Europaudvalget 2015-16
Rådsmøde 3401 - Alm. anl.
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 38
3401st Council meeting
General Affairs
Luxembourg, 23 June 2015
Edgars Rinkēvičs
Latvian Minister for Foreign Affairs
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ........................................................................................... 4
Preparation for the June European Council ......................................................................................... 6
European Semester ............................................................................................................................... 7
Better regulation agenda ...................................................................................................................... 8
Any other business ............................................................................................................................... 9
Informal meeting of EU cohesion ministers ............................................................................................................ 9
Reform of General Court* ..................................................................................................................................... 10
European citizens' initiative ................................................................................................................................... 10
Committee of the Regions: new members from Poland for the next five years .................................................... 11
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for technical assistance ....................................... 11
Implementation challenges of the cohesion policy 2014-2020 .............................................................................. 12
Capital requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
 
Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
 
Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
EU-Mexico PNR Agreement ................................................................................................................................. 17
Charter of Fundamental Rights - Application in 2014 .......................................................................................... 17
Amendment to protocol 31 of the EEA agreement ................................................................................................ 21
Tariffs and quotas on certain products................................................................................................................... 21
Public access to documents ................................................................................................................................... 21
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:
Reaffirming its conclusions regarding the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia adopted in
December 2014 and in April 2015, the EU commitment under the Thessaloniki agenda and
the candidate status of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Council reiterates its
grave concern at the situation in the country, in particular the ongoing political crisis.
The Council notes positively the efforts by local party leaders in recent meetings to seek and
reach solutions and in this context welcomes the facilitation by Commissioner Hahn as well
as by Members of the European Parliament.
The Council notes, as a significant first step in addressing the political crisis, the agreement
facilitated in Skopje on 2 June 2015. This agreement sets out commitments by the leaders of
the main political parties to address serious rule of law concerns and to remain committed to
the country's EU accession process and democratic principles, including by maintaining good
inter-ethnic relations through the full implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and
by strengthening good neighbourly relations. The Council considers the 2 June agreement the
basis for future discussions. The Council urges the political parties - in the interest of the
citizens and the country - to assume their respective responsibilities and take immediate
measures towards a sustainable solution, constructively engage in political dialogue and
continue efforts to restore trust in the institutions.
The Council calls upon all parties to honour their 2 June agreement and implement all
recommendations of the Commission, starting with the urgent reform priorities, in relation to
systemic rule of law issues confirmed by or arising out of the current crisis, including in
relation to breaches of fundamental rights, judicial freedom, media freedom, elections,
corruption, politicisation of state institutions and state/party blurring and failures of oversight.
The implementation of these recommendations will be closely monitored by the Commission.
Electoral reform in line with recommendations by OSCE/ODIHR is urgently required and
will, in conjunction with initial systemic reforms, contribute to ensuring a level playing field
ahead of future elections, the free and fair conduct of which will be an important indicator of
reforms in this regard. It is, moreover, necessary to ensure as soon as possible a thorough and
independent investigation of the material revealed and any criminal wrongdoing, with full
regard for due process, the principle of the independence of the judiciary and the presumption
of innocence.
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
The Council looks forward to the session of the Stabilisation and Association Council in July
where it will expect detailed reporting on concrete actions undertaken and foreseen in the next
Stressing the need for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to make swift and tangible
progress towards fulfilling urgent reform priorities in the framework of the established
conditionality and in line with its 16 December 2014 and taking into account its 21 April 2015
Conclusions, the Council reaffirms the continued EU engagement, including through regular
reporting by the Commission and the EEAS on the situation in the country,
inter alia
reform priorities, and on the country's commitment to the EU agenda, and to the enlargement
process emanating from its candidate status. The Council remains seised of this issue and will
revert to it in the next months."
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Preparation for the June European Council
The Council examined revised draft conclusions for the European Council meeting to be held on
25-26 June.
