Europaudvalget 2012-13
Rådsmøde 3240 - alm. anl. Bilag 3
Brussels, 13 May 2013
(OR. en)
13 May 2013
Permanent Representatives Committee/Council
European Council follow-up:
= Presidency Report on the implementation of EC conclusions
This report presents the state of play in implementation of priority orientations set out in the
conclusions of the European Council. Where appropriate, next steps and Presidency intentions are
also indicated.
This report is issued under the responsibility of the Presidency, in order to allow the General
Affairs Council to fully play its horizontal coordination role and in order to inform preparations for
the June European Council.
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Multiannual Financial Framework -
legislative work ongoing
Following the agreement reached at the February EC on the MFF 2014-2020, work is
progressing on the relevant legislative acts.
European Semester -
ongoing within Council
As in 2011 and 2012, various formations of the Council have held discussions on the Annual
Growth Survey. The IE Presidency has organised the process in light of the EC orientations of
October 2012, focusing on improving dialogue and increasing ownership. The country-
specific recommendations presented by the Commission end May will be agreed in Council in
June and endorsed by the June EC.
"Two-pack" -
in force
The "Two-pack" proposals were adopted in April and will enter into force in May 2013. A
code of conduct on budgetary plans will be endorsed by the ECOFIN Council in June.
in force
The Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance entered into force on 1 January 2013
and has already been ratified by 17 Member States. Ratification continues in the remaining
signatory countries.
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Deepening EMU -
ongoing within Council
Work is in progress according to the roadmap set out by the December 2012 EC on four
pillars: ex-ante coordination of national reforms; social dimension of EMU; contractual
arrangements for competitiveness and growth; and solidarity mechanisms for Member States
entering such contractual arrangements. Various Council formations held debates on these
issues: EPSCO in February, ECOFIN in March and informal COMPET Ministerial in May.
On 20 March 2013 the Commission adopted a Communication on ex-ante coordination of
national reforms which could be followed by a legislative proposal in the coming months. It
also adopted a Communication on an convergence and competitiveness instrument. A
Communication on the social dimension of the EMU may be adopted before the summer. .
Work will continue in preparation of the June EC. Discussions continue in the Eurogroup on
an operational framework, including the definition of legacy assets, which would allow the
ESM, once an effective single supervisory mechanism is established, to recapitalise banks
Banking supervision -
agreement reached
An agreement was reached in April with the EP on the EBA Regulation. Following national
parliamentary scrutiny procedures, this should allow adoption of both the ECB Regulation
and the EBA Regulation in June/July.
Bank resolution and deposit guarantee
- ongoing within the Council
Work is progressing on the two Directives (BRR and DGS) within Council. A general
approach on BRR is expected in May, which would allow the start of trilogues in parallel on
the two Directives as early as June. The Commission is expected to present a new proposal for
a single resolution mechanism in June; work will start promptly on this proposal, in order to
allow its adoption during the current EP term.
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Capital requirements -
agreement reached
The European Council of 14-15 March 2013 concluded that progress towards a more
integrated financial framework is urgently needed to restore normal lending, improve
competitiveness and help bring about the necessary economic adjustments. The Council
called for final agreement on the new rules for banks’ capital requirements to be reached by
the end of that month. An agreement was subsequently reached with the EP on the relevant
Regulation and Directive (CRR and CRD IV) on 27 March 2013. Technical preparation is
progressing at a rapid pace, in order to allow formal adoption and publication by end June
2013, which would result in the application of the new rules from 1 January 2014.
ongoing within the Council
In 2012, the EC called for agreement on the proposals relating to markets in financial
instruments, bearing in mind the objective of having a single rule book. Significant progress
has been made within the Council. The only outstanding issues are access to trading venues
and central counterparties and transparency. A general approach appears within reach in the
coming weeks, allowing the start of negotiations with the EP in June.
Credit rating agencies -
Agreement reached with EP, formal adoption completed in April.
