Europaudvalget 2012-13
EUU Alm.del Bilag 203


Dublin, Ireland, 27 January 2013


CHAIR: Mr Dominic HANNIGAN, Chairman of the Joint Committee on EuropeanUnion Affairs, IrishHouses of the Oireachtas.Mr Paschal DONOHOE, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee on European UnionAffairs, IrishHouses of the Oireachtas,Mr Averof NEOFYTOU, Chairman of theStanding Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, CyprusVouli ton Antiprosopon,Mr Gediminas KIRKILAS, Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs,LithuanianSeimas,Mr Miguel Ángel MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Vice-President and MrCarlo CASINI, Chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, EuropeanParliament.


1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC

2. Approval of the draft programme of the COSAC Chairpersons’ Meeting

3. Debate on the draft programme of the XLIX COSAC

4. Approval of the outline of the 19th Bi-annual Report

5. Letters addressed to the Presidency

6. Any other business


1. Adoption of the agenda of the Meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC

The meeting was chaired by Mr Dominic HANNIGAN who welcomed the delegationsof the Presidential Troika of COSAC (hereinafter referred to as "the Troika"), and inparticular its new member, Mr Gediminas KIRKILAS, Chairperson of the Committeeon European Affairs of the LithuanianSeimas,who was attending the Troika for thefirst time.The agenda of the meeting of the Troika was adopted without amendment.

2. Approval of the draft programme of the COSAC Chairpersons’ Meeting

Mr HANNIGAN said that the meeting would deal with some procedural itemsincluding the approval of the outline of the 19th Bi-annual Report and he thenhighlighted the two debates that would be held the next day. The first one would focuson the priorities of the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and wouldbe addressed by Mr Brendan HOWLIN T.D., Minister for Public Expenditure andReform. The second debate would be on the future of Europe: a genuine Economic andMonetary Union and would be addressed by the European Commission Vice-Presidentfor Inter-institutional Affairs and Administration, MrMaroš ŠEFČOVIČ.
The draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC was approvedwithout amendment.

3. Debate on the draft programme of the XLIX COSAC

Mr HANNIGAN presented the topics on the draft programme of the XLIX COSAC tobe held on 23-25 June 2013 in Dublin Castle. The topics chosen for the agenda reflectedthe theme of "a forward and outward looking Europe" and included: 1. Taking Stockand Looking to the Future to be presented by An Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Mr EndaKENNY T.D.; 2. The Future of European Integration to be addressed by FormerPresident of the European Commission, Mr Jacques DELORS and EuropeanCommissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Ms Viviane REDING;3. Delivering on Development to be addressed by a panel including Mr Mo IBRAHIM,Mo Ibrahim Foundation, and two other panellists yet to be confirmed; 4. Enlargement -Maintaining Momentum to be addressed by Mr Valentin INZKO, Representative forBosnia-Herzegovina, and another speaker yet to be confirmed; and 5. A EuropeanFuture for Young Citizens.Mr HANNIGAN also made reference to the letter sent to the Presidency from MrRoman JAKIČ, Chairperson of the Committee on European Union Affairs of theSlovenianDržavni Zbor,which requested a debate during the Plenary on how to involvenational Parliaments more in the debate on increasing the democratic legitimacy of theEU, particularly in budgetary matters. Mr HANNIGAN said that he did not intend toamend the Plenary agenda because this subject would be addressed within thediscussion the next day with Vice-PresidentŠEFČOVIČ.In addition there would beopportunity at the Plenary during the debate of the Future of European Integration andthrough the Bi-annual Report chapter on genuine Economic and Monetary Union and hewould also expect the topic to be addressed in the Contribution of COSAC. He said hewas aware that this was a topic of great interest to many national Parliaments and statedthat he had been informed by Ms Eva KJER HANSEN, Chair of the European AffairsCommittee of the DanishFolketing,that she would invite Members of nationalParliaments to an informal meeting in the Danish Parliament in March to have anexchange of views how national Parliaments can take a stronger and more structuredrole vis-à-vis governments, especially in relation to the European Semester.Mr MARTÍNEZ agreed with the proposal from the Chair not to make an addition to thePlenary agenda because the fuller the agenda was, the less time there was available fordebate. He also noted the issue would be dealt with by the EU Speakers' Conference andhe said that this forum should be left to decide on this topic, though COSAC wouldhave the opportunity to discuss it under the proposed agenda. Secondly, he suggestedthat two European Parliament keynote speakers be invited to address the COSACPlenary under the agenda items on development and enlargement.Mr KIRKILAS agreed with Mr MARTÍNEZ that the EU Speakers' Conference shoulddecide on the matter raised by the Slovenian Chairperson. He also did not see why theEuropean Parliament should not have keynote speakers address the Plenary.
Mr HANNIGAN concluded the point stating that the Troika, therefore, agreed not toadd an agenda item to the Plenary meeting because the topic of democraticaccountability would no doubt be raised under existing agenda items. He asked MrMARTÍNEZ to propose possible European Parliament keynote speakers to thePresidency who would consider the proposal and may be able to accommodate one ortwo of them.

4. Approval of the outline of the 19th Bi-annual Report

Mr HANNIGAN invited Ms Libby KURIEN, Permanent Member of the COSACSecretariat, to briefly present the outline of the 19th Bi-annual Report. She reported thatthe first chapter would tackle the subject of a genuine EMU and would ascertain viewsof Parliaments on the European Council conclusions from December 2012, the VanRompuy Report and the Commission Blueprint on the EMU. The second chapter woulddeal with the European Semester 2013 and would seek information on Parliamentaryinvolvement in the Semester. The third chapter would deal with the topic of EUenlargement and would seek views of Parliaments and collate information on theprocedures and practices in Parliaments. The fourth chapter would look at subsidiarityand in particular aim to learn lessons from the “Monti II” yellow card.Mr Carlo CASINI appealed to Presidency to extend the deadline for answering thequestionnaire in order to allow for more comprehensive replies given the later thanusual June date for the Plenary.Mr HANNIGAN confirmed that the Secretariat would send the questionnaire todelegations shortly and, subject to accommodating Mr CASINI's request, a reasonabledeadline would be set.

5. Letters addressed to the Presidency

The Presidency had received the letter from Mr Roman JAKIČ, Chairperson of theCommittee on European Union Affairs of the SlovenianDržavni Zbor,which hadalready been discussed. In addition the Presidency had received a letter from Mr Ine M.ERIKSEN SØREIDE, Chair of the European Consultative Committee of the NorwegianStorting,regarding participation at COSAC. He noted that the Troika had alreadyagreed by informal contacts that the Norwegian Chairman could be invited to theChairpersons and Plenary meetings as a special guest. It had also been agreed that arepresentative of the Northern Ireland Assembly would be invited as a special guest inthis manner. The Troika formally approved these invitations for special guests.

6. Any other business

Mr HANNIGAN informed the Troika that the Irish Presidency would send a letter tothe Chairpersons of the European Affairs Committees of national Parliaments, askingwhether they wished to maintain the current co-financing mechanism of the COSACSecretariat for a two year period starting on 1 January 2014. He expected the issue to beresolved during the upcoming Lithuanian Presidency.