Europaudvalget 2015-16
Rådsmøde 3370 - Økofin Bilag 5
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
3370th Council meeting
Economic and Financial Affairs
Brussels, 17 February 2015
Mr Jānis Reirs
Minister for Finance of Latvia
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
EUROPEAN FUND FOR STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS ................................................................ 4
ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................................ 6
Annual growth survey ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Macroeconomic imbalances .................................................................................................................................... 6
FOLLOW-UP TO G20 MINISTERIAL MEETING IN ISTANBUL ................................................. 7
EU BUDGET - DISCHARGE FOR 2013 ........................................................................................... 8
EU BUDGET - GUIDELINES FOR 2016 ........................................................................................ 10
EU BUDGET - OWN RESOURCES ................................................................................................ 11
OTHER BUSINESS .......................................................................................................................... 12
MEETINGS IN THE MARGINS OF THE COUNCIL .................................................................... 12
Revision of the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020* ............................................................................. 13
Own funds requirements........................................................................................................................................ 13
EU special representative for human rights ........................................................................................................... 14
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons ........................................................................................ 14
European Development Fund ................................................................................................................................ 14
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
 
Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
 
Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
Rules of origin - Croatia ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Rules of origin - Euro-Mediterranean rules on the origin of goods ....................................................................... 15
Food additives ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Civil aviation aircrew ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Motor vehicles - Type-approval for emergency breaking systems ........................................................................ 16
EU-Ukraine - Science and technology cooperation agreement ............................................................................. 17
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council discussed a proposal for a regulation on a European fund for strategic investments
Proposal on the European fund for strategic investments
The presidency briefed the Council on work being carried out on the proposal within a technical
expert working group. It confirmed its intention for the Council to reach agreement in March 2015.
To achieve this, work will continue in the coming days in light of comments made by ministers.
The Council broadly supported the approach outlined by the presidency on certain key issues:
Review clause. The presidency proposes that a review take place after the first few years of
operation, on the basis of an independent assessment, to determine whether the EFSI
should be made a permanent instrument;
Redeployment of EU funds to finance the EFSI. The presidency proposes that no change
be made to the Commission's proposal on this point;
Governance structure. Delegations supported a lean governance structure ensuring an
independent decision-making process.
The EFSI would be established within the European Investment Bank by an agreement between the
Commission and the EIB. Member states and other third parties would be able to join the EFSI
agreement by means of capital contributions. The Commission has indicated that it would take a
favourable attitude towards such contributions when assessing member states' public finances under
EU fiscal rules.
The fund would be built on €16 billion in guarantees from the EU budget and €5 billion in cash
from the EIB. To facilitate the payment of potential guarantee calls, a guarantee fund would be
established that would gradually reach €8 billion (i.e. 50% of total EU guarantee obligations) by
2020. EU funding would mostly come from diverting grants from the Horizon 2020 programme
(research and innovation) and the Connecting Europe facility, as well as unused margins in the
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The EFSI would enhance risk-bearing capacity. By taking on part of the risk of new projects
through a first-loss liability, the fund would attract private investors who would join under more
favourable conditions. Thereby the EFSI is estimated to reach an overall multiplier effect of 1:15 in
real investment.
The fund would be active in a broad range of areas, including transport, energy and broadband
infrastructure, education, health, research and risk finance for SMEs.
Under the Commission's proposal, the EFSI would have a two-tier governance structure:
a steering board would set the overall strategy, investment policy and risk profile of the
fund. Its members would be appointed by the contributors of risk-bearing capacity with
voting power proportional to the size of contributions. This is still under discussion in the
an investment committee would select projects to receive EFSI support. Accountable to the
steering board, it would consist of a managing director and six independent market experts.
Any project supported by the EFSI would require approval by the EIB.
The regulation requires a qualified majority for adoption by the Council, after consulting the
European Parliament. (Legal basis: articles 172, 173, 175(3) and 182(1) of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the EU.)
The European Council in December 2014 called for an agreement to be reached between the
European Parliament and the Council in June. This would allow for new investments as early as
The EFSI is one of the core elements of the Commission's "investment plan for Europe", published
in November 2014. It is expected to mobilise at least €315 billion in private and public investment
across the EU.
Communication from the Commission on the investment plan
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
Annual growth survey
Macroeconomic imbalances
The Council considered growth prospects and macroeconomic imbalances under the "European
Semester", the EU's annual policy monitoring process.