Structure of EU banking sector -
awaiting proposal
The December 2012 EC invited the Commission to follow-up to the proposals of the high
level expert group on the structure of the EU banking sector (Liikanen report). Proposals are
expected in the second half of 2013.
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Single Market Act I -
Four priority levers of the SMA I were adopted: standardisation, unitary patent, venture
capital and social entrepreneurship funds, dispute resolution for consumers; agreement has
been reached on the accounting directive. A first reading agreement appears possible during
the IE Presidency on the public procurement package and recognition of professional
qualifications. Work progresses on the TENs proposals (TEN-E adopted) and on the
CEF.Progress on the TEN-TELE guidelines has been stalled in light of the reduction in the
budget. The Commission will publish a revised proposal at the end of May. This delay means
that not all elements of the CEF will be agreed during the IE Presidency but substantial
progress towards an agreement is expected. Work progresses also on the Posted workers
with the objective to reach an agreement in Council in June. E-identification and signature
could be concluded by end 2013. More detail on the status of each file is available in the
annex. Energy taxation is reported separately below under point 32.
Single Market Act II -
Proposals not yet presented by the Commission regarding Blue Belt package, long-term
investment access, payment services and multilateral interchange fees, e-invoicing for public
procurement. A Commission proposal on retail payment accounts was adopted on 8 May.
Work progressing within Council on fourth railway package, insolvency rules, reducing the
cost of broadband deployment and product safety package; adoption for all these should be
within reach during current EP term. More detail is available in the annex.
Supplementary pension rights -
ongoing within Council
Following the call for progress in this area by the EC (June 2012), the CY and IE Presidencies
re-launched discussions. An informal lunch discussion took place at the February EPSCO
Council; work at WP level continued throughout the IE Presidency term with the aim to make
as much progress as possible in order to achieve agreement during the current EP term.
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Youth employment
The Commission presented the "Youth Package" in December 2012. An agreement was
reached on the proposed Recommendation establishing a Youth Guarantee at the EPSCO
Council in February 2013 . The implementation of the Euro 6 Billion Youth Initiative is
currently negotiated in the context of the ESF Regulation. The Quality Framework for
Traineeships is now in second-stage social partner consultations. The Commission will set up
the European Alliance for Traineeships and will launch a stakeholder consultation on
developing a programme on EURES jobs for young people.
Governance of labour policies
Work is ongoing in relevant committees on the implementation of the more enhanced
governance structure for employment policies presented in the Employment Package of April
2012. . The deployment of the Employment Performance Monitor (EPM) and related
benchmarking tools, including a Reform Tracking Device, is underway following the
endorsement of the EPM at December 2012 EPSCO.
Labour mobility
EU Skills Panorama presented by the Commission in December 2012. Negotiations with EP
on the EU Programme for Social Change and Innovation 2014-2020, which will incorporate
three existing programmes including EURES EU-level actions, are expected to be finalised
under the IE Presidency. A Commission Implementing Decision on EURES, adopted in
November 2012, will enter into force on 1 January 2014. A legislative proposal on EURES
reform is expected in the autumn. The Commission has presented a proposal for a Regulation
on promoting the free movement of citizens and businesses by simplifying the acceptance of
certain public documents (amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012) end of April.
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Services -
work ongoing at Commission level
The Commission is working on the implementation of its Governance and Services
Communications presented to the June 2012 EC; no new legislative work is envisaged, but the
Commission is pursuing a "zero tolerance" policy relating to infringement, has started a peer
review in December 2012 and is preparing a voluntary charter for electronic Points of Single
Contact. The Council is keeping progress under review in the context of the annual State of
Single Market Integration Report within the framework of the European Semester.
