Europaudvalget 2013-14
Det Europæiske Råd 6/3-14 Bilag 1
Brussels, 05/03/2014
Dear colleagues,
We are witnessing a dramatic period in the history of the European continent. Eventsin Ukraine represent a setback for Europe's peace, stability and indivisibility and area cause of serious concern for us all.I welcome Herman's initiative to convene an extraordinary European Council toenable us to have a broad political and strategic discussion amongst leaders on howbest to respond to the current situation. The most immediate priority is to find apeaceful solution to the current crisis in full respect of international law, whichshould encompass a Russian withdrawal of its armed forces to the areas of theirpermanent stationing.Another important dimension of our response will be the short term support to helpstabilise the economic and financial situation in Ukraine. The European Union hasalways respected Ukraine's sovereign choices and I firmly believe that, if it is to standa chance to succeed, any rapid assistance or modernisation programme needs to beowned and developed in close cooperation with Ukraine. This is why it is importantfor the new Ukrainian government to remain committed, inclusive and reformoriented.It is with this in mind that the Commission has put together a package of immediateshort and medium term measures offering trade, technical, economic, and financialassistance to Ukraine and its people.These measures combined could bring an overall support of at least 11 billion eurosover the next couple of years from the EU budget and EU based internationalfinancial institutions, in addition to the significant funding being prepared by the IMFand World Bank. It also includes a proposal on how to engage with these institutionsand external partners, and on how best to cooperate and coordinate to addresscurrent and future challenges by proposing the setting up of a donor co-ordinationplatform.The detail of these measures can be found in the paper annexed to this letter and Ilook forward to explaining them further this Thursday and working with you all torapidly take these proposals forward.
To the Heads of State and Government, and the President of the European Council
In the current circumstances it is more important than ever that the EU acts as one onall levels, not just politically but also financially and on other areas of co-operation.For example, if we are to fast track autonomous trade preferences, we need the fullsupport of the Council and the Parliament. We are also looking to what you, theMember States, can do and how we, the EU collectively, can leverage that support,also with others, to significantly improve the impact of our collective action. It isclear that we need to involve our international partners and financial institutions inthis exercise.The EU needs to demonstrate resolve in bringing together all elements for acomprehensive response to the present crisis in order to open what I am confident canbe a new era for all Ukrainians.
Yours faithfully,
José Manuel BARROSO
Commission support package to Ukraine