The European Council will focus on:
leaders are expected to focus on relocation, resettlement and return policy.
They should also look forward to the Valletta Conference with countries of origin and
transit in Africa.
Security challenges:
this will include discussions on EU internal security, such as counter-
terrorism, the EU's strategy on foreign and security policy, as well as capabilities and
Europe's defence industry.
the European Council will conclude the 2015 European Semester and welcome
the agreement reached on the European Fund for Strategic Investments. The heads of state
or government will further discuss and provide orientations on the digital single market
and the 4 Presidents report on better economic governance in the euro area.
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
European Semester
As part of the European Semester, the Council approved draft country's specific recommendations
(CSR's) and transmitted them to the European Council for endorsement. The draft CSR's have also
been discussed in EPSCO and ECOFIN.
The European Semester involves simultaneous monitoring of the member states' fiscal, economic
and employment policies during a six-month period every year. In the light of the guidance
provided by the European Council, the member states will prepare their national reform
programmes (economic and employment policies) and stability or convergence programmes (fiscal
policies) for this year.
Council website:
European Semester
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Better regulation agenda
The Council exchanged views on the better regulation agenda proposed by the Commission on 19
May 2015.
Ministers took stock of work in the Council, particularly as regards the interinstitutional agreement
to be negotiated among the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission. Ministers also
discussed the content of the wider better regulation agenda from the particular perspective of
business and citizens. One of the main aims of the better regulation agenda is to ensure that EU
policies and laws achieve their objectives at minimum cost.
The objective of the incoming Luxembourg presidency is to conclude the negotiations on the
interinstitutional agreement by the end of 2015.
Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans informed ministers that the Commission will
present its annual work programme for 2016 in October 2015.
The incoming Luxembourg presidency informed the Council about its intention to invite ministers
for European affairs at their informal meeting in July 2015 to discuss notably the handling of the
Commission work programme for 2016. The General Affairs Council in September 2015 will be
called upon to exchange views on the Commission's work programme for 2016 on the basis of a
Commission's letter of intent.
The following presidency documents formed the basis of the discussions:
a presidency report outlining the state of play on the draft inter-institutional agreement on
better law making
a presidency note on the entire better regulation agenda
The better regulation agenda consists of the two following key documents
a draft inter-institutional agreement
a communication on "better regulation on better results"
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Any other business
Informal meeting of EU cohesion ministers
The Council took note of the information provided by the presidency on the informal meeting of EU
ministers responsible for cohesion policy and for territorial cohesion and urban matters which took
place in Riga on 9-10 June 2015 (9625/15).
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Reform of General Court*
The Council adopted its first-reading position on a proposal to reform the General Court, aimed at
enabling it to face an increasing workload and ensuring that legal redress in the EU is guaranteed
within a reasonable time.
The General Court is one of three courts of the European Court of Justice, the other two being the
Court of Justice itself and the Civil Service Tribunal. The General Court is the court of first and last
resort for the majority of decisions taken by the Commission and other EU organs, in all areas
where the European Union holds competences.
The UK delegation voted against and the Belgian and Netherlands delegations abstained
REV 1 ADD 1).
For details, see
press release.
European citizens' initiative
The Council took note of a presidency summary of the comments made within the Council's
working party on general affairs on a Commission report on the application of the European
citizens' initiative (9832/15).
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Committee of the Regions: new members from Poland for the next five years
The Council appointed
new members of the Committee of the Regions from Poland
for the period
from 26 January 2015 to 25 January 2020.
The Council had previously adopted two decisions for the renewal of the Committee of the
- on 26 January 2015:
Appointment of new members for the next five years,
- on 5 February 2015 (List
of new members from Germany and the UK).