Smart regulation -
ongoing within Council
The Commission published a Communication on EU Regulatory Fitness in December 2012
and a Communication on "Smart Regulation - Responding to the needs of SMEs" in March
2013. The May COMPET Council is expected to adopt conclusions on better regulation,
responding to both communications and inviting the Commission to present concrete
proposals to implement its findings on the "Top Ten" most burdensome regulations for SMEs
in June 2013. The Commission has started its internal mapping exercise and the first
proposals for simplification and reducing regulatory burden under its regulatory fitness
(“REFIT”) programme are expected in the autumn.
European Research Area -
ongoing at Commission level
The EC has called for the completion of the ERA by the end of 2014. Following the adoption
of conclusions on the Commission's ERA Communication in December 2012, in which the
Council endorsed the five ERA priorities, the Commission is expected to present its first
annual ERA progress report in September 2013. The February 2013 COMPET Council
discussed the related Commission Communication "Towards better access to scientific
information: Boosting the benefits of public investments in research".
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Horizon 2020 and COSME -
trilogues ongoing
Following the votes in the EP ITRE Committee in November 2012, trilogues started in
January 2013 on both programmes. Progress has been good and a provisional first reading
agreement on both files during the IE Presidency is possible. Final agreement is linked to the
MFF negotiations.
Single innovation indicator -
awaiting Commission document
The State of the Innovation Union 2012 was issued by the Commission in March 2013 and is
examined by the Council. The Commission proposal on the headline indicator for innovation
is now expected in the second half of 2013, ahead of the October EC.
Joint programming in innovation -
The EC called in February 2011 for the development of joint programming in innovation.
Work has been ongoing in this area (since 2009, 10 joint programming initiatives presented
by the Commission). The IE Presidency organised a broad Joint Programming Conference in
March 2013 and a policy debate takes place at the May COMPET Council.
Copyright -
ongoing within the Council
As called for by the March 2012 EC, the Commission adopted a proposal on collective rights
management in July 2012. In response to the request of the October 2012 EC, work has been
accelerated at technical level within the Council.. The IE Presidency is planning an
information point on the state-of-play for the May Competitiveness Council.
Energy Market and infrastructure -
implementation ongoing
Implementation of the action plan presented by the Commission in November 2012 for
completion of the IEM by 2014. Regarding infrastructure, the TEN-Energy guidelines were
adopted on 21 March (also a priority measure under SMA I). The Commission has presented
a consultative Communication on the Future of Carbon Capture and Storage in Europe on 27
March and a Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation on 2 May respectively.
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Digital single market -
ongoing within Council / awaiting Commission proposals
The March 2013 EC invited the Commission to report on the state of play and the remaining
obstacles to be tackled so as to ensure the completion of a fully functioning Digital Single
Market by 2015, as well as concrete measures to establish the single market in Information
and Communication Technology as early as possible. Work is progressing on the proposal for
e-identification and signature (part of SMA I) and the proposal for high-speed broadband
deployment (part of SMA II)). Proposals are expected in June 2013 on the Payment Services
Directive, multilateral exchange fees, e-invoicing for public procurement (all part of SMA II).
A proposal on retail payment accounts was adopted by the Commission on 8 May.
Commission update of State Aid guidelines for broadband was adopted in March. .
Negotiations with the EP on the TEN-Telecom guidelines postponed following budget
reduction of the telecom chapter of the Connecting Europe Facility. Work is expected to
resume on the TEN-Telecom guidelines in June on the basis of a revised proposal from the
EIB capital increase -
The increase of the EIB's paid-in capital by EUR 10 billion, announced in the Compact for
Growth and Jobs, has been completed. The relevant decision of the EIB Board of Governors
was taken in December 2012 and the respective capital was paid by end March 2013. The EIB
operational plan foresees an additional lending of EUR 20 bn per year over 2013-2015 as a
result of the capital increase.
Project bonds
- ongoing at EIB and Commission level
After the signing of the cooperation agreement with the EIB in November 2012, a pipeline of
possible projects is being considered by the EIB. As requested by the March EC, the
Commission and the EIB will report in June on the possibilities and on the targeted priorities
that should be identified.
