Europaudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 19-20/3-15 Bilag 5
European Council
The President
Brussels, 18 March 2015
&Name of the recipient
&Form of address
It is my pleasure to invite you for the next European Council meeting on 19-20 March 2015.
The meeting will be dedicated to three major issues: the Energy Union, the economy and external
After the usual exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament and the family
photo, we will dedicate our first working session to the Energy Union. This Energy Union has five
closely interrelated and mutually reinforcing dimensions. At our forthcoming meeting, I would like to
focus our discussion on certain aspects of the Energy Union, linked in particular to energy security,
internal market and climate diplomacy. These are issues on which we can bring immediate value
added. It goes without saying that the European Council will come back to the Energy Union in the
future to continue to provide guidance, including on matters not discussed this time.
Dinner will be the time to look into external relations. We need to give guidance for the preparation
of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga. It is important for the EU to demonstrate its continued
resolve to engage with the region, both bilaterally and regionally. The situation in Ukraine and
relations with Russia will be at the heart of our dinner discussion, with a particular emphasis on
next steps.
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - 1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
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On Friday, we will hold a debate on the economic situation and on the implementation of key
structural reforms undertaken by Member States. TTIP will also figure prominently on the agenda:
together, we need to make every effort to conclude negotiations on an ambitious, comprehensive
and mutually beneficial agreement by the end of the year. I invited the President of the European
Central Bank to join us for the discussion on the economy.
We will then address the situation in Libya, which is very worrying in several respects. We will see
how we can support efforts to stabilise the country and to promote a political solution.
I look forward to meeting you.