Europaudvalget 2015-16
Rådsmøde 3367 - udenrigsanliggender
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
3367th Council meeting
Foreign Affairs
Brussels, 9 February 2015
Federica Mogherini
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 / 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Libya .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Iraq and Syria ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Counter-terrorism ................................................................................................................................. 6
Yemen ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Africa ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Boko Haram .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Nigeria elections .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Mali ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Central African Republic ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Ukraine - restrictive measures ............................................................................................................................... 20
Restrictive measures - Côte d'Ivoire ...................................................................................................................... 20
Code of conduct for outer space activities ............................................................................................................. 20
Exercise programme for 2015 to 2019 .................................................................................................................. 20
Relations with Tunisia ........................................................................................................................................... 20
EU priorities at UN human rights fora .................................................................................................................. 21
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
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Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
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Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Supplement to the Force Catalogue 2014 .............................................................................................................. 24
Common military list ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Annual report on arms exports .............................................................................................................................. 24
Committee of the Regions: new members from Germany and the United Kingdom ............................................ 24
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The Council discussed the situation in Libya and the UN-brokered talks on Libya taking place in
Geneva. It adopted the following conclusions:
The EU welcomes the holding of the UN-facilitated Libyan political dialogue process started
in Geneva. The EU is encouraged by the two rounds of talks at political level and by the
launch of discussions between municipal and local council representatives. The EU
commends the efforts by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (UNSRSG)
Bernardino León in bringing the parties to the table. The EU believes that it is important for
this process to be as inclusive as possible so that all Libyans feel represented by the decisions
there adopted. It commends those who have participated in the Geneva discussions and calls
on those who have not joined so far to participate in these discussions which are critical to the
peace, stability and security of Libya.
The EU renews its full support to the efforts of the UNSRSG to secure a negotiated settlement
and to the work of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and it is looking forward to
the launch of the other envisaged tracks. The EU is willing to contribute to the Confidence
Building Measures as agreed in the Geneva talks and it is exploring with UNSMIL how to
assist the UN in the different dialogue tracks envisaged for the process.
The EU is convinced that there is no military solution to this conflict. Only a political solution
can provide a sustainable way forward and contribute to peace and stability in Libya. It is
critical at this stage to have an unconditional ceasefire that it is respected and upheld by all
The EU expresses its profound concern at the continued violence and deplores the loss of life
caused by the ongoing political divisions and conflict on the ground. It condemns the attack
on the Greek vessel on 4 January that resulted in the loss of lives of EU citizens.
The EU believes that the independence and proper functioning of the Central Bank of Libya,
National Oil Corporation and other key financial institutions must be preserved and protected.
The EU condemns actions against Libya's national assets, financial institutions and natural
resources, which risk depriving the Libyan people of the benefits of the sustainable
development of their economy.
The EU reiterates its readiness to introduce as soon as it is deemed necessary and in full
coordination with UNSRSG, restrictive measures against spoilers of the dialogue process in
line with UNSCR 2174 which allows for the listing of individuals who threaten the peace,
stability or security in Libya, or who undermine its political transition. Those responsible for
violence and those who obstruct or undermine Libya's democratic transition must face
consequences for their actions.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The EU recalls its firm condemnation of terrorism in all its forms, including the attack against
the Corinthia hotel in Tripoli on 27 January, and reiterates that terrorism has no place in the
future of a peaceful and democratic Libya. The EU is concerned by evidence of increased
activity of terrorist and extremist groups and recognizes the potential threat that these groups
present to the future stability of the country, region and the EU.
The EU welcomes the public statements of support for the UN-facilitated Libyan political
dialogue from the African Union and the League of Arab States and encourages neighbours
and regional partners to engage constructively in support of the UN coordination efforts. The
EU reiterates its call on external parties to refrain from actions that might exacerbate current
divisions and undermine Libya’s democratic transition, to strictly respect the arms embargo,
and to fully support the UN-led dialogue process.
The EU reaffirms its strong condemnation of all human rights violations and abuses in Libya,
use of violence against civilians, institutions and public intimidation. The EU stresses the
need to ensure accountability for all violations of human rights and international humanitarian
law. It believes that internal and international accountability mechanisms should be
strengthened in order to address all abuses and violations and therefore calls on relevant
institutions to investigate these crimes. It reiterates its support to the efforts of the
International Criminal Court (ICC) to end impunity for the most serious crimes of concern to
the international community as a whole. The cooperation of all relevant actors in Libya with
the ICC is of crucial importance.
The EU calls on all parties in Libya to ensure the protection of civilians and the facilitation of
assistance to people in need by ensuring safe, unhindered and timely humanitarian access and
the security of humanitarian aid workers. The EU supports all efforts made to address the
deteriorating humanitarian situation, notably the displacement of people and disruption of
access to basic services. The humanitarian situation requires additional international support
to respond to the displacement and needs of the affected population. The EU is already the
largest donor of assistance in Libya and has recently scaled up its support to alleviate the
precarious conditions of those vulnerable groups like the internally displaced or migrants
directly or indirectly affected by the Libya crisis.
