Europaudvalget 2012-13
EUU Alm.del Bilag 373
8 May 2013Invitation to the XLIX COSAC, 23-25 June 2013Dear Colleague,As Chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on European Union Affairs, itgives me great pleasure to invite you to the XLIX COSAC, to be held in Dublin aspart of the parliamentary dimension of Ireland’s EU Presidency.The meeting will take place on Monday and Tuesday, 24thand 25thJune 2013,in the historic surroundings of Dublin Castle, and will be preceded by a dinnerhosted by the Houses of the Oireachtas on the evening of Sunday 23rdJune2013.The draft agenda, registration form and practical information note for themeeting are enclosed. Hotel reservations may be made online via the website: ensure that hotel reservations and registrations are made as soon aspossible and by 4thJune 2013 at the latest.I look forward to seeing you in Dublin in June.Yours sincerely,
Dominic Hannigan T.D.Chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on European Union Affairs
EU Coordinator: Máirín Devlin, Telephone (direct) 00353 1 6183258, [email protected]