Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2010-11 (1. samling)
KOM (2011) 0173 Bilag 2
att.: Europa Udvalget, Folketinget
Integrationsministeriet (Anne Thorsen)
EU Commission (Martin Selmayr)
Københavns Politi (anm Peter Skaarup 18. april 2011)
FCNM (CoE) Secretariat
The media churns out attacks on Roma, equalizing Roma with crime
The stories cite police sources
The timing is surprisingly coincidal with the discussions on longterm Roma strategy
The reported crimes is petty economic
If anything it is driven by powerty and
not by the greedy motives behind large "Danish" crimes
and the international drugs and traficking
Without knowledge and insight into police and intelligence operations
it is difficult to guage why police and media are so reluctant to
target the really dangerous organized crime
but an indication from the utilisation by TAX officers of body guards
in court, the unit that also confiscate the weak and unarmed Polish
EU citizen's polish registrered cars indicate
that police and SKAT are really affraid of these groups
and therefore prefer to chalk up big statistics on soft targets
The part conclusion is that Roma figure as an important element
of the police and political media strategy in Denmark and that
this role blocks for the development of a national Roma strategy
Other media reports document that the problems of the "normal"
everyday "integrated" and non-criminal Roma, the vast majority
of the Roma in Denmark, 15-20.000 according to CIA world factbook,
remain unresolved
It is about occupational medicine, job content development etc
Other reports on bi-lingual school performance indicates
development of a huge new underclass, and politicians appear to
deliberately set aside research showing what needs to be done,
as the research is already available but politicians argue they
are more clever than the researchers
There is therefore a need for a longterm national Roma strategy
that can adress these issues and influence the priorities to ensure
better use of the public resources
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DK2300 Copenhagen S
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Eric Støttrup Thomsen
1. B.T. afslører: 30 østeuropæere slap for straf
Læssede tyvekoster af, men fik lov at gå
- Søndag den 8. maj 2011, 06:54
2. Mød Danmarks mest kriminelle familie
Tre generationer af berygtet sigøjnerfamilie står bag hundredvis af forbrydelser – myndighederne
kan intet stille op
Ekstra Bladet 01:41, 08. maj 2011
Thomas Svensson, David Rebouh
Dusi Petrovic, som ses til ventre, døde som 61-årig i 2005. Politikilder fortæller, at han fungerede
som chauffør ved flere tyverier. (Privatfoto)
Se stort billede
Læs alt om den kriminelle familie i Ekstra Bladet søndag
På trods af uddannelse har rengøringsassistenter i FOA ikke fået nye opgaver, og det er flere af
dem så frustrerede over, at sygefraværet er steget.
Foto: Søren Nielsen, DR Nordjylland
Skrevet af:
Uddannelse har ført til mere sygefravær
Det er ikke lige til at se det. Men mange rigtige job erstattes med aktiverede med løntiulskud,
mener FOA.
Lagt på af:
Jesper Erik Sørensen
FOA: Aktivering tager livet af job
06. maj 2011 07.17 Penge
5. Fjern racismeparagraffen og styrk den offentlige debat
Klumme DR-P1 Kanten 07. maj 2011 kl. 08:30 på P1