The EU stands by the Libyan people and reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting
Libya in its transition. The EU will continue to support key Libyan institutions such as the
High National Electoral Commission and the Constitutional Drafting Assembly. EU support
continues in other sectors like reconciliation, civil society, promotion of human rights and
migration. When the political and security situation in Libya allows, the EU stands ready to
enhance its support to Libya, including in areas such as rule of law, security sector reform,
migration and economic cooperation, making full use of all its instruments, including, if
appropriate, CSDP activities, building inter alia on achievements of its CSDP Mission
EUBAM Libya.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The EU notes the upcoming review of UNSMIL's mandate due for March and looks forward
to continuing discussions with UN in view of a possible role for the EU supporting the future
UNSMIL in areas where the EU has a proven value added.
The EU remains strongly committed to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and
national unity of Libya."
Iraq and Syria
The Council took note of the joint communication by the High Representative and the Commission
on an EU comprehensive regional strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the Da'esh threat.
Over lunch, ministers discussed the contribution of EU external action to the fight against terrorism.
The Council adopted the following conclusions on counter-terrorism:
The Council strongly condemns the recent attacks, which have been carried out by terrorist
groups and individuals in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Terrorism poses a direct
threat to all countries and all people regardless of their ethnic background, religion or belief.
In a globalised world, such threats can only be countered through international cooperation
and determined national action. In this context, the Council reiterates the EU’s strong support
to relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, in particular Resolutions 2170 and 2178,
and calls on all countries to take the necessary measures to ensure their swift implementation
with full respect for human rights and the Rule of Law.
The Council calls for comprehensive action against terrorism in line with the 2005 EU
Counter-Terrorism Strategy and in full compliance with international law, fundamental values
and international human rights standards. While Member States have the primary
responsibility for addressing terrorism, the EU as such can add value in many ways. The
actions taken in the area of justice and home affairs need to be complemented by external
engagement and outreach, especially to countries in the Middle East, North Africa, the Sahel
and the Gulf. Close coordination between internal and external action on the one hand, and
between relevant EU actors and EU Member States on the other hand, will enhance the
impact of our common efforts. We need to put more emphasis on the prevention of terrorism,
in particular countering radicalisation, on recruitment, equipment and financing of terrorism,
and address underlying factors such as conflict, poverty, proliferation of arms and state
fragility that provide opportunities for terrorist groups to flourish.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Against this background, the Council decides to step up, as a matter of urgency, its external
action on countering terrorism in particular in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, including
Yemen, and North Africa, in particular also Libya, and the Sahel. Counter-terrorism (CT) will
be mainstreamed fully into EU foreign policy. It calls for accelerated implementation of the
EU Syria and Iraq and Counter-Terrorism/Foreign Fighters Strategy (adopted on 20 October
2014) with a particular focus on foreign terrorist fighters and the EU's Maghreb
Communication. The Council welcomes the Joint Communication on EU regional strategy for
Syria and Iraq as well as the Da’esh threat and looks forward to its implementation as soon as
More specifically, the Council welcomes the following initiatives to be implemented in the
course of 2015, building on those actions that are already taking place in the field of Justice
and Home Affairs and in Foreign and Security Policy.
Strengthening partnerships with key countries
Mainstreaming counter-terrorism in the EU’s political dialogue with third countries to
promote international cooperation and implementation of relevant UN Security Council
Conducting targeted and upgraded security and counter-terrorism dialogues with
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the
Gulf Cooperation Council. Cooperation with Turkey should also be enhanced in line
with the GAC conclusions of December 2014.
Strengthening political dialogue with the League of Arab States, the Organisation of
Islamic Cooperation, the African Union and other relevant regional coordination
structures, such as the G5 Sahel.
Developing counter-terrorism action plans starting with Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria,
Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, including on measures to dissuade and disrupt foreign
terrorist fighters' travel as well as to manage their return. Attention will also be given to
targeted CT/CVE cooperation with the Western Balkan countries as well as with other
countries affected by foreign terrorist fighters phenomenon. Given the importance of the
creation of networks of policy makers and security experts on both sides of the
Mediterranean, a Ministerial segment will be added to the Euromed group on foreign
terrorist fighters established by the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator and the EEAS.
Deploying security/counter-terrorism experts in a number of key EU Delegations to
strengthen their capacity to contribute to European counter-terrorism efforts and to
liaise more effectively with relevant local authorities, while further building-up of
counter-terrorism capacity within the EEAS.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Supporting capacity building
Launching further capacity-building projects and activities with interested MENA
countries addressing law enforcement, criminal justice, security sector reform, including
crisis infrastructure, crisis and emergency response, border control and aviation
security, strategic communication, radicalisation, dealing with the foreign terrorist
fighters threat, recruitment and financing of terrorism, paying due regard to
international human rights standards, in close cooperation with Europol, Eurojust,
Frontex and CEPOL.
