ITER state of play
Information note from the Commission Services
ITER is an experimental device aimed at demonstrating the scientific and technological
feasibility of fusion energy. It is being constructed in Europe (St Paul-lez-Durance, France)
under an International Agreement with six other Parties (China, India, Japan, Korea, Russia
and the USA). As the host of the facility, Europe is the major contributor by funding around
45% of the cost of construction. In July 2010, the Council capped the European contribution
to the construction of ITER at €6.6 billion (in 2008 value).
ITER state of play
Major milestones have been achieved during the last years for ITER, such as the handover of
the ITER headquarters to the ITER Organisation (IO) that was inaugurated by Commissioner
Günther Oettinger and Ms Geneviève Fioraso, French Minister of Higher Education and
Research, on Thursday 17 January 2013. The Headquarters is one of the contributions from
Europe and France to the ITER project.
Moreover, the works for the Tokamak Pit (the hole hosting the concrete foundation and the
seismic pads that will support the tokamak building) have been completed; the construction of
the concrete basement is on-going and two major contracts for the construction of the
tokamak complex have been awarded. Also, several key components are being manufactured
by the industries of the ITER Parties, such as the vacuum vessel and the magnets needed for
the ITER project. In addition, the first test convoy for heavy components started to run on 16
September and reached the ITER site on 20 September. Following the licencing process for
nuclear installation in France, the French Republic has issued the Decree authorising the
installation of the ITER nuclear facility in Cadarache.
Last 6 September, at the initiative of Commissioner Oettinger, the ITER Parties held a
Ministerial-level meeting of the ITER Council. At this meeting the Ministerial
Representatives, who last met in 2006, discussed the progress, challenges and way forward of
the project and reiterated their support for the successful completion of ITER.
Nevertheless, concerns exist on the progress of the project as regards cost and schedule. For
this reason, the ITER Council at its November 2013 meeting requested a series of actions as
part of the overall effort to improve schedule implementation and project performance:
finalizing the analysis of root causes of inefficiencies by issuing a comprehensive
action plan;
providing a report with the overall status of design maturity of the different
components – a pre-condition for effectively defining the exact scope of the project
and proceeding towards a full construction phase;
the revision of the schedule for the Construction phase of the project, indispensable in
order to correctly monitor performance and prevent unnecessary pressure to define
overoptimistic implementation schedules.