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FTT enhanced cooperation -
ongoing within Council
On the basis of letters received from 11 Member States, the Commission presented a proposal
for a Council Decision authorising enhanced cooperation for an Financial Transactions Tax
on 23 October 2012. The Council Decision was adopted by Ecofin in January 2013. The
Commission presented the proposal on the substance on 14 February. The examination at
technical level is ongoing.
ongoing within Council
First technical examination concluded. Following the state-of-play report adopted at the
December 2012 ECOFIN Council, the IE Presidency organised bilateral meetings with all
Member States with a view to submitting to the high level WP a note on the approach to the
organisation of future technical work in this area. This approach was agreed by the High
Level WP in March and a compromise text on the Common base was circulated by the
Presidency in April.
Savings taxation -
ongoing within the Council
The EC had already on several occasions called for rapid agreement on the revision of the
Savings Tax Directive and on the negotiating mandate for savings taxation agreements with
third countries (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and San Marino). This is
mentioned as a priority measure also in the Compact for growth and jobs. The IE Presidency
firmly intends to accelerate work in the light of the May EC orientations in this regard.
Therefore the Directive and the negotiating mandate for third countries have been placed on
the Agenda of the May ECOFIN with a view to reaching political agreement on the former
and adoption of the latter file.
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Energy taxation
- ongoing within the Council
The Commission proposal was presented in April 2011 and repeatedly prioritised by the EC
in its conclusions. It is part of the SMA I. Progress on the file was addressed at the December
2012 ECOFIN Council. The IE Presidency has undertaken work at technical level on the
issues highlighted in the report.
Tax evasion -
ongoing within the Council
The EC prioritised this issue in March 2012 as well as in the Compact for Growth and Jobs. In
July 2012, the Commission adopted a Communication on concrete ways to reinforce the fight
against tax fraud and tax evasion including in relation to third countries. The November 2012
ECOFIN adopted Conclusions setting out common guidelines in the field of tax evasion and
fraud. In December 2012, the Commission adopted an action plan to strengthen the fight
against tax fraud and tax evasion and two recommendations on aggressive tax planning and
good governance in tax matters in third countries. The May ECOFIN Council adopted
conclusions on this issue and work will continue in the light of the May EC discussion on this
Reporting on state of play in the field of taxation
- expected for June
As requested by the EC in March 2012, the next regular report by the Commission and
Council on the state of play in the field of taxation will be issued for the June ECOFIN.
Macro-regional strategies -
awaiting reports
In line with the EC conclusions of June 2011 and December 2012, evaluation reports are
expected in June 2013 on the Baltic Sea Strategy and the Danube Region Strategy. An
implementation report on the Baltic Sea Strategy is also expected in June. A Commission
Communication on a maritime strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian sea basins is expected later
in 2013.
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Common European Asylum System -
agreement reached
The EC has repeatedly confirmed the objective of completion of the Common European
Asylum System by the end of 2012. While this deadline could not be met, negotiations are
now completed on all building blocks of the CEAS. The legislative procedure is finalised
regarding the Qualifications Directive. On 27 March Coreper confirmed the agreement with
the EP on the Procedures Directive and the EURODAC Regulation; agreement had already
been reached at the end of 2012 on the Reception Conditions Directive and the Dublin
Regulation. These four acts will be adopted as a package in June 2013.
Schengen governance -
contacts with EP ongoing
The June 2011 EC mentioned as priorities the proposals on Schengen governance (evaluation
mechanism and temporary reintroduction of border controls). After an agreement at the June
2012 JHA Council on the substance of the two proposals, work on these, and a number of
other files, has been suspended by the European Parliament. Negotiations resumed in autumn
2012 but stalled, inter alia over the bridging clause requested by the EP. The IE Presidency is
pursuing exploratory talks with the EP with a view to resolving the outstanding issues.
Stockholm programme
- work to start on strategic guidelines by the EC
In December 2009, the EC had invited the Commission to present a midterm review of the
Stockholm programme before June 2012. The Presidency prepared a mid-term review under
its responsibility for the JHA Council in December.
Schengen enlargement
- ongoing within the Council
The December 2012 EC invited the Council to revert to the issue of the full application of the
Schengen acquis to Bulgaria and Romania in March 2013. The March 2013 JHA Council had
an exchange of views on the state of play, following which the Presidency concluded that the
Council will address this issue again by the end of 2013 with a view to considering the way
forward on the basis of a two-step approach.
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trilogues ongoing
The EC has called for the European Border Surveillance System to be further developed so as
to become operational by 2013. The Commission presented in December 2011 the proposal
providing the necessary legal underpinning of the system. Trilogues are ongoing on the basis
of the mandate approved by Coreper in October 2012; significant progress was made in the
most recent trilogue on 22 April. Agreement on the latest compromise text will be sought at
Coreper on 15 May, with a view to reaching overall agreement with the EP at the trilogue on
29 May.
Smart borders -
ongoing within Council
On 28 February 2013 the Commission presented the three legislative proposals, mentioned by
the EC already in June 2011, which provide for the establishment of an entry exit system, a
registered travellers' programme and the related amendments to the Schengen Borders Code.
Their examination is underway at working party level.
Insolvency rules
- ongoing within the Council
The Commission adopted the proposal for the modernisation of the Insolvency Regulation in
December 2012. This proposal is a priority for the IE Presidency in the area of justice and a
priority lever of the SMA II. The Presidency has started technical work on the proposal; the
most recent working party meetings took place on 5, 24 and 25 April and 13 May. The
Presidency intends to finalise the first technical examination of the proposal. An orientation
debate will be held at the JHA Council on 6
June where Justice Ministers will be invited to
support guidelines for future work on this proposal.
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Trade agreements with key partners -
The Compact for Growth and Jobs identifies the negotiation, signing and conclusion of trade
agreements as a priority measure. Work is ongoing in the various bilateral and multilateral
negotiations. A third Trade and Investment barriers report was presented by the Commission
on 1 March. After the final report of the EU-US High Level Working Group on 13 February,
on 12 March the Commission proposed negotiating directives for a Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership with the US; the Presidency aims to adopt the negotiating mandate at
the FAC (Trade) on 14 June. FTA negotiations with Thailand were launched on 6 March, and
with Japan on 25 March. Negotiations with Canada remain in their final stages. The
Commission is considering the most opportune time to progress negotiating directives for an
investment agreement with China. This is in the context of preparing for an EU-China summit
later this year.
Trade agreements with neighbouring countries-
Negotiations for a DCFTA with Morocco were launched on 1 March 2013. Scoping exercises
are underway with Tunisia and Jordan. The Presidency remains committed to the EC
objective of finalising DCFTAs with the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Armenia and,
under the terms of the Council Conclusions of 10 December 2012, signing the agreement with
Ukraine, by the time of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius in November.
International Procurement instrument -
ongoing within the Council
The Compact for Growth and Jobs foresees the rapid examination of the Commission
proposal on access to public procurement markets in third countries. Work is ongoing within
the Council on the proposal submitted by the Commission on 26 March 2012.
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Serbia -
ongoing within the Council
As requested by the EC in December 2012, the Commission and the HR issued a joint
progress report on 22 April, following political agreement reached between Serbia and
Kosovo on normalisation of relations. The report recommends the opening of accession
negotiations. The examination of the report is ongoing within Council and will be on the
agenda of the June GAC. The June EC will revert to the issue as appropriate.
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia -
ongoing within the Council
As requested by the EC in December 2012, the Commission issued its progress report on 16
April. The examination of the report is ongoing within Council and will be on the agenda of
the June GAC. The June EC will revert to the issue as appropriate.