The EU will respond positively to Iraq's request of CT assistance. Projects will be
launched shortly to assist countries in the MENA region to implement UNSCR 2178 on
foreign terrorist fighters, to prevent radicalization in Jordan and the Maghreb. Further
CT capacity building assistance to countries in the region will be provided in the
coming months, in particular related to the threat of foreign terrorist fighters, including
fighters returning to their countries of origin and security sector reform. The
Radicalization Awareness Network will work with interested countries in the region on
prevention of radicalization.
The EU will work to develop frameworks for information exchange and ways for the
EU agencies to engage more strategically with the countries in the region to strengthen
law enforcement and judicial cooperation.
Countering radicalisation and violent extremism
Supporting international initiatives on countering radicalisation and terrorism such as
the first International Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism
(“Hedayah”) in Abu Dhabi, and the Global Community Engagement and Resilience
Fund (GCERF) in Geneva, while the successful EU Radicalisation Awareness Network
(RAN) offers expertise to engage with local communities as well as with third countries.
The High Representative, the Commission and the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
will participate in the upcoming Summit on Countering Violent Extremism and related
side events in Washington DC on 18-20 February 2015.
Improving strategic communication, developing an outreach strategy to the Arab World,
including developing counter-narratives to terrorist propaganda, promoting fundamental
rights, and taking into account the increasingly frequent misuse of the internet in
radicalisation, engaging through social media and enhancing communication in Arabic.
In this process, we can draw on the expertise of the Syria Strategic Communications
Advisory Team.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Facilitating interfaith dialogue, civil society dialogue, people-to-people contacts,
academic and cultural exchanges. Exploring the possibility of creating a Round of
Eminent Persons from Europe and the Muslim world, to encourage more intellectual
exchanges and promote wider thematic dialogues on the roots and ramifications of
terrorism and radicalisation on our societies. In this context, inviting relevant EU
Institutions to explore further cooperation opportunities with actors such as the Anna
Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue of Cultures in Alexandria, the UN Alliance of
Civilisations in New York and the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre
for Interreligious and intercultural dialogue in Vienna.
Addressing the underlying factors of radicalization by supporting initiatives across the
region with regard to youth, education, vocational training, job opportunities, civil
society, security sector reform, role of women. The EU will work with faith-based
organizations, as appropriate.
Inviting the EU Special Representative for Human Rights to continue his efforts to
defend and advocate freedom of expression, freedom of religion or belief and other
universal values in particular in the MENA region.
Promoting international cooperation
Continue supporting cooperation with the UN on counter-terrorism capacity building
initiatives in the MENA region. The EU will enhance further its engagement in the
Global Counter-Terrorism Forum (GCTF) , including by actively shaping GCTF
inspired initiatives such as Hedayah in Abu Dhabi, the Global Community Engagement
Resilience Fund (GCERF) and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of
Law in Malta.
Enhancing cooperation with key partners and countries on countering financing of
terrorism, in particular Da'esh financing. The EU hosted a workshop to counter Da'esh
financing together with US, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, Japan, and UN
agencies in Brussels on 4-5 February 2015 with the aim to step up outreach and capacity
building efforts in third countries. The EU will engage with countries of the Gulf
Cooperation Council in a dialogue on countering financing of terrorism, in particular
Da'esh financing, and will closely cooperate with partners, including in the anti-ISIL
Reinforcing, within the existing parameters, the role of EU INTCEN as the hub for
strategic intelligence assessment at EU level, including on counter-terrorism.
Regarding the Passenger Name Record data (PNR), we fully endorse the Riga JHA
Ministers Joint Statement, and are looking for sound solutions to the exchange of PNR
with relevant third countries.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Combating illicit accumulation and trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons and
their ammunition in line with the 2005 EU Strategy, in particular in the Western
Balkans and Libya, and promotion of the Arms Trade Treaty in our Southern
Addressing underlying factors and ongoing crises
Given the role unresolved conflicts play in the context of radicalization and recruitment,
the EU will mobilize even more to attempt finding solutions and re-think current
policies and approaches. The EU will mitigate terrorist and stability threats through its
comprehensive approach combining diplomatic, socio-economic, development, conflict
prevention, peacebuilding and crisis management tools.
Inviting the High Representative and the Commission to continue to ensure sufficient
funds and coherent use of instruments to address the threat of terrorism and move
effectively from early warning to early action. CT, including prevention of
radicalization, will, where appropriate, be mainstreamed into programming of
assistance, making full use of the OECD guidelines on terrorism prevention. The EU
delegations in the region have been asked to work with their host governments to
identify quickly opportunities for twinning and TAIEX projects in the CT context.
These Conclusions will serve as an input of the Foreign Affairs Council for discussion at the
informal meeting of EU Heads of State and Government on 12 February 2015. The Council
agreed to review progress in implementation at its next meetings, also in view of upcoming
European Council meetings."
