Europaudvalget 2015-16
EUU Alm.del Bilag 571
Copenhagen May 10
Public side event to the European IDAHO Forum
European LGBTI politics and policies
In the panels (confirmed)
Helena Dalli,
Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs, and
Civil Liberties, Malta
Wester Meijdam,
European Commission, DG Justice and
Ben Baks,
Senior Policy Adviser, Gender & LGBT Equality
Department, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science,
Evelyne Paradis,
Executive Director, ILGA-Europe
Dennis van der Veur,
Head of Sector Consultation &
Cooperation, Fundamental Rights Agency
Eleni Tsetsekou,
Head of Unit, SOGI Issues, Council of Europe
Julia Ehrt,
Executive Director, TGEU - Transgender Europe
Video comments by
Nils Muižnieks,
CoE Commissioner for Human Rights,
Ulrike Lunacek,
MEP, Co-President of Intergroup on LGBT Rights
Host: Yildiz Akdogan, MP
For many years Europe has been a key actor in the development of LGBTI rights.
At the same time European borders widened protection of LGBTI rights developed
and were woven into the fabric of the institutionalised Europe.
But now EU is in a bad shape. Financial troubles, dissociating referenda,
consciousness-bending responses to the refugee situation. Furthermore, the
Council of Europe (CoE), the human rights foundation of the continent, is
challenged, e.g. by open discussions by states about leaving the European
Convention on Human Rights
We have seen truly great results in the LGBTI area. Requirements enforced on
accession states and members of the EU Commission, references in the Charter of
Fundamental Rights and directives, activities in the European Parliament, the list of
actions by the Commission, CoE recommendations by the Committee of Ministers
and by PACE, Court of Human Rights decisions, issue papers by the Human Rights
commissioner and the Fundamental Rights Agency and much more.
But we also see a reluctance to implement policies on a national level, the vetoing
of the Commission's List of Actions by the Hungarian government, hesitation on
implementing Court of Human Rights decisions. We see an outspoken dissonance
between liberal voices in West and traditionalist voices in East.
We need to talk about this.
Join us in the Copenhagen mini-conference on May 10th where key players are
ready to discuss contemporary issues in the development of LGBTI rights in
Copenhagen, Christiansborg (the Parliament), May 10th, 10:00-14:00
Free admission, mandatory registration
Info & registration: