Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del
5. november 2013Kontoret for Internatio-nalt udlændingesamar-bejdeSagsbeh: Teis Tonsgaard Ander-senSagsnr.: 2013-3050/19-0003Dok.:957156

1. Introduction

The following contains information and statistics on EU citizens receivingsocial benefits in Denmark and statistics on abuse of and fraud regardingfree movement rights as requested by the Commission.Points 2 and 3 list the number of EU citizens who have received socialbenefits in Denmark in 2012 compared to the number of Danish citizensand citizens from non-EU countries (including EEA-countries) during thesame time period.Initially, it is noted that all EU citizens residing in Denmark have been in-cluded under points 2 and 3, including EU citizens who reside in Denmarkpermanently. The point of origin of the paper is individuals with citizen-ship in one of the Member States as registered in the Danish Civil Register(CPR) who resided in Denmark in the year 2012.

2. The economically active and inactive population

The Commission has requested information on the total number and per-centage of mobile EU citizens in Denmark who are economically active orinactive in comparison to nationals who are economically active or inac-tive.AnswerBy the end of 2012, there were approximately 120,600 EU citizens resid-ing in Denmark in the age group 16-64,see table 1.
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Table 1. 16-64 year olds, broken down by citizenship – end of 2012.Danes3,254,60391,7 %EU citizens1)120,4733,4%Non-EU countriesTotal173,769


4,9 %

100 %

Note: Includes individuals resident in Denmark by the end of 2012.1) “EU citizens” excludes Danish citizens.Source: cprstam.
Table 2 demonstrates the number of individuals registered as recipients ofsocial benefits or income from employment for a shorter or longer periodof time in 2012. Each individual may occur in more than one category, butonly once in each category. This means that an individual who has, for in-stance, been employed in January-March 2012, unemployed and thus re-cieving unemployment benefits during April-June 2012, reaches the age of65 and is transferred to old age pension, will be included in the benefitgroups “Incomefrom employment”,”Unemployment benefits”,and “Oldage pension”.Table 2. The population, broken down by various benefits andcitizenship – 2012.EU citizen- OtherDanesship1)countries Total


143,816 224,612 5,579,255

(93,4 %)

(2,6 %) (4,0 %) (100 %)

310,567(91,8 %)169,959(82,4 %)418,376(93,3 %)999,826(97,9 %)1,037,093(93,9 %)2,758,830(93,5 %)10,766(3,2 %)17,047(5,0 %)338,380(100 %)206,272(100 %)448,569(100 %)


Unemployment benefitsSocial assistance (cashbenefits)2)Students receiving studentgrants (SU)Old age pension (pension-ers)3)Other benefits4)
6,04730,266(2,9 %) (14,7 %)10,854(2,4 %)8,264(0,8 %)23,793(2,2 %)95,103(3,2 %)19,339(4,3 %)
13,681 1,021,771(1,3 %) (100 %)43,524 1,104,410(3,9 %) (100 %)97,692 2,951,625(3,3 %) (100 %)2
Income from employ-ment5)
1) “EU citizens” excludes Danes.2) Social assistance is a cash benefit which is offered when an adult person due to change incircumstances (unemployment, disease, divorce etc.) is without sufficient means to meethis/her needs or those of his/her family, and if no other benefit fulfils these needs.3) Individuals above the age of 65 are considered pensioners.4) This group is made up of, among others, anticipatory pension recipients as well as recipients of maternityleave and sickness benefits.5) Persons working as posted workers in Denmark are not included.Source: DREAM og cprstam.

3. Recipients of social benefits (social assistance)

The Commission has requested information on the total number and per-centage of mobile EU citizens in Denmark who applied for/received socialbenefits in comparison to nationals (and non-EU nationals, where relevant)in a given period on a comparable situation.AnswerA little less than 6,050 EU citizens received social assistance for a shorteror longer time period in 2012, see table 3. The statistics include, amongothers, individuals who received social assistance for a very short amountof time.Table 3. Number of individuals who received social assistance (cash ben-efits)1)for a shorter or longer time period, broken down by citizenship.2012.




82,4 %EU citizens2)


2,9 %Non-EU countriesTotal

30,266 206,272

14,7 % 100 %
1) Social assistance is a cash benefit which is offered when an adult person due to change incircumstances (unemployment, disease, divorce etc.) is without sufficient means to meethis/her needs or those of his/her family, and if no other benefit fulfils these needs.2) “EU citizens” excludes Danes.Source: Special data extraction from Jobindsats

4. Abuse of and fraud regarding free movement rights

The Commission requested information on the types of abuse and fraud offree movement and on numbers and percentages of mobile EU citizenswho were found to abuse or defraud free movement, in comparison to thetotal number of EU mobile citizens in a given country and given periodand in comparison to nationals and non-EU nationals, when applicable.3
AnswerThe Danish Immigration Service began to register cases of abuse and fraudin connection to the free movement rights in July 2011. Cases are regis-tered on basis of reports from The State Administration. Table 4 shows thenumbers and the different types of abuse or fraud registered in 2012.Table 4. Registered cases of fraud and abuse of free movement rights in2012False documents


Marriages ofconvenience


Other types


4.1. False documents

Most of the registered cases with false documents concern passports andID-cards. Fewer cases concern false employer declaration or salary state-ments.With regard to false passports, most cases concern persons from Serbia,Russia and Ukraine who are holding false Bulgarian, Slovenian or Lithua-nian passports.

4.2. Other types

In this category most cases concern the situation where a person is holdinga real ID-document not belonging to the person in question.