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The Council took stock of developments in Yemen. It adopted the following conclusions:
"1. The EU is following recent developments in Yemen with grave concern. The violence
witnessed in Sana'a, in Mareb and in several other provinces, which led to the announcement of
the resignations of President Hadi and of Prime Minister Bahah and his Cabinet on 22 January,
as well as subsequent developments over the last two weeks have put the promises of the
Yemeni transition in jeopardy. These developments are hindering prospects for a prosperous,
stable, democratic and united Yemen, and threaten the territorial integrity of the country and
the stability of the region, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation.
The EU calls on all political forces, particularly the Houthis, to take clear responsibility for
their actions, starting by unequivocally rejecting violence and coercion as political tools.
Disrespect for State institutions, as well as attacks on and restriction to movements of officials
are unacceptable. The EU calls for the immediate release of President Hadi, Prime Minister
Bahah and members of the Cabinet from house arrest.
In this context, the EU is gravely concerned by the unilateral so-called Constitutional
declaration issued by Ansar Allah on 6 February, which it considers to have no legitimacy. The
EU recalls that only a broad political consensus amongst the main political groups, setting a
clear path towards a Constitutional referendum and elections, can provide a sustainable solution
to the current crisis and urges all parties to return to genuine dialogue and inclusive
negotiations, in particular those conducted by the UN. In this regard, the EU welcomes and
supports the announcement of the resumption of inclusive negotiations today under UN
auspices. The framework provided by the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative, the National
Dialogue Conference's (NDC) outcomes and the Peace and National Partnership Agreement
should remain the reference points for the Yemeni transition. All regional actors should
contribute positively to this process.
The EU urges all actors to work constructively towards the swift finalization of a new
Constitution which meets the legitimate aspirations of the Yemeni people, reflects the NDC
Outcomes, and preserves the unity and territorial integrity of Yemen to which the EU is
strongly attached.
The EU recalls the urgency for a stable and legitimate political framework to enact much
needed economic reforms, including by taking decisive actions to improve fiscal sustainability
and fighting corruption in the public administration, in support of those most in need. The
severe humanitarian crisis may further deepen if political stability is not restored. The EU urges
all parties to safeguard humanitarian principles and ensure humanitarian access on the ground.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The EU expresses its deep concern about intensified terrorist attacks, including by Al Qaida in
the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) within Yemen. It condemns such terrorist attacks in the
strongest terms and reiterates its firm commitment and enduring determination to tackle
terrorist violence, in Yemen and the broader region.
The EU continues to closely follow the situation in Yemen and stands by the Yemeni people at
this critical juncture and reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting Yemen in its
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Boko Haram
The Council adopted the following conclusions on Boko Haram:
The Boko Haram terrorist actions in north-eastern Nigeria are becoming a growing threat not
only for the peace and security of Nigeria but to the whole region including Cameroon, Chad
and Niger. The Council stresses the importance of an urgent, comprehensive response to the
insurgency, to prevent further terrorist and criminal acts perpetrated by Boko Haram,
including stronger governance and economic development.
Recalling the European Union's (EU) Statement of 19 January 2015 and its Conclusions of 12
May 2014, the Council condemns the continuing violence and appalling atrocities committed
by Boko Haram on civilians, including women and children. It expresses its sincere
condolences to the people and governments of countries affected. The perpetrators of these
gross violations of international humanitarian law, human rights and dignity must be held to
account. The international community cannot rest while such outrages are being committed
and stands united against such acts of cruelty.
The Council is particularly concerned about the humanitarian consequences of the attacks and
their impact on Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger and recalls the primary responsibility of
States to protect civilians on their territory in accordance with the obligations under
international law. Thousands have been killed. Over one and a half million people have been
displaced within Nigeria and hundreds of thousands to neighbouring countries. Families have
been separated, girls abducted, children orphaned and women and girls sexually abused.
The EU pledges to continue providing immediate relief to those in need and to increase its
efforts at regional level. It commends the work of humanitarian agencies in delivering such
relief and encourages them to scale-up their presence. At the same time, the Council
underlines the need of the Nigerian government to increase the response to the urgent
humanitarian crisis caused by the Boko Haram insurgency and recalls the EU’s readiness to
assist. International humanitarian efforts should be appropriately coordinated by the United
Nations (UN) in order to enhance delivery capacity and prevent the refugee crisis from
escalating out of control.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The scale of the Boko Haram extremist threat requires a Nigerian, as well as a collective and
comprehensive response to defeat terrorism in full respect of human rights. The European
Union notes that the responsibility to address the immediate security challenges lies primarily
with the countries most affected, and calls upon them to urgently intensify their cooperation
and coordination. In this respect, it commends the Chadian army's recent assistance to the
Cameroonian forces already engaged in the fight against Boko Haram. The Council welcomes
and supports the decision of the States in the region, endorsed by the African Union (AU), to
deploy a multinational force, to be endorsed by the UN Security Council, once the concept of
operations is finalised. In this regard it salutes the AU preparatory meeting that was held in
Yaoundé from 5 to 7 February. It also welcomes actions already undertaken under the aegis of
the Lake Chad Basin Commission, following high-level security conferences held in Paris,
London, Abuja and Niamey since May 2014.
