Europaudvalget 2014-15 (2. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 23/9-15 Bilag 1
European Council
The President
Brussels, 18 September 2015
&Name of the recipient
&Form of address
The crisis we are all witnessing is a test of our humanity and responsibility. It causes many
tensions and accusations among politicians and people in Europe. I have no illusions that Europe
will need to deal with this challenge for many years to come. Therefore I would like us to focus on
the overall approach to this crisis.
Our response will not obscure the brutal reality however. We as Europeans are currently not able
to manage our common external borders, hence some States decided to protect themselves by
closing their national ones. The protection of the European community is our first duty and
obligation and we have failed on this front. For too long our discussions have centred around
shifting the responsibility onto others. There is a long list of issues where we could blame one
another but it will not help us in finding a common solution. Today we must absolutely work out
policies that we can implement in order to help each other. That is why I will ask all of us to
honestly discuss what the EU can do to help its Member States in solving this problem. We will
also need to discuss our responsibilities at a national level. No one should shy away from them
because then we will be unable to build our joint European response based on unity and solidarity.
Shifting the responsibility and putting the blame on one another must definitely come to an end.
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