Comments from the Danish Government
to the Commission’s Green Paper
on the dual-use export control system of the European Union
This paper presents the views and reflections of the Danish Government on the
Commission’s Green Paper and the questions herein. The Danish Government will
primarily comment on general matters of principle. Stakeholders in the Danish dual-
use industry, authorities and NGOs have been heard during the drafting of this paper.
The objective of export controls is to prevent potential proliferators from acquiring
sensitive dual-use items and to ensure international peace and stability without
hampering legitimate trade. In this respect, export controls exist in a narrow balance
between security policy considerations and commercial interests.
With the current EU dual-use export control system as set out in Regulation No.
428/2009, Member States together with the Commission have tried to strike the right
balance between security policy considerations and commercial interests. Despite
these efforts the need for continued work towards further simplification,
harmonisation and coordination remains a challenge.
Therefore, Denmark welcomes the Commission’s efforts to further improve EU
export controls by enhancing the industry’s competitiveness and establishing a level
playing field for all EU exporters while at the same time ensuring a high level of
security and full compliance of international obligations.
Globalisation of trade and fast-growing technological development represent
significant challenges to export controls in order to avoid that the system hampers
legitimate trade.
A level playing field for EU exporters
A series of peer visits took place in 2010 and 2011 in order to allow experts from
Member States to exchange practical experiences and best practices on the
implementation of the dual-use Regulation. The rationale behind the peer visits is that