The EU stands ready with its partners - the UN, the AU, regional organisations, the individual
States concerned as well as the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum (GCTF) - to provide support
to the region with its full range of instruments, including the possibility of recourse to the
African Peace Facility and EU crisis management tools. The EU will also look at ways to help
the countries concerned strengthen their own capacities to handle the challenge, including the
root causes of the radicalisation and violence, whilst encouraging intergovernmental
cooperation amongst them. The Council emphasises that the crisis can only be overcome
when all forces concerned abide by international humanitarian law, human rights and refugee
law and practices in support of the communities they are tasked to protect.
At the same time, the Council reaffirms its determination to assist Nigeria at the national and
local level as well as other countries affected in their efforts to promote the sustainable
economic development of the Lake Chad region, fight corruption, provide the social and
educational needs of its population and meet up with the aspirations of their young people.
The Council invites the HR and the Commission to take forward appropriate actions and
propose necessary decisions, notably on the basis of a Political Framework for Crisis
Approach (PFCA), including an assessment of the needs of the countries affected by the
menace of Boko Haram. The PFCA should include a gender perspective. The Council will
remain closely involved in this issue and will revert when necessary."
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Nigeria elections
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the Nigeria elections:
Africa's vigorous democratic culture is demonstrated by the large number of elections to be
held on the continent in 2015. The European Union reaffirms its wider policy of support for
peaceful, inclusive, transparent and credible elections and its readiness to assist Nigeria in this
respect. The European Union will also be providing electoral support to a number of countries
in Africa this year.
The European Union will be focusing with particular interest on the Nigerian Presidential,
Parliamentary and Gubernatorial elections: the largest single exercise in democracy in Africa.
The conduct and quality of this electoral process will be key for the future of Nigeria, the
region and the continent. The EU is therefore disappointed by the postponement of the
elections on the basis of security advice delivered at very late notice.
The European Union strongly urges the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)
to ensure the necessary arrangements are in place for transparent and well-run elections. It
calls on all parties to respect the independence of INEC, ensure that elections take place
without further delay and enable each eligible Nigerian citizen to cast their vote fairly,
including those affected by the security situation in the north east of the country.
The Council welcomes the signing of the "Abuja Accord", on 14 January 2015, in which
political leaders committed to preventing electoral violence before, during and after the
elections. It is essential for both the people of Nigeria and for Nigeria’s international standing
that this commitment is honoured without exception throughout the electoral process,
irrespective of results. The EU would be particularly concerned by deliberate attempts to
undermine the electoral process, by violent or any other means, and would have to consider
swiftly how to respond. The European Union underlines that all disputes over the conduct or
results of the elections should be dealt with through the proper judicial processes. In this
respect, the Council calls upon the Nigerian security services to fulfill their obligation to
support the constitution and to maintain law and order during the electoral process in an even-
handed and proportionate manner, to allow all eligible citizens to exercise freely and
peacefully their democratic rights. As the media have an important role to play in the delivery
of transparent elections, the EU calls on all authorities to ensure full media freedoms and
To support these efforts the European Union has provided a package of assistance to the
Nigerian electoral process totaling € 35 million, and at the invitation of the Nigerian
authorities, has deployed an EU electoral observation mission led by MEP Mr Santiago Fisas
Ayxelà, who will be returning to Nigeria this week to undertake a continued and
comprehensive assessment of the elections, in cooperation with other observer missions."
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The Council adopted the following conclusions on Mali:
The EU is deeply concerned by the persisting violence in northern Mali, which is a threat to
the security, stability, territorial integrity and development of the country and the wider Sahel
region. The European Union calls on all parties in Mali to respect the cease-fire agreement of
23 May 2014 and the Declaration of Cessation of Hostilities of 24 July 2014. It is
fundamental that all active armed groups on the ground refrain from any kind of violence.
The substantive disagreement between Malian parties can only be settled by constructive
dialogue in the context of the talks in Algiers, due to resume shortly. The Council urges all
parties to use this unique opportunity for dialogue and reconciliation constructively, and show
the necessary political will and flexibility during negotiations to reach an inclusive and
durable political solution as swiftly as possible.
As a co-mediator, the European Union, notably through its EUSR for the Sahel, remains
committed to the Algiers process and is ready to assist parties in their efforts to reach and
implement a lasting peace agreement. In the context of its comprehensive approach, the EU is
committed to continue using its relevant instruments, including its CSDP Missions EUTM
Mali and EUCAP Sahel Mali. It stands ready to facilitate the implementation of the future
political agreement, through its active participation in the proposed monitoring Follow-up
Committee, in close cooperation with the United Nations and the African Union.
