Erhvervsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
KOM (2011) 0164 Bilag 3
European Commission
DG Internal Market and Services
B-1049 Brussels
The Danish government’s response to the Commission’s Green Paper
on the EU corporate governance framework
General comments
The Danish government welcomes the Green Paper on the EU corporate
governance framework and appreciates the opportunity to respond to it.
The Green Paper has identified some important questions on what should
be the role, scope and content of the corporate governance framework in
the EU. The Danish government supports the approach of asking and ex-
amining such questions as it is necessary to have a thorough debate on the
future of the corporate governance framework in the EU before deciding
on the way forward. Having such a debate and analysing
ex ante
the po-
tential impacts of realising different possible directions for the future
framework is useful and necessary in order to decide what ideas should
be discarded and what ideas should be further developed. In that context
it should be noted that it is just as useful to reach the conclusion that cer-
tain ideas
are not
the proper way forward as reaching the conclusion that
the ideas
the way forward.
The Danish Government believes that any future regulatory initiatives in
the field of corporate governance – as in the area of company law in gen-
eral - should always satisfy the following key conditions:
The objective and the need for a possible initiative has been clear-
ly identified as a need for companies and/or relevant stakeholders
Convincing arguments support that regulation is a better tool than
leaving the matter to contractual freedom
Compelling arguments support that EU regulation would meet the
objective better than national regulation
The scope of the possible initiative is carefully aligned with its
The cost of regulation and impact on administrative burdens are
taken into account and can be justified.
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DK-1216 Copenhagen K
+45 33 92 33 50
+45 33 12 37 78
CVR no. 10 09 24 85
The Danish government finds that the general EU corporate governance
framework needs to take into account the huge diversity of companies
and also the different traditions and frameworks existing in the Member
States. Good corporate governance can vary from company to company