The term of office of the Committee of the Regions expired on 25 January 2015 and the
governments of the member states had to communicate their candidates before that date. However,
not all member states had sent a complete list of candidates before the closing date.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for technical assistance
The Council adopted a decision mobilising an amount of €0.6 million out of the European
Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). The objective of the technical assistance is to finance
activities related to monitoring, information exchange, creation of a knowledge base, administrative
and technical support, networking and conducting an evaluation of the EGF.
The EGF helps workers find new jobs and develop new skills when they have lost their jobs as a
result of changing global trade patterns, e.g. when a large company shuts down or a factory is
moved to outside the EU. Support from the EGF consists in financing measures such as job-search
assistance, career advice, tailor-made training and re-training, mentoring and promoting
entrepreneurship. It also provides one-off, time-limited individual support, such as job-search
allowances, mobility allowances and allowances for participating in lifelong learning and training
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Implementation challenges of the cohesion policy 2014-2020
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the implementation challenges of the cohesion
policy 2014-2020 (9622/1/15
REV 1):
RECALLING that the mission of Cohesion policy is set out in the Article 174 of the Treaty
on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
RECALLING the Council conclusions on the Sixth Report on Economic, social and territorial
RECALLING the Investment Plan for Europe launched by the European Commission and the
role that Cohesion policy plays in supporting long-term investment to enhance growth and
jobs and in improving the investment environment
RECALLING the ECOFIN Council conclusions on the Annual Growth Survey and the Alert
Mechanism Report.
Implementation of Cohesion policy reform
REITERATES the relevance of the main elements of the Cohesion policy reform agreed for
the 2014-2020 programming period, aligning investments with the priorities of the Europe
2020 strategy, the European Semester and in particular the strong focus on increased
effectiveness and results orientation.
UNDERLINES the importance of fully exploiting the potential of this reform to reinforce
Cohesion policy as the main EU investment policy promoting economic, social and territorial
cohesion in all EU regions while concentrating interventions in the less developed regions and
contributing to other European objectives.
WELCOMES the fact that ERDF and ESF thematic concentration has been achieved and, in a
number of cases, exceeded the requirements of the legislative framework and that Europe
2020 strategy priorities have been clearly addressed in programming documents.
COM(2014) 903.
5957/1/15 REV 1.
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
RECOGNISES the importance of the established measures linked to sound economic
governance and their implementation in practice. UNDERLINES that, by addressing relevant
country specific recommendations arising from the European Semester, Cohesion policy
investments have an important role to play in supporting structural reforms which encourage
favourable framework conditions for ESI Funds interventions and improve the overall
investment environment in Member States and regions.
RECOGNISES the important role of ex ante conditionalities in reinforcing the effectiveness
of investment and the potential positive spill over effects to Member State’s administrations.
TAKES NOTE that, overall, ex ante conditionalities have been fulfilled in a majority of
programmes and Member States. Nonetheless, NOTES that there are variations in the degree
of fulfilment across Member States.
(10) CALLS on Member States to strive for an effective and rapid implementation of their action
plans related to ex-ante conditionalities, along the lines defined in the regulation, and to
ensure that programme implementation starts as soon as possible and the reformed policy is
effectively delivered on the ground. STRESSES the need for the Commission to work closely
with Member States in the process of monitoring ex-ante conditionalities and their fulfilment
progress. CALLS on the Commission and Member States to finalise the adoption of the
remaining operational programmes.
(11) WELCOMES the fact that the intervention logic in programmes has generally gained in
clarity and that a clear definition of changes to be achieved through the investments of ESI
Funds has been provided in programmes.
(12) WELCOMES the integrated approach to territorial development and use of integrated
territorial investments and community-led local development in order to achieve better results
in addressing complex territorial challenges.
(13) INVITES Member States to use to the full potential of the recent increase of the pre-financing
for the Youth employment initiative in 2015 to speed-up the implementation.
Financial instruments
(14) RECOGNISES the potential effectiveness of using financial instruments to increase the
impact and leverage of ESI Funds, underpinned by an ex-ante assessment as well as by
specific objectives defined in operational programmes, and additional to and coordinated with
already existing regional, national and EU level financial instruments, both public and private.
