European Commission
Green Paper – Towards an integrated European market
for card, internet and mobile payments
General comments
Slotsholmsgade 10-12
DK-1216 Copenhagen K
+45 33 92 33 50
+45 33 12 37 78
The Danish government welcomes the initiative by the European Com-
mission to launch a broad consultation about the European market for card,
internet and mobile payments.
The Single Market is the largest home market in the world. However, the
digital single market still needs to be unleashed. Removing the existing bar-
riers, and modernising the legislative ground rules, can give consumers and
businesses in Europe access to the Single Market from their home computer,
from the office and from their smart phone. The economic potential in com-
pleting the digital single market amounts to up to 4 % of GDP or five hun-
dred billion EURO
The Danish Government attaches great importance to the removal of the
barriers that stand in the way of realising the potential of the Digital Single
Market as this can serve to boost jobs and growth in Europe. E-commerce is
to a large extent based on distance electronic payments and furthering trade
via the internet therefore necessitates efficient and safe payment systems in
The Danish government therefore considers it appropriate that the European
Commission undertakes a broad consultation with stakeholders in order to
validate or contribute to the analysis of the market for card, internet and mo-
bile payments. This will contribute to the identification of the right method
to improve market integration.
The Danish government agrees there is a need to increase the market integra-
tion in the area of payment instruments and generally welcomes initiatives
that promote the four factors (competition, transparency, innovation and
payment security) that can create a more efficient market for payments with-
in the European Union.
The Danish government attaches great importance
to ensuring infrastructure that can facilitate cheap and effective payment.
CVR no. 10 09 24 85
Specific comments
Copenhagen Economics: ”The Economic Impact of a European Digital Single Mar-
ket”, marts 2010.