Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del Bilag 113
DRAFT AGENDAJoint Committee MeetingEuropean Parliament - National Parliaments
The EU Internal Energy Market for the 21st CenturyTuesday, 17 December 2013, 10.15 - 17.30European Parliament, BrusselsRoom József Antall (JAN) 2Q2
Europe's energy policy is facing several challenges today. We have to ensure affordable andsecure supplies for both European consumers and industry while at the same time reducingour carbon emissions.To achieve these goals the EU will need an internal energy market that operates efficiently,which is not the case yet. Investments in the energy sector are lacking, energy prices remainrelatively high while economically rational investments in energy efficiency are not beingmade. To bring about a transition to a low-carbon economy and ensure affordable and secureenergy supplies more attention needs to be given to further opening up of the EU's internalenergy market, improvement of competition and full integration of Europe's energynetworks and systems.The main questions that will be discussed at the meeting are the following:What are theachievements and perspectives of the European energy policy? What are the best waysto make the EU's internal energy market fit for current and future challenges? Whatare the major steps to ensure that the European energy policy will foster sustainablegrowth and competitiveness?
09h45-10h15 Arrival and registration of participants at the reception desk of the AltieroSpinelli Building (Place du Luxembourg entrance)
Welcome address byMs Amalia Sartori,Chair of the Committee onIndustry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament, andMr

Remigijus Žemaitaitis,

Chair of the Committee on Economics of theSeimas of the Republic of Lithuania
Session I - European Energy Policy - Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives
Keynote speeches
Mr Günther Oettinger,Member of the European Commission incharge of Energy(t.b.c.)European Energy Policy - Main Goals for the Future
Mr Jerzy Buzek,Member of the European ParliamentMaking the internal energy market work

Mr Jaroslav Neverovič,

Minister of Energy, LithuaniaIntegration of Europe's energy systems
13h00-14h30 Seated lunch reception (by invitation only)
Session II - A European Energy Policy for Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness
Keynote speeches:
Mr Antonio Tajani,Vice-President of the European Commission incharge of Industry and Entrepreneurship (t.b.c.)Safe and affordable energy resources for a competitive industry
Mr Kornelis Blok,Professor, University of UtrechtRenewable energy sources and sustainable energy balances
Mr Randall Bowie,Director, Board of Directors, European Councilfor an Energy Efficient EconomyEnergy Efficiencythe shale gas of Europe
Mr Markus Beyrer,Director General of BusinessEuropeEuropean business views on the future of EU energy policy
Concluding remarks byMs Amalia Sartori,Chair of the Committee on Industry, Researchand Energy of the European Parliament, and

Mr Remigijus Žemaitaitis,

Chair of theCommittee on Economics of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.
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