RECALLS nevertheless that grants within cohesion policy are an effective form of support for
many types of projects and programmes on their own and in combination with financial
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
(15) WELCOMES that, based on current estimates and plans, the overall use of financial
instruments is expected to nearly double compared to the 2007-2013 programming period and
INVITES Member States to continue exploring how to further enhance and widen the
sustainable use of financial instruments, while taking into account different situations and
contexts in the Member States and regions. TAKES NOTE of different implementation
modalities, such as tailor made instruments, off-the-shelf instruments and SME Initiative.
(16) CALLS on the Commission to provide guidance on the use of financial instruments and on
the synergies between different instruments in a timely, coherent, consistent and clear manner
and to explore all opportunities to provide more clarity, in no case going beyond the scope of
the legal provisions agreed by the co-legislators by creating additional obligations.
(17) HIGHLIGHTS that stable, consistent and clear rules throughout the whole implementation
period are a pre-requisite to attract private investors.
(18) INVITES the Commission to further explore possible synergies and complementarities
between ESI Funds and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and provide
guidance on combining the use of ESI Funds with EFSI to ensure smooth and efficient
coordination between these instruments
(19) RECOGNISES the importance of practical know-how and past experiences in successfully
setting up and managing financial instruments. INVITES the Commission to continue
analysing the implementation bottlenecks and to provide practical solutions in overcoming
these bottlenecks, in particular for tailor made financial instruments.
(20) WELCOMES the creation of the new "fi-compass" platform and INVITES the Commission
to ensure that it is developed as a demand-driven advisory platform which delivers on
practical issues related to the design and implementation of financial instruments in a timely
Administrative capacity and Simplification
(21) ACKNOWLEDGES that good governance and administrative capacity are among the main
preconditions to achieve the objectives of Cohesion policy, that the primary responsibility in
improving administrative capacity lies with the Member States and their regions, and that, at
the same time, the Commission has an important supportive role to play. RECOGNISES the
importance of addressing weaknesses in administrative capacity, including in the fields of
public procurement and state aid.
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
(22) CALLS on Member States to improve their administrative capacity in managing the ESI
Funds while respecting the principle of proportionality and to foster the exchange of good
practices within and between them. CALLS on the Commission to continue facilitating and
fostering the exchange of good practices among Member States and to continue innovating in
the way in which it can help Member States improving their administrative capacity in
managing ESI Funds. WELCOMES the opportunities offered by the new TAIEX REGIO
PEER 2 PEER exchange mechanism.
(23) CALLS on the Commission to strengthen coordination within the Commission services and to
reinforce its capacity to ensure timely, coordinated, clear and stable interpretation of rules and
Commission decisions. Close cooperation between the Commission and Member States is
crucial in order to ensure a common and consistent understanding of rules throughout the
whole implementation period, in particular concerning specific arrangements agreed during
recently finalized negotiations of programming documents
(24) CALLS on the Commission and JASPERS to ensure sufficient capacity to support Member
States in addressing horizontal issues and project preparation to ensure quality policy
(25) INVITES the Commission to explore the possibilities for further simplification and
proportionality, taking into account the findings in the Sixth Cohesion report on varying
governance capacities. CONSIDERS that the Better regulation initiative should encompass
Cohesion policy, including simplification.
(26) WELCOMES the set-up by the Commission of the high level group monitoring simplification
for beneficiaries. ASKS that the Council as of 2016 is informed regularly on the work of the
group and that Member States are involved and ENCOURAGES relevant findings to be
discussed with Member States and applied to the current programming period where it
provides an immediate added value without undermining the stability of the general rules.
