Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del Bilag 287
WHAT EUROPE STANDS FORGrowth, jobs and rights: will the European Union rise to the occasion?Aula dei Gruppi, Palazzo MontecitorioItalian Chamber of DeputiesRome, 13-14 March 2014DRAFT PROGRAMMEThursday 13thMarch 201413.00 – 15.0015.00 – 16.00Arrival of delegationsOpening sessionLaura BOLDRINI,President of the Italian Chamber of DeputiesEvangelos-Vasileios MEIMARAKIS,President of the Hellenic ParliamentPietro GRASSO,President of the Italian SenateGiorgio NAPOLITANO,President of the Italian Republic16.00 – 19.00Session I: Overcoming the crisis: promoting robust and sustainablegrowth based on sound employment(chairperson: Ioannis Dragasakis,
Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament)Keynote SpeakersRomano PRODI,former President of the European Commission and SpecialEnvoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the SahelYves LETERME,Deputy Secretary-General of the Organization for EconomicCooperation and Development (OECD)George SOROS,Chairman of the Open Society Foundations (tbc)Carlo PETRINI,founder of the Slow Food movementMariana MAZZUCATO,Professor in the Economics of Innovation, SussexUniversityDebate20.30Dinner hosted by the President of the Chamber of Deputies - Sala della Regina,Palazzo Montecitorio
Friday 14thMarch 20149.00 – 9.309.45 – 12.30Guided tour of Palazzo MontecitorioSession II: Ensuring respect for fundamental rights in European Unionmember states (chairperson: Sandro Gozi, President of the Italiandelegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe)Keynote speakersNils MUIŽNIEKS,Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of EuropeMorten KJÆRUM,Director of the European Union Agency for FundamentalRightsArmin VON BOGDANDY,Director of the Heidelberg Max Planck Institutefor Comparative Public Law and International LawIrene KHAN,Director-General of the International Development LawOrganization (IDLO)Debate12.30 – 13.30Closing remarksEnrico LETTA,President of the Italian Council of MinistersLaura BOLDRINI,President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies13.30 – 15.0015.00 – 15.30Buffet lunch hosted by the President of the Italian Chamber of DeputiesGuided tour of Palazzo Montecitorio