It adopted conclusions regarding two documents from the Commission:
The annual growth survey, highlighting the Commission's main conclusions for 2015;
An "alert mechanism report", marking the starting point of the EU's annual
macroeconomic imbalances procedure.
Council conclusions on the 2015 annual growth survey and alert mechanism report
The 2015 European Semester will conclude in July, with the adoption of country-specific
recommendations on the member states' economic, employment and fiscal policies.
The annual growth survey recommends for 2015:
a coordinated boost to investment, with the Commission's €315 billion action plan (see
page 4);
a renewed commitment to structural reforms, to enable countries to grow out of debt and
stimulate the creation of more and better jobs;
pursuing fiscal responsibility, to secure control over deficit and debt levels in the long
The alert mechanism report identifies 16 member states for which further assessment is needed to
determine whether macroeconomic imbalances exist: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
and the United Kingdom.
For these, the Commission is due to publish in-depth reviews at the end of February 2015.
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The presidency and the Commission reported on a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central
bank governors in Istanbul on 9 and 10 February 2015.
The Council asked the Economic and Financial Committee to prepare G20 and IMF meetings to be
held in Washington, D.C., on 16-19 April 2015.
Discussions at the Istanbul meeting covered six main topics: the global economy, the framework for
growth, investment and infrastructure, international financial architecture, financial regulation and
taxation issues.
Turkey chairs the G20 from December 2014 to November 2015. The 2015 G20 summit will take
place in Antalya on 15 and 16 November.
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council recommended the European Parliament to give a discharge to the Commission for
implementation of the 2013 EU budget. This recommendation was prepared on the basis of the
Court of Auditors' annual report.
The Council recalled the particular importance that better spending and sound financial
management of EU funds have for the public perception of actions financed from the EU budget. It
noted that the error rate for payments in 2013 remained relatively stable compared to the previous
year. However, it regretted that the EU budget continues to be affected by an error rate above the
materiality threshold of 2%. At the same time, the Council recalled that the error rate is not a
measure of fraud, inefficiency or waste of funds.
The Council recognised the efforts made by the Commission and member states to implement the
Court of Auditors' recommendations of previous years to improve the management and control of
EU funds.
It noted that policies for which management is shared by the Commission and the member states
remain more affected by error than policies directly managed by the Commission. The Council
regretted that for an important part of the transactions under shared management affected by error,
national authorities had enough information to detect and correct the errors concerned. It called on
the Commission to continue exercising its supervisory role and to provide guidance to member
states in order to ensure that spending is in line with the rules.
As far as the funds directly managed by the Commission are concerned, the Council regretted the
recurrent increase in the error rate for most policies. It urged the Commission to continue improving
its control system.
Some delegations emphasised the importance of member states taking full responsibility for
maintaining - and where necessary improving - effective and efficient control mechanisms to
manage EU funds at national level.
Council recommendation on the discharge of the 2013 budget
Court of Auditors Annual Report for the financial year 2013
Note on the draft Council recommendation
The Council's recommendation serves as the basis for the European Parliament's decision on a
discharge to the Commission. This is in line with article 319 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
European Union.
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council also adopted recommendations on the discharge to be given to the directors of 32 EU
agencies, six EU executive agencies and seven joint undertakings for implementation of their 2013
budgets. In accordance with the EU's budgetary discharge procedure, the recommendations will
now be submitted to the European Parliament. The President of the Council is due to present them
to the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control on 23 February.
Council 2013 discharge recommendation to the agencies
Council 2013 discharge recommendation to the executive agencies
Council 2013 discharge recommendation to the joint undertakings
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council adopted conclusions setting its priorities for the 2016 EU budget. They will guide the
presidency in negotiations with the European Parliament.
The 2016 budget will be the third in the EU's 2014-20 financial programming period. The
conclusions emphasise the need to maintain budgetary discipline at all levels, given that budgetary
constraints remain in many member states. They call for a balance to be struck between fiscal
consolidation and investments to boost growth. Such a balance could be achieved through the
prioritisation of objectives and the allocation of resources to measures that contribute the most to
those aims.