RECALLS that achieving simplification of Cohesion policy is a shared objective and
responsibility of the Commission, Member States, and other stakeholders. Respecting the
principle of shared management of ESI Funds, all actors at EU and national level are invited
to make use of the simplification measures provided for in the legal framework, to identify
and remove processes and procedures which constitute excess administrative burden and cost,
or can be simplified without undermining the overall assurance and effectiveness of the
management and control system. RECOGNISES that auditors at EU and national level,
including Court of Auditors, are well positioned to contribute to the simplification effort by
detecting redundant processes and procedures and suggesting more effective solutions based
on good practices.
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
(27) INVITES the Commission and Member States to make efforts and where necessary allocate
sufficient resources for preventive actions increasing legal certainty in order to minimise the
risk of errors and avoid retroactivity, as well as to identify problems in the early stages of
implementation via the designation procedure, system audits and early-warning mechanisms.
CALLS on the Commission to provide timely guidance and coordinated methodological
support to Member States, including national auditors, and to share recurrent and horizontal
audit results with the audit community and programme authorities.
(28) INVITES the Commission to report on the uptake of financial instruments and the
contribution of ESI Funds to the implementation of the relevant country-specific
recommendations, as well as on the contribution of ex ante conditionalities to creating a better
investment environment and removing long-term bottlenecks for growth, and on the reduction
in administrative burden. INVITES the Commission to include these findings in the report on
the outcome of the negotiations concerning the Partnership Agreements and the programmes
foreseen under article 16 of the Common provisions regulation
. INVITES Member States to
provide information with respect to financial instruments funded by ESI Funds on performed
ex-ante assessments and, if available, on signed funding agreements, in order to enable the
Commission to produce this report.
(29) RECOMMENDS that a regular debate in the General Affairs Council takes place among
relevant ministers to discuss on the implementation and results of the ESI Funds, contributing
in a meaningful and substantial way to ensure effective implementation and result orientation
of cohesion policy."
Capital requirements
The Council decided not to object to the adoption by the Commission of regulations supplementing
the regulation 575/2013 on capital requirements with regard to:
regulatory technical standards for the disclosure of information in relation to the
compliance of institutions with the countercyclical capital buffer requirement;
regulatory technical standards for the transitional treatment of equity exposures under the
Internal Ratings-Based approach.
The regulations are delegated acts pursuant to article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the
EU. They can now enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects.
Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 320.
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
EU-Mexico PNR Agreement
The Council adopted a decision authorising the opening of negotiations for an agreement between
the EU and Mexico for the transfer and use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data to prevent and
combat terrorism and other serious transnational crime.
Charter of Fundamental Rights - Application in 2014
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the application of the Charter of Fundamental
Rights in 2014 (9319/15):
The Council welcomes the 2014 Commission report on the application of the EU Charter of
Fundamental Rights (further referred to as the Charter)
which identifies how the European
Union and its Member States gave effect to the Charter in 2014.
The Council also welcomes the 2014 annual report of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
(further referred to as the Agency),
highlighting fundamental rights challenges and
achievements from the perspective of the Agency in 2014. The Council reiterates that the data
collected by the Agency on specific thematic topics and its opinions given in accordance with
its mandate remain an important tool for the EU institutions and its Member States in matters
of implementation of EU law.
Awareness of the Charter
Marking that five years have passed since the Charter became legally binding, the Council
notes its steady gain of legal importance as evidenced by increasing case law both at national
and EU level. The Council highlights the relevance of the Charter, its rigorous application and
implementation at EU and national level and underlines the continued need to regularly and
systematically analyse the application of the Charter as the basic legal instrument for
fundamental rights in the EU. The Council renews its commitment to annual debates
following each Commission report on the application of the Charter.
8707/15 + ADD 1
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
The Council recognises that fundamental rights have to be considered constantly and
comprehensively throughout decision-making and legislative procedures. The Council recalls
that in 2014 it updated its guidelines
on methodological steps to be taken to check
fundamental rights compatibility at the Council preparatory bodies, organised training
activities to promote the use of these guidelines and emphasