Finansudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
KOM (2015) 0063 Bilag 2
European Commission
Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services
and Capital Markets Union
Mr. Jonathan Hill
13 May 2015
Dear Commissioner,
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Commission’s Green
Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union. I welcome the intentions and
ideas in the Green Paper.
In general, the Danish government is highly supportive of initiatives
aimed at opening up a wider range of funding sources for businesses and
generating further investment opportunities for investors through the capi-
tal markets in the EU with a view to promote economic growth and job
creation. An EU Capital Markets Union for all 28 EU Member States
which is tailor-made to the specificities of European markets has the po-
tential to become a useful source of funding for businesses, including
SMEs, in parallel to the banking sector. We agree with the Commission’s
approach of not harmonising for the sake of harmonisation itself but to
identify and address the specific barriers for developing a truly single
market for capital.
I agree with the approach of presenting possible new (legislative) initia-
tives where warranted as well as reviewing part of the existing EU legis-
In terms of the more concrete initiatives mentioned in the Green Paper, I
support a revision of the Prospectus Directive aiming at making prospec-
tuses less of a burden to SMEs and thereby making it more attractive to
seek funding via capital markets. The Capital Markets Union should en-
sure better functioning capital markets while at the same time safeguard-
ing the investor protection provided for in the legislative work during the
past few years.
I am also supportive of the development of simple, transparent and stand-
ardised securitisations to attract a broader investor base. Potential EU
legislation supporting a sustainable market should be clear and simple for
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