From the Council's point of view, commitments and payments should be kept under strict control,
taking into account real needs. At the same time, the payments level in the 2016 budget should
notably reflect the commitments made during the previous programming period 2007-2013 and the
expected needs for programmes relating to the period 2014-2020.
The Council took note of the decreasing amount of outstanding commitments, commonly known
under their French acronym "RAL" (reste à liquider), and asked the Commission to carefully
monitor these amounts. According to the Commission the level of "RAL" amounted to €189 billion
at the end of 2014, compared to around €222 billion at the end of 2013.
Council conclusions on priorities for the 2016 budget
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council took note of the first assessment report of a high-level group on own resources. The
report was presented by the group's chairman, Mario Monti.
The high-level group on own resources was set up as part of a political agreement on the
multiannual financial framework 2014-2020. It is tasked with reviewing the EU's current own
resources system by 2016 with a view to making it simpler, more transparent, more equitable and
more democratically accountable from 2021 onwards. The group meets at least once every
6 months.
National parliaments will be invited to an interinstitutional conference in 2016 to assess the
outcome of the group's work. On the basis of the results of this work, the Commission will assess
whether new own resources initiatives are appropriate for the period after 2020.
First assessment report of the high-level group on own resources
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council, under "other business", took note of ongoing work on financial services dossiers.
Macroeconomic dialogue with the social partners
A dialogue on macroeconomic issues was held on 16 February between:
on the one hand the social partners, namely employers and trade unions at EU level and
representatives of public enterprises and SMEs;
on the other hand the Council presidency troika, the Commission, the European Central
Bank, the president of the Eurogroup and the chairpersons of the Economic and Financial
Committee and the Economic Policy Committee.
The dialogue focused on the priorities of the Latvian presidency, the economic situation and
outlook, and the various policy responses.
Ministers of the euro area member states attended a meeting of the Eurogroup on 16 February. They
discussed the way forward for Greece, considering the forthcoming expiry of the country's current
economic adjustment programme. They gave political endorsement to Portugal's request to make an
early repayment of a portion of its loans from the IMF. They discussed the economic situation in the
euro area, in the light of the Commission's winter forecast, as well as Cyprus' economic adjustment
programme. They were also briefed on the results of the EU summit on 12 February 2015 in
relation to EU economic and monetary union.
EIB governors meeting
Ministers met in their capacity as governors of the European Investment Bank for the an EIB
governors' meeting. They discussed a Commission-EIB partnership for jobs, growth and
Ministerial breakfast meeting
Ministers held a breakfast to discuss the economic situation in the light of the Commission's winter
economic forecast. They also discussed Portugal's plans for early repayment of IMF loans and
financial assistance to Ukraine.
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
Revision of the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020*
The Council confirmed an agreement in principle reached by the Permanent Representatives
Committee on 13 February 2015 on a revision of the EU's multiannual financial framework (MFF)
for 2014-2020.
Draft regulation of February 2015 amending the MFF
Statements on the February 2015 draft regulation amending the MFF
The aim of the revision is to allow the EU to transfer €21.1 billion of unused commitments for
certain funds from 2014 to subsequent years. This allows for the preservation of commitments
needed to support a number of EU programmes which could not be adopted in 2014. It also makes
it possible to adopt and implement the outstanding programmes.
The revised MFF regulation will be adopted by the Council once it has obtained the consent of the
European Parliament. The revision of the MFF will be accompanied by the adoption of draft
amending budget no. 2 translating the MFF revision into budgetary terms by increasing the
commitments in the 2015 budget by €16.5 billion.
Press release on the Council agreement on February 2015 draft regulation amending the MFF
Own funds requirements
The Council decided not to object to the adoption by the Commission of a regulation supplementing
the so-called capital requirements regulation ("CRR") 575/2013 with regard to regulatory technical
standards for own funds requirements for institutions.
The regulation is a delegated act pursuant to article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
It can now enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects.
The delegated act specifies whether and when multiple distributions would create a disproportionate
drag on capital. It also clarifies the meaning of preferential distributions, namely preferential rights
to payments of distributions and order of payments of distribution. The delegated act amends an
earlier one (241/2014).
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
EU special representative for human rights
The Council extended the mandate of the EU special representative for human rights, Stavros
Lambrinidis, until 28 February 2017.
A budget of €788 000 has been allocated for his activities from 1 March 2015 to 28 February 2016.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
The Council allocated €2.5 billion in support of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW).