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State of play on the key proposals of the Single Market Act (I+II)
This note presents a general overview of the state of play regarding the priority measures of the
Single Market Act I and II. It aims to inform delegations and the President of the EC on current
progress, planned steps and areas where further political impetus may be required, in light of
timelines mentioned in EC conclusions.
EC deadline: June 2012.
Current status: Published, Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 25 October 2012 (OJ L 316, p. 12 of 14.11.2012). Date of application 1 January 2013.
Unitary Patent
EC deadline: June 2012.
Current status: EU legal acts adopted and in force (20 January 2013). Signing of the UPC
agreement took place in the margins of the COMPET Council (19 February 2013). Member States
agreed on the modalities for implementing the UPC at the inaugural meeting of the Preparatory
Committee (26 March 2013). Participating Member States agreed on an exclusively
intergovernmental approach.
Planned steps: Next meetings of the PrepCom to take place end of May and end of June.
Venture capital
Social entrepreneurship funds
EC deadline: June 2012.
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Current status: Published, Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and of the
Council and Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
17 April 2013 (OJ
L 115 of 25.04.2013).
Dispute resolution for consumers
EC deadline: June 2012.
Current status: Adopted in April 2013.
Accounting Directive
EC deadline: June 2012.
Current status: Agreement reached at the trilogue of 9 April 2013.
Planned steps: EP Plenary vote in June, formal adoption to be completed during IE Presidency.
Public procurement
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: General approach on the whole package (3 Directives) reached in December.
Trilogues ongoing since March, latest on 23 May.
Planned steps: Next trilogue on 28 May. Trilogues and technical meetings with the EP take place in
very tight succession and the Working Party and COREPER are constantly involved.
Comments: The EC deadline was missed, including due to the EP timetable. The Presidency is
investing a maximum effort; given the intensive work, a first reading agreement by the end of the IE
Presidency appears possible.
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Mutual recognition of professional qualifications
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: Coreper and gave a mandate for negotiations with the EP on 1 March. Trilogues
ongoing, latest on 24 April.
Planned steps: Next trilogue on 29 May. The IE Presidency aims to reach a first reading agreement
on the file.
Comments: The EC deadline was missed due to the speed of progress in negotiations and taking
into account the EP timetable, but work is accelerating and a first reading agreement by the end of
the IE Presidency appears possible.
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: The proposal was adopted in June 2012. A progress report was presented at the
December TTE (Telecom) Council.
Planned steps: A progress report is planned at the June TTE (Telecom) Council. Coreper reviewed
the file in March 2013.
Comments: The EC deadline was missed given the late Commission proposal and the technical
work involved. The objective is to reach agreement by the end of 2013.
Connecting Europe Facility
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: The proposal (CEF) was adopted by the Commission in October 2011 and is closely
related to the MFF 2014-2020. A partial general approach was reached at the June 2012 TTE
Council. Following agreement on the MFF at the February 2013 EC, trilogues started on 19 March.
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Planned steps: Trilogues continue (next one on 15 May) with the aim of reaching a first reading
agreement during the IE Presidency.
Comments: The EC deadline was missed due to delays, including the horizontal negotiations on the
MFF. A first reading agreement during the IE Presidency is dependent on EP consent on the MFF
and agreement on the TENs guidelines for Transport and for Telecoms. Consistency will have to be
ensured with the three TEN proposals: Transport, Energy, and Telecommunications.
Trans-European networks (energy)
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: Published, Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 17 April 2013 (OJ
L 115, 25.4.2013).
Trans-European networks (telecommunications)
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: The proposal was adopted in October 2011. A progress report was presented at the
December 2012 TTE (Telecom) Council. The EP ITRE committee vote took place in November
Planned steps: Start of trilogues postponed pending Commission clarification on the content of the
proposal following cut in Telecom section of CEF. The Commission has decided to revise its
proposal in light of the European Council conclusions of February 2012 on the MFF and is expected
to publish this revised proposal at the end of May 2013.
Comments: Consequently, the EC deadline was missed and while work will be progressed , an
agreement will not be possible during the IE Presidency. An agreement during the LT Presidency
should be possible. Consistency will have to be ensured with CEF.
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Trans-European networks (transport)
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: The proposal was adopted by the Commission in October 2011. A general approach
was reached at March 2012 TTE Council. The EP TRAN committee vote took place on 18
December 2012.
Planned steps: Trilogues started on 20 February with the aim of reaching a first reading agreement
during the IE Presidency. Next trilogue on 29 May.
Comments: The EC deadline was missed due to EP timetable but agreement during the IE
Presidency appears possible. Consistency will have to be ensured with CEF.
Posted workers
EC deadline: December 2012.
Current status: Progress reports were presented to the EPSCO Council in June and December 2012.
Coreper considered the most sensitive issues (Articles 9 and 12) in March and again in May on the
basis of IE Presidency compromise text.
Planned steps: The EP EMPL Committee vote is foreseen end of May 2013. The IE Presidency
aims to reach a general approach at the June EPSCO Council.
Comments: The EC deadline was missed given the date of submission of the proposal, the rate of
progress and the timetable of the EP, but work on difficult political issues is progressing and
agreement by the end of 2013 appears possible.
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Fourth railway package
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Proposals adopted by the Commission on 30 January. Work has started at WP level.
Orientation debate on "interoperability proposal" at TTE Council on 11 March.
Planned steps: Possible general approach on the "interoperability proposal" at the TTE Council on
10 June.
Comments: Given that the "package" contains 6 proposals, their examination will be pursued in
2013 and 2014.
Blue Belt package
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Work not started.
Planned steps: Proposal expected from the Commission in June 2013.
Comments: Any further delays in the presentation of the proposals may hamper prospects for
adoption during the current EP term.
Long-term investment access
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Work not started. The Commission adopted a Green Paper on long-term financing
on 25 March 2013.
This note does not include the action plan for the implementation of the Single European
Sky, the action plan for the 3rd energy package and the decision on EURES development,
which fall within the competence of the Commission.
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Planned steps: Proposal expected from the Commission in June 2013.
Comments: Any further delays in the presentation of the proposals may hamper prospects for
adoption during the current EP term.
Modernisation of EU insolvency rules
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Proposal adopted by the Commission on 12 December 2012. First WP meeting took
place on 14-15 February; most recent meeting on 13 May.
Planned steps: The Presidency intends to complete the first technical examination of the proposal.
Comments: Adoption by the end of the current EP term should be within reach.
Revision of Payment Services Directive & Proposal for multilateral Interchange Fees
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Work not started.
Planned steps: Proposal expected from the Commission before summer 2013.
Comments: Any further delays in the presentation of the proposals may hamper prospects for
adoption during the current EP term.
High-speed broadband deployment
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Proposal adopted by the Commission on 27 March 2013.
Planned steps: Work at WP level during IE Presidency. A state of play by the Presidency will be
provided at the TTE Council on 6 June.
Comments: Adoption by the end of the current EP term should be within reach.
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E-invoicing for public procurement
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Work not started.
Planned steps: Proposal expected from the Commission in June 2013.
Comments: The topic has not been on the agenda of the WP previously. Any further delays in the
presentation of the proposals may hamper prospects for adoption during the current EP term.
Product safety package
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: The proposals (two Regulations) were adopted by the Commission on 13 February
2013. Presentation of the proposals in the COMPET Council of 19 February.
Planned steps: The IE Presidency will continue work on the proposals at WP level, with a view to
completing a first read through of the proposal.
Comments: The IE Presidency and upcoming Presidencies are committed to make progress on the
package so that adoption can take place during the current EP term.
Basic payment accounts
EC deadline: May 2014.
Current status: Work not started.
Planned steps: Proposal published by the Commission on 8 May 2013.
Comments: Initial consideration of the proposal is likely to begin during the IE Presidency.