Europaudvalget 2015-16
EUU Alm.del Bilag 800
Bratislava, Slovakia, 10 July 2016
Mr �½uboš BLAHA, Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Slovak
Národná rada.
Mr Martin KLUS, Vice-Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Slovak
Národná rada,
Mr Tuur
ELZINGA, Chair of the Committee for European Affairs, Dutch
Eerste Kamer,
Mr Malik AZMANI,
Chair of Committee for European Affairs, Dutch
Tweede Kamer,
Mr Luciano BUSUTTIL, Chair of
the Foreign and European Affairs Committee, Maltese
Kamra tad-Deputati;
and Mr Ramón Luis
VALCÁRCEL SISO, Vice-President, European Parliament.
1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC
3. Debate on the draft programme of the LVI COSAC
4. Approval of the outline of the 26th Bi-annual Report of COSAC
5. Letters received by the Presidency
6. Any other business
1. Adoption of the agenda of the meeting of the Presidential Troika of COSAC
Mr �½uboš BLAHA welcomed the delegations of the Presidential Troika of COSAC (hereinafter
referred to as "the Troika"), especially the Maltese delegation participating for the first time in a
Troika meeting.
In the absence of any objection, the agenda of the meeting of the Troika was adopted without
2. Approval of the draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC
Mr BLAHA outlined the three points on the programme of the meeting that would take place the
following day. He referred first to the procedural and miscellaneous; then to the session on the
priorities of the Slovak EU Council Presidency of the EU, which would be complemented by the
remarks of the Sir William CASH, UK
House of Commons,
and Lord Timothy BOSWELL, UK
House of Lords,
on the outcome of the UK referendum; and finally to the session on the social
dimension of the EU and Cohesion Policy - Triple A on social issues. Mr BLAHA explained the
motivation when choosing the social dimension as the main topic for the meeting of the COSAC in
the current outset and briefly presented three speakers invited for the session: Mr Mars DI
BARTOLOMEO, President of the Luxembourg
Chambre des Députés,
Mr Jan KELLER, Professor
in Sociology and Member of the Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament and Ms
Marianne THYSSEN, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour
Mr VALCÁRCEL SISO appreciated the choice of topics and speakers, pointing out, however, that,
as Mr KELLER was not a member of the European Parliament’s delegation, his
views would not be
officially representing the views of the European Parliament.
EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 800: Referat fra Trojka-møde og COSAC-formandsmøde 10-12/7-16 i Bratislava
The draft programme of the meeting of the Chairpersons of COSAC was approved without
3. Debate on the draft programme of the LVI COSAC
Mr BLAHA informed the Troika members that the LVI COSAC would take place on 13-15
November 2016 in the Bratislava castle. He then outlined the sessions of the draft programme and
the keynote speakers. He stated that, drawing inspiration from the Dutch Presidency, the Slovak
Presidency would make use of the panel format allowing for interaction between participants and
experts. The first session of the programme would be devoted to the state of play of the Slovak
Presidency of the Council of the European Union and introduced by Mr Robert FICO, Prime Minister
of the Slovak Republic. Strengthening the role of the national Parliaments in the context of the
referendum on UK membership of the EU would be the second session with Mr TIMMERMANS,
Vice-President of the European Commission, as keynote speaker and Ms Maria HÜBNER, Chair of
the Constitutional Affairs Committee, European Parliament, as panellist who would introduce the
topic of reforming the electoral act. Additionally, two other members of national Parliaments would
be invited to the panel. The third session of the programme would be dedicated to challenges,
opportunities and risks around the TTIP. Mr BLAHA reiterated that he would like to see the debate
representing a variety of views. Invited speakers would include Mr Ignacio García BERCERO, EU
chief negotiator on TTIP and Ms Susan GEORGE, political and social scientist who had already
accepted the invitation, as keynote speakers. Mr Pieter OMTZIGT, Member of the Committee on
European Affairs of the Dutch
Tweede Kamer,
would form part of the panel together with another
member of national Parliament and a representative of European Parliament. The fourth session on
Energy Union’s year of delivery would be introduced by
Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ, Vice-President
the European Commission as a key note speaker. Mr Jerzy BUZEK, Chair of the Committee on
Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament, and two member of national Parliaments yet to
be confirmed would form the panel for discussion. Finally, the fifth session would focus on securing
of the external borders of the EU in the context of irregular migration and would be introduced by Mr
Robert KALIŇÁK, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Slovak Republic and
Fabrice LEGGERI, Executive Director of FRONTEX, as well as by two more panellists from national
Parliaments to be confirmed.
Mr BLAHA added that he would like to see the debates in the plenary focused on politics rather than
on technicalities. However, he saw no need in elaborating extensive contributions and expressed the
Presidency’s intention to present a
brief and more general text facilitating adoption by consensus.
Mr ELZINGA welcomed the draft programme as presented and supported the format chosen allowing
for more interactivity.
Mr VALCÁRCEL SISO, though he appreciated the choice of speakers, who included speakers from
the European Parliament, warned that, due to the administrative rules of the European Parliament and
the use of the D'Hondt system, certain invited speakers might not be part of the European Parliament
delegation; the choice of the members constituting the European Parliament’s delegation had not been
decided yet. However, he observed that the speakers not forming part of the European Parliament
delegation could always be invited at the margins of the delegation. He clarified that there would be
no problem
about Ms HÜBNER’s participation as she was a permanent member of the delegation.
4. Approval of the outline of the 26th Bi-annual Report of COSAC
Mr BLAHA reported that the first chapter would tackle the topic of TTIP with focus on transparency
and role of national Parliaments in this regard, use of reading rooms; the second would deal with the
Energy union; finally, the third would deal with the role of national Parliaments with the aim to
EUU, Alm.del - 2015-16 - Bilag 800: Referat fra Trojka-møde og COSAC-formandsmøde 10-12/7-16 i Bratislava
measure the improvements of the relations between the EC and national Parliaments in practice and
it would focus on how the Parliaments communicate the European affairs. The questionnaire would
be distributed by the end of July and the replies would be expected by 9 September 2016.
Mr ELZINGA asked whether there would be a link between the third chapter and session II of the
LVI COSAC on strengthening the role of Parliaments. He also expressed his concern about the
deadline for submitting replies to the questionnaire due to Parliaments’
summer recess. On the first
remark, Mr BLAHA responded that there would be an effort to link topics in the report with the
debates, and, on the second, he underlined that the deadline was set according to previous practice
and that practically there could be no alternative deadline.
The outline of the 26th Bi-annual Report of COSAC was approved without amendment.
5. Letters received by the Presidency
The Chair referred to the following letters received:
Letters from Mr Olemic THOMMESSEN, President of the Norwegian
Mr Thomas
AESCHI, Member of the National Council, President of the EFTA/EU Delegation, Swiss
Assemblée fédérale
and Mr Levan BERDZENISHVILI, Chair of the Committee on European
Parliament of Georgia,
requesting participation in COSAC meetings. After
consultation with the Troika, these Parliaments had been invited as special guests.
A letter from Mr Carles ENSEÑAT, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
Consell General
of Andorra, requesting to participate in the LVI COSAC. The Chair asked the members of
Troika if there were any objections to inviting them. In the absence of objections, he informed
that an invitation would be extended.
6. Any other business
No other business.