Ref. Ares(2012)223167 - 27/02/2012
Brussels, 27 February 2012
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for your letter addressed to President Van Rompuy and me in preparation for the
Spring European Council on 1-2 March. It is a very timely contribution to the debate on how
we can get Europe growing and creating jobs. As you know, throughout the crisis, the
European Commission has been working side by side with Member States in the European
Council, the Council and individually, as well as with the European Parliament, to do
everything possible to ensure that the EU emerges stronger than ever from our current
difficulties. From the European Economic Recovery Programme to the Europe 2020 strategy,
the deepening of our system of economic governance, the overhaul of our financial regulatory
system and adapting our Structural Funds to increase co-financing levels and introduce crisis
response measures such as support for working capital, we have spared no effort to ensure
that the EU and national levels work in harmony to deliver a bigger and better response than
any single Member State can do alone. The effort that has been mobilised by all of us is a
very real expression of EU solidarity and I thank you for your continuing support. Now it's
time to be concrete. Now it's time to decide on the concrete proposals the Commission has
put on the table.
Together, we are acting decisively to restore stability, strengthen public finances and to show
solidarity with those Member States that are currently facing serious difficulty. This is
absolutely essential - but it is not enough. We need to do more to create the conditions for
our longer term prosperity, to trigger a virtuous circle of reform, stability and sustainable
growth. We all agree on the importance of taking the right decisions for our future growth
and competitiveness. The true test we now face is whether we can translate these good
intentions into results on the ground.
We have agreed on an ambitious and comprehensive growth andjobs strategy:
Europe 2020.
Our common ownership of it needs to be more visible to our citizens. They need to know that
the EU has a clear strategy for building a better future and that all Member States are
working in the same direction. There should be no artificial separation between EU and
national growth policies, they reinforce each other. The crisis is having a severe social
impact in some Member States and is causing anxiety right across the EU. As well as taking
active measures to boost employment and to help the most vulnerable, we need to provide a
sense of direction and hope. Otherwise we will not be able to count on the social
acceptability of the important measures that need to be taken.
Europe 2020 is a crucial strategy that needs to be implemented now so that we achieve our
common goals by 2020. One way to implement Europe 2020 is through the work we do
together in the European Semester. This means we need to carry out ambitious structural