Europaudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 190
Rome, 30 November - 2 December 2014
1. Mid-term review of Europe 2020 Strategy
1.1. COSAC views the mid-term review of Europe 2020 Strategy as a key step
towards supporting recovery from the economic and financial crisis and making full
use of the European economies' potential for growth and employment by restoring the
confidence of EU citizens and businesses as well as that of markets.
1.2. Taking into account the progress achieved on the implementation of Europe
2020 goals, COSAC is of the opinion that a renewed Europe 2020 Strategy should
pursue the following objectives:
a) contribute to ensure a better alignment of the real and financial economies;
b) strengthen the goals on employment, poverty and social exclusion and take
urgent additional measures in these fields, taking into account that the implementation
has been so far largely unsatisfactory;
c) use social indicators, as set out in the Alert Mechanism Report, to monitor
negative social outcome and to promote positive measures on poverty, equality and
social inclusion;
d) improve the governance of Europe 2020 with the aim of better coordinating
the goals and targets of the EU growth strategy within the European Semester and of
achieving a better balance between fiscal constraints and the growth and
competitiveness agenda, regarding targets, guidelines, initiatives and country specific
recommendations. To that end, the Single Market and Industrial Competitiveness
priorities should be integrated within the European Semester;
e) develop, where feasible, additional indicators with a qualitative dimension
rather than the current one dimensional numerical targets, e.g. a "job quality" indicator
which would help to identify the numbers of the working poor;
f) move away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach in achieving targets and
addressing regional disparities between, and within Member States, which is vital in
order to prevent growing regional inequalities;
g) improving the ”ownership” of Europe 2020, at regional level, by
strengthening its region-oriented dimension.
h) recognise that Member States will fail to deliver the strategy targets if
implementation is centre driven with a top-down and non-inclusive approach and that
this is a weakness of the Strategy.