Skatteudvalget 2011-12
L 195 Bilag 30

Oprindelig meddelelse-----Fra: Ivy [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt: 28. august 2012 08:33Til: Jette Marlene HansenEmne: Tax law §33AGood day Jette:Good day, I am Nina Ivy Magbanua, I am employed by Johnny Holgaard under thecompany Technical Yacht Solutions. I work as his personal assistant for about 3months now. We were informed about removing the 33A tax law. We were informed onhow this could affect us. We will lose our jobs if this law is removed. I depend onthis job to help my family with the expenses in the house. We would humbly ask thatremoval of this law be reconsidered. A lot of people will lose their jobs and theirfamilies would be affected by this law. We hope that the plan to remove this lawwould be reconsidered and that the welfare of the people affected by this actionwill be the priority of the government.Thank you for your time and have a great daySincerely,Nina IvyTechnical Yacht Solutions69B Shalimar Gardens London<>Email:[email protected]