At the same time, efforts at local level should be reinforced, aiming at having an inclusive
dialogue between all relevant stakeholders in Mali and making a start with the reconciliation
The UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), is essential
for the security and stability of Mali. The Council reiterates its full support for MINUSMA in
the implementation of its mandate and its efforts to protect civilians. It also supports the
active engagement of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General – Mr Mongi
Hamdi – to reach and implement such a lasting peace agreement. The EU condemns the
attacks that have been made on UN peacekeepers and civilians and urges all parties involved,
to refrain from violence and respect their commitments for a peaceful resolution of their
differences. Concerning the events of 27 January in Gao, which caused the killing of civilians,
the EU welcomes the opening of an enquiry.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The European Union remains committed to supporting Mali's path towards development,
peace, reconciliation and stability. Integral to this is that progress is made by the Malian
Government in terms of governance, democracy, rule of law, reform of the justice and
security sectors and fight against impunity. Stabilisation efforts must aim at creating security
for the population. Civilians, especially women and children, have to be protected. Resources
available in the 11
European Development Fund, other EU instruments and Member States
bilateral instruments will provide a significant contribution to the development of all the
Malian territory, including the northern regions. The next follow-up conference of the donor
round table “Ensemble
pour le Renouveau du Mali"
- organised in May 2013 by the EU,
France and Mali - which will take place in Bamako on 17 February will be an opportunity for
the international community to assess the results of the aid and assistance which has been
pledged to help Mali, as a whole, to stabilise and recover. The best way to monitor progress
after this last phase of the Brussels process will be further discussed by the international
community along with the Malian authorities.
The European Union emphasises that the situation in Mali is intrinsically linked to that of the
wider Sahel region as a whole, and that a strengthened integrated regional approach to deal
with the instability is essential, as reflected in its Strategy for Security and Development in
the Sahel, implemented amongst others through the efforts of the EUSR for the Sahel, in
coordination with other international partners and through strong partnerships with regional
partners, including through the implementation of their own Sahel strategies. In this context,
the Council stresses the importance of tackling, including through coordinated international
cooperation, the following priority areas: notably youth, border management, migration and
mobility, preventing and countering radicalisation, fight against illicit trafficking and
transnational organised crime. In this regard, it looks forward to the early finalisation of the
EU Regional Action Plan for the Sahel."
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Central African Republic
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the Central African Republic:
The European Union (EU) remains firmly committed to working in the Central African
Republic (CAR) to support a sustainable process of recovery from the crisis. The agreements
reached at Libreville in January 2013, N'Djamena in April 2013 and Brazzaville in July 2014,
which have been endorsed by the UN Security Council, remain the essential framework of
reference for all national, regional and international stakeholders. The EU reaffirms its full
support for the work of the transitional authorities and welcomes the fact that they are
cooperating closely with the UN, the AU and the ECCAS. It calls for the continuation of the
political process launched by the transitional Head of State, with the support of the Mediator
in the Central African crisis, in accordance with the framework set by the Security Council,
including the individual sanctions regime. In this regard the EU urges all stakeholders in the
CAR and all countries in the region to cooperate with the Security Council's Sanctions
Committee. The EU commends the ECCAS for its firm stance at the consultations in
Addis Ababa on 31 January 2015 regarding any parallel initiative which might jeopardise the
current efforts of the international community to restore peace, security and stability in the
CAR. The Bangui Forum will mark a crucial step in these efforts. With this in mind, the EU
welcomes the fact that inclusive public consultations have been held since 21 January on the
values of peace, dialogue and reconciliation. The people of the Central African Republic must
take full ownership of this process.
The EU welcomes the efforts of the international forces, MINUSCA, Sangaris and EUFOR
RCA, which are cooperating on the ground to protect civilians and contribute to the
stabilisation of the country. Despite some improvement, the situation remains fragile. In this
context, the EU strongly condemns the recent abductions in Bangui. It is particularly
concerned by the obstacles to the smooth running of the grassroots consultations in the
framework of the peace and reconciliation process, especially in the centre and north-east of
the country. Violence by armed groups poses a threat to the people of the CAR and to the
State and its territorial integrity.
The EU remains committed to finding a solution for an effective and lasting cessation of
hostilities. The armed groups active in the CAR are urged to participate in this process in line
with the framework of the transition and the principles of the fight against impunity for those
responsible for serious crimes under international law. The EU calls on the transitional
authorities and on all countries in the region to continue to cooperate with the International
Criminal Court.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Once the European EUFOR RCA operation has completed its mandate on 15 March 2015 and
transferred its mission in the capital to the UN Stabilisation Mission in the Central African
Republic (MINUSCA), a new military mission authorised by the Council of the EU
(EUMAM RCA), established on 19 January 2015 for one year, will be deployed in Bangui in
support of the people of the CAR and in close coordination with MINUSCA in the context of
its mandate in the field of SSR. EUMAM RCA will provide the government of the CAR with
expert advice, including on gender and human rights issues, with a view to reforming the
Armed Forces of the Central African Republic (FACA) to make it into a professional army,
democratically accountable and representative of the entire nation. The Council is required to
authorise the launch of this new CSDP mission, which should reach initial operating
capability on 1 March 2015. To this end, the EU underlines the importance of swift
completion of the force generation process for EUMAM RCA. The EU welcomes the good
cooperation with the Central African authorities and the other partners on the ground, notably
the United Nations.
The transition process in the CAR must culminate in well-organised, free, fair and credible
presidential and legislative elections. In this context, the EU calls on the relevant authorities
to provide the clarifications needed for the continuation of the electoral process, in particular
the arrangements for implementing the election operations, so that all stakeholders can be
mobilised in accordance with the timetable laid down for the elections. On that basis, the EU
confirms its willingness to make an immediate contribution to the elections in the CAR under
the UN support programme, and calls on the transitional authorities, with the support of the
UN, to actively seek to mobilise other donors.
The EU remains deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation in the CAR. It is
particularly concerned about the plight of those who have been displaced and are isolated in
the interior of the country, as well as those who have taken refuge in neighbouring
countries. The EU condemns the serious and repeated attacks by armed groups against
civilians and humanitarian workers. There are still immense needs to be met, and the
mobilisation of donors must be continued and intensified.
Aware of the serious difficulties faced by the CAR in terms of resources, the EU is working
together with the IMF and the Central African authorities towards the gradual
re-establishment of the budget balances which are crucial to the proper functioning of
essential state services in the CAR."
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Ukraine - restrictive measures
The Council adopted a set of additional listings concerning separatists in eastern Ukraine and their
supporters in Russia, consisting of an asset freeze and a travel ban on 19 persons and 9 entities
involved in action against Ukraine’s territorial integrity.
To give space for ongoing diplomatic efforts, the Council put the entry into force of the measures
on hold until Monday 16 February. It fully supported and endorsed the political process towards a
meeting in Minsk.
Restrictive measures - Côte d'Ivoire
The Council amended the EU restrictive measures against Côte d'Ivoire. The changes provide for a
derogation to enable the licensing of certain equipment for civilian mining projects.
Code of conduct for outer space activities
The Council allocated €1.2 million for action in support of its proposal for an international code of
conduct for outer space activities during the next two years. The funds will be used for awareness-
raising activities as well as for maintaining a framework for the multilateral process on the code of
Exercise programme for 2015 to 2019
The Council approved the exercise programme of the European Union under the Common Foreign
and Security Policy for the years 2015 to 2019.
Relations with Tunisia
The Council approved the conclusion, on behalf of the EU and its member states, of a protocol to
the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement with Tunisia to take account of the accession of Bulgaria and
Romania to the EU.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
EU priorities at UN human rights fora
The Council adopted the following conclusions on EU priorities at UN Human Rights Fora in 2015:
The EU is deeply committed to the realisation of universal and indivisible human rights. The
EU reaffirms its strong commitment to the role and work of the United Nations bodies tasked
with the promotion and protection of human rights as spelt out in the EU Strategic Framework
for Human Rights and Democracy.
Through close cooperation with all countries, institutions and stakeholders, the EU will
participate actively at the UN Human Rights Council and General Assembly sessions of 2015.
The EU will express its concerns and positions, contribute to debates in a constructive manner
and pursue thematic and country-specific initiatives.
The EU welcomes the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al
Hussein. The dedication and work of the High Commissioner and his staff are invaluable to
human rights efforts worldwide. The EU will continue to support and defend the
independence and integrity of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The EU will continue to promote full cooperation with, and support to, the UN Human Rights
Council Special Procedures, supporting their free and unfettered cooperation with relevant
interlocutors. The EU also reaffirms its commitment to the Universal Periodic Review and
calls upon all countries to effectively and constructively cooperate with this mechanism. The
EU restates its unwavering support for the independence and impartiality of the UN Human
Rights Treaty Body system so it is able to fulfil its mandate.
The UN is a vital forum for international action against human rights violations and abuses.
The EU is committed to working at the UN to prevent and respond to such violations and
abuses, and to fight persistent discrimination and violence. As such, the EU remains
extremely concerned by the situations in Iraq and Syria and will ensure that they are
addressed in the strongest terms in the UN human rights fora. The EU condemns the brutal
atrocities perpetrated by ISIL/Da'esh and in particular those against women and girls, and
vulnerable groups, and calls for an immediate end to all human rights violations and abuses.
In Syria, the ongoing grave human rights violations and abuses, committed in particular by
the Assad regime, and terrorist groups, demand accountability and an end to impunity,
including through the Commission of Inquiry.
The human rights impact of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and of the illegal annexation of
Crimea by the Russian Federation will also be brought to the fore. The EU is concerned by
the growing number of victims and serious human rights violations and abuses in the eastern
Ukraine and further deterioration of the human rights situation in Crimea, particularly the
continuing persecution and intimidation of the Crimean Tatars. Moreover the EU will
continue to call on all parties to the crisis in eastern Ukraine to respect international
humanitarian law and principles to protect civilians.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
In view of the dire human rights situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the
EU strongly supports the investigatory work conducted by the Commission of Inquiry and
will ensure follow-up to its report and recommendations. Deeply concerned by the continuing
human rights violations and the high rate of executions in Iran, the EU will continue to call
for tangible improvement and support the extension of the Special Rapporteur's mandate.
