Europaudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 434
Comments of the
Competent Authorities of
Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands
to the European Commission’s Consultation Paper
on the Revision of Regulation (EU) No 994/2010)
concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply and
repealing Council Directive 2004/67/EC
xx. April 2015
EU gas security of supply regulation 994/2010
has worked well in a number of ways, we
agree that there are also some shortcomings which should be addressed in the upcoming
revision of the Regulation. We therefore welcome
the Co
issio ’s i te tio s to
revise the
Regulation and to invite Member States and stakeholders to contribute to the drafting process.
General Remarks
We reconfirm the points made in the Non-Paper of the Belgian, Danish, German, Luxemburg
and Dutch members of the EU Gas Coordination Group of 26 January on the possible revision
and of regulation and stress in particular that
the main instruments of the regulation
should continue to be market-based,
suppo ti e of the EU’s e dea ou s to a hie e a ell-functioning
internal market for gas.
the fact that gas is owned by and traded between private companies without
government involvement should be clearly reflected in the design of the renewed
market players should be encouraged to make the necessary (contractual)
to provide their customers with gas on a commercial basis also when
there is a disruption in the supply.
in case companies decide to combine their purchasing activities, this should be market-
based and comply with trade and competition law. It must not lead to a preferential
position when it comes to capacity allocation in the transport grid.
the use of and access to storage and LNG-facilities should also in principle be market-
the revised regulation should take into account the significant differences between
Member States with regard to the role of gas.
there is a need for a definition of protected customer which is more harmonised, but
also allows for greater flexibility when it comes to the gas supply to critical installations
of non-protected customers.
the technical feasibility of in-depth monitoring tasks by Competent Authorities should
be thoroughly investigated as it seems of very limited added value in a liberalised
market. Additional administrative burden should be avoided.
we support initiatives in relation to the revision of the Regulation to improve energy
efficiency and fuel-switching to renewable energy from natural gas. Energy savings is a
cost-effective tool to improve energy security and so is fuel-switching.