilag 30, MIU Alm.del Bilag 41
Personal details
RomanianBorn 27 July 1969 in Zalau, RomaniaMarried
Current duties
Member of the European Commission responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development
Political career
July 2009 - January 2010: Head of the Presidential Commission on AgriculturalDevelopment Public Policy of Romania2007 - 2008: Agriculture and Rural Development Minister2007: Undersecretary of State for European Affairs with the Ministry of Agriculture andRural Development
Professional Career
2005 – 2007: Adviser to Romania's Agriculture Minister and Spokesman of Romania in theSpecial Committee on Agriculture of the EU Council2002 – 2003: Task Manager SAPARD, Delegation of the European Commission toRomania1999 – 2001: Coordinator of bilateral cooperation projects for the local agriculturaldevelopment in Romania1998 -1999: Manager of the Rural Local Development Project in the County of Arges,RomaniaMarch -July 1997: Stagiaire, DG Agriculture and Rural Development of the EuropeanCommission1995: Consultant for Socio-Economic Analysis for Agricultural and Rural DevelopmentProject in the County of Arges, Romania
Other activities
Since 2000: Member of the "Groupe de Bruges": Independent think tank on EuropeanAgriculture and Rural DevelopmentSince 1995: Founding Member of the Professional Association "Agroecologia"1995: Students Union Representative in the Senate of the University of AgriculturalSciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca2008: Publication "A Competitive European Agriculture Designed for the Citizens –Romanian Perspective"2004: Publication "Les déterminants de l’institutionnalisation des organisationsprofessionnelles agricoles en Roumanie"
October 2005: Certificate in Agricultural Trade Course, World Bank Institute and theUniversity of Rome 31997: DEA - Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies - in Agricultural Development Economics,École nationale supérieure agronomique and University of Montpellier 11996: Certificat d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées in Environmental Agronomy, Écolenationale supérieure agronomique de Rennes1994: University Degree in Horticultural Engineering, Horticulture Faculty of the Universityof Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca,1987: Baccalaureate, Agro-Industrial High school, Simleu Silvanei
Romanian: mother tongueFrench: fluentEnglish: good