Europaudvalget 2015-16
EUU Alm.del Bilag 166
1 December 2015
Conclusions of the LIV COSAC
Luxembourg, 30 November - 1 December 2015
1. 24
Bi-annual Report of COSAC
COSAC welcomes the 24
Bi-annual Report of COSAC prepared by the COSAC Secretariat
and warmly thanks the Secretariat for its excellent work.
2. “Yellow card”
COSAC notes that the working group on Strengthening the political dialogue by
introducing a "green card" and improving the reasoned opinion procedure ("yellow
card") suggests that a reasoned opinion should mention the legislative proposal it
refers to, indicate clearly that the text is a reasoned opinion, include a translation
or a summary of the text in English and French, as well as a summary of the
argumentation, the legal basis and the motivation.
While respecting their established internal practices, COSAC encourages national
Parliaments to consider these elements while drafting a reasoned opinion.
3. COSAC Secretariat
COSAC notes that the term in office of the Permanent Member of COSAC
Secretariat will end on 31 December 2015.
COSAC welcomes the decision taken by the Chairpersons of COSAC held in
Luxembourg on 1 December 2015 to renew Ms Christiana FRYDA’s appointment
as Permanent Member of the COSAC Secretariat for 2016 - 2017.
COSAC expresses its gratitude to the House of Representatives of Cyprus for
having seconded Ms Christiana FRYDA as Permanent Member for 2014 - 2015
and for continuing to second her for 2016 - 2017. COSAC is convinced that Ms
FRYDA will smoothly continue to coordinate the work of the COSAC Secretariat.
COSAC recalls that the co-financing of the current Permanent Member and the
office of the COSAC Secretariat and website maintenance costs ends on 31
December 2015. The Luxembourg Presidency invited Parliaments to renew their
commitment to the co-financing agreement for the period from 1 January 2016 to
31 December 2017.
COSAC notes that so far 25 Chambers of 28 national Parliaments have signed
and sent their letters of intent indicating that they are willing to participate in the
co-financing for the above stated period.
COSAC welcomes the fact that this number is above the minimum threshold,
therefore the co-financing of the Permanent Member and the office of the COSAC
Secretariat and the costs of website maintenance will continue.
COSAC invites the remaining few Parliaments / Chambers to submit letters of
intent as soon as possible.
EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 166: Bidrag og konklusioner fra COSAC-møde i Luxembourg 29/11-1/12-15
1 December 2015
COSAC thanks the European Parliament for hosting the COSAC Secretariat on
its premises in Brussels and for providing it with appropriate office facilities.