Erhvervsudvalget 2011-12
KOM (2011) 0453 Bilag 2
Opinion from the Folketing on priorities in relation to the Capital
Requirements Directive
The Danish Folketing supports the intention of the new rules to create a more
robust and resilient financial sector. However, the current proposals contain
elements which would be detrimental to the Danish mortgage credit system if
14 June 2011
Ref. 11-000462-15
The new financial rules will apply to over 8,000 institutions in Europe and
must accommodate a number of different business models which have proved
themselves to be sound before, during and after the recent financial crisis. A
good example of this is the Danish mortgage credit system; empirical studies
have shown that mortgage credit bonds issued under this system remained as
liquid as government bonds during the financial crisis.
We therefore call for the European implementation of the Basel III standards
etc. to take the following into account:
It should be permissible for those mortgage credit bonds which con-
tinue to meet a set of strict liquidity requirements to be included in the
liquidity buffer on a par with government bonds. The inclusion of as-
sets should be determined by their liquidity characteristics rather than
by the identity of the issuer. The method proposed for countries with
low government debt therefore doesn't constitute a solution either.
It should be permissible for an institution to include its own bonds as
fully liquid provided that they meet strict liquidity requirements and are
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as liquid as government bonds. Institutions' own bonds support the
current repayment system which has been praised by, inter alia, the
European Commission as being transparent, efficient and cheap for
Account should be taken of the special Danish mortgage credit sys-
tem (match funding) in designing the mechanics of the payment ceil-
ing which would limit the liquidity inflow in relation to the liquidity out-
flow. The mechanism currently proposed would punish the Danish
system unnecessarily given that the match funding requirement
means the liquidity inflow of Danish mortgage credit institutions is
close to matching the outflow.
It should be possible to include bonds with a residual maturity of less
than one year in the longer term liquidity measure, subject to those
bonds meeting strict liquidity requirements.
Mortgage credit bonds should be risk weighted based on their rating
according to the standard method for financial institutions. Account
should also be taken of a number of financial institutions continuing to
issue guarantees in connection with change of ownership and pre-
financing while counting these guarantees towards collateral. This
would ensure the inclusion of extra collateral in the rating, reducing
sensitivity to the actions of rating agencies without causing concentra-
tion problems in the Danish sector.
The final determination of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (liquidity buffer
and liquidity stress) should be the subject of a political decision follow-
ing the normal decision procedure involving the Council and the Eu-
ropean Parliament. That will ensure a democratic basis for this im-
portant set of rules given their potentially significant effect on the Eu-
ropean economy.
Mortgage bonds play a central role throughout the EU as the basis for stable
financing of loans to households and companies. The above changes would
provide a marked strengthening of the implementation of the Basel III stand-
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ards in Europe, while at the same time ensuring the continuation of a funda-
mentally sound Danish mortgage credit system within the present framework.