Following the consensus UN General Assembly resolution on Myanmar/Burma, which
reflects progress made as well as the remaining concerns, the EU will continue to call for
human rights improvements in the country. While welcoming the commitments announced by
the new Sri Lankan government on rule of law and reconciliation, the EU will encourage the
government to work with the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights and the UN
Human Rights Council to address ongoing human rights concerns and make credible domestic
progress on reconciliation.
The EU calls on all parties in the conflict in the Central African Republic to end attacks
against the civilian population and to implement the resolution of the HRC Special Session.
The EU will press for an adequate and effective response from the HRC to the worrying state
of affairs in South Sudan, where hostilities have led to large-scale human rights violations.
The EU will continue to support the HRC's efforts to address the worrying human rights
situation in Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, and Mali.
The EU will refer to persistent violations of human rights in Belarus and therefore seek
renewal of the UN Special Rapporteur's mandate and call for the unconditional release and
rehabilitation of all political prisoners. The EU will also continue to pay close attention to the
human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory. Taking into account developments
on the ground the EU will also, when appropriate, draw attention to the situation of human
rights in other countries.
The United Nations is the central forum for defending and advancing the observance of
human rights and fundamental freedoms, and ensuring that they are fully observed. The right
to freedom of opinion and expression online and offline will continue to be upheld by the EU
as a fundamental human right and cornerstone of democracy and peace. In view of recent
cases of intimidation, persecution, and inhuman punishment, such as flogging, close attention
will be paid to the safety of journalists, bloggers, and other media actors.
Freedom of association and assembly are key elements of democracy, and yet these freedoms
are being restricted in many countries. The EU will continue to address these restrictions, as
well as all forms of intimidation and harassment of human rights defenders, and civil society
representatives. Similarly, the EU will continue to ensure that multilateral fora remain open
and safe spaces for these actors, and will speak out against any reprisal targeting those who
cooperate with the UN human rights bodies.
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
The EU holds that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and we
therefore firmly oppose all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual
orientation and gender identity. Furthermore, the EU notes the 50th anniversary of the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The EU
reaffirms its strong opposition against all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia,
and related intolerance. The EU will continue to work against all forms of discrimination,
including antisemitism. The EU will also continue to advocate Freedom of Religion or Belief
and will call for greater efforts to protect the rights of persons belonging to religious
Twenty years after the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action the EU is
ever more engaged, in partnership with UN agencies, in the advancement of gender equality,
the empowerment of women and girls, and women's rights. We remain committed to the
promotion, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and to the full and effective
implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the Programme of Action of the
International Conference on Population and Development and the outcomes of their review
conferences and in this context sexual and reproductive health and rights. As we also
celebrate the 15
anniversary of UN Security Council resolutions 1325, the EU steps up its
work on women and peace and security. The EU opposes all forms of violence against
women, including sexual violence in armed conflict.
In accordance with its longstanding policy, the EU works to advance all rights of children
worldwide, including the right to education, and to step up the protection of children affected
by armed conflict. The EU is also engaged in the protection of girls from abuse and harmful
practices. The EU will continue to foster international cooperation to address current
challenges, including against the trafficking in human beings, which is a grave human rights
violation and a severe form of organized crime.
Following the strong cross-regional support to the resolution on a moratorium on the death
penalty at UNGA 69, the EU will continue to support the work of the UN towards the
abolition of the death penalty worldwide. The EU will also pursue efforts to put an end to
torture, and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment.
The year 2015 offers the international community a rare opportunity to agree on a truly
transformational and comprehensive approach to poverty eradication and sustainable
development worldwide. The EU will continue to call for a rights-based approach,
encompassing all human rights, and gender equality, for the post-2015 agenda. We will also
intensify our efforts to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights. The EU will
also contribute to the further implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and
Human Rights.
The EU supports all efforts to mainstream human rights across the United Nations' work,
including in development, and peace and security, as well as its ongoing efforts to prevent and
to step up its responses to acute human rights crises. The EU will work in partnership with
countries from all regions and regional organisations, including through the EU Special
Representative for Human Rights, to actively support an effective UN human rights system
that can foster the realisation of all human rights for all people everywhere."
Rådsmøde nr. 3367 (udenrigsanliggender) den 9. februar 2015 - Bilag 1335913:
9 February 2015
Supplement to the Force Catalogue 2014
The Council took note of a supplement to the Force Catalogue 2014, containing the contribution
from Serbia in addition to those of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and of Montenegro.
Common military list
The Council approved the annual update of the common military list of the European Union, which
defines the scope of the EU's common rules on arms exports and of its arms embargos.
Annual report on arms exports
The Council took note of the sixteenth annual report on arms exports by EU member states, in
accordance with the EU's common rules on arms exports.
Committee of the Regions: new members from Germany and the United Kingdom
The Council appointed on 5 February 2015, by written procedure, members of the Committee of the
Regions from Germany and the United Kingdom for the period from 26 January 2015 to 25 January
The Council already appointed on 26 January 2015 the new members of the Committee of the
Regions from the other EU countries for the next five years.
See press release:
Committee of the regions: appointment of new members for the next five years
List of new members from Germany and the UK