The funds will go towards the promotion of the full implementation of the convention on the
prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. They will
also support activities enhancing the preparedness of states to prevent and respond to attacks
involving toxic chemicals, international cooperation, and the ability of the OPCW to adapt to
technological developments.
European Development Fund
The Council adopted recommendations regarding the discharge to be given by the European
Parliament to the Commission in respect of the implementation of operations under the eighth, ninth
and tenth European Development Funds for the financial year 2013.
Recommendations concerning the eighth European Development Fund
Recommendations regarding the ninth European Development Fund
Recommendations on the tenth European Development Fund
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
Rules of origin - Croatia
The Council approved the position to be adopted, on behalf of the EU, in the European Economic
Area joint committee concerning an amendment to protocol 4 of the EEA agreement.
The amendment of protocol 4 on rules of origin is needed to reflect that Croatia has become a party
to the EEA agreement.
Council February 2015 decision on amendment to protocol 4 of the EEA agreement
Rules of origin - Euro-Mediterranean rules on the origin of goods
The Council approved the position to be adopted, on behalf of the EU, in the European Economic
Area joint committee on the replacement of protocol 4 of the EEA agreement.
Council February 2015 decision on replacement of protocol 4 of the EEA agreement
The decision involves replacing protocol 4 with a new protocol that is aligned to a regional
convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin. The regional convention lays
down provisions on the origin of goods traded under relevant agreements.
Food additives
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of the following four Commission regulations:
a regulation amending the specifications for the food additive polyvinyl alcohol (E 1203);
a regulation authorising the use of L-leucine as a carrier (tableting aid) for table-top
sweeteners in tablets and to assign E 641 to that food additive;
a regulation extending the use of aluminium lakes of cochineal, carminic acid, carmines
(E 120) in dietary foods for special medical purposes which are not intended for infants
and young children;
a regulation increasing the maximum permitted level of benzoic acid – benzoates (E 210 -
213) in cooked shrimps in brine.
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
Commission January 2015 draft regulation on specifications for E 1203
Commission January 2015 draft regulation on the use of E 641
Commission January 2015 draft regulation on the use of E 120
Commision January 2015 draft regulation on E 210-213
The draft regulations are subject to the so called regulatory procedure with scrutiny. The
Commission may now adopt them, unless the European Parliament objects.
Civil aviation aircrew
The Council decided not to oppose adoption by the Commission of a regulation amending
regulation 1178/2011 as regards technical requirements and administrative procedures related to
civil aviation aircrew.
The changes address, amongst other things, certain requirements that member states and general
aviation stakeholders have found to be disproportionate.
The draft regulation is subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. The Commission may now
adopt it, unless the European Parliament objects.
Commission December 2014 draft amending regulation on civil aviation aircrew
Annexes 1 to 5 of Commission December 2014 draft amending regulation on civil aviation aircrew
Motor vehicles - Type-approval for emergency breaking systems
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption by the Commission of an amendment to regulation
347/2012 with respect to type-approval requirements for certain vehicles with regard to advanced
emergency braking systems (AEBS).
Regulation 347/2012 lays down procedures, tests and requirements for the type-approval of motor
vehicles with regard to AEBS, and provides for the implementation of those requirements in two
stages. As part of the first stage, certain new vehicle types were to be subject, as of 1 November
2013, to approval level 1. As part of the second stage, those vehicles that had not been subject to
approval level 1, would be required to obtain approval level 2, entailing compliance with further
and more extensive requirements. Approval level 2 will be implemented as of 1 November 2016 for
new vehicle types.
The amendment is a draft delegated act. The Commission may now adopt it, unless the European
Parliament objects.
Rådsmøde nr. 3370 (økonomi og finans) den 17. februar 2015 - Bilag 5: Resultat af Rådets samling økofin 17/02-15
17 February 2015
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption by the Commission of an amendment to directive
2008/98/EC on waste.
Commission December 2014 draft directive on waste
The amendment is a draft implementing act. The Commission may now adopt it, unless the
European Parliament objects.
EU-Ukraine - Science and technology cooperation agreement
The Council decided to renew for five years an agreement with Ukraine on cooperation in science
and technology.
The agreement entered into force in February 2003 and is renewable every five years.
The European Parliament gave its consent to the renewal of the agreement in December 2014.