Europaudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 434
Danish opinion further to the joint comments of the Competent Authorities
of Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands to the European
Commission’s Consultation Paper on the
Revision of Regulation (EU) No
994/2010) concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply and re-
pealing Council Directive 2004/67/EC.
Denmark prioritizes
a more flexible definition of non-protected customers, allowing
for critical parts of the consumption to be protected,
obligations on Member States to ensure that restrictions are not
introduced on gas flow at cross-border interconnections, and
an unchanged division of competences between Commission,
Me e “tates, T“O’s a d gas u de taki gs
in an emergency
General Remarks
De a k el o es the Co
issio ’s i te tio s to a e d the EU Regulatio
994/2010 concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply. Denmark
finds that the main instruments of the regulation should be market-based, thus
suppo ti e of the EU’s e dea ou s to a hie e a ell-functioning
internal mar-
ket for gas. Only in an emergency where the market is not able to meet the gas
demand due to a significant supply disruption non-market based measures
might be introduced.
Denmark also finds that more flexibility is needed regarding provisions that
could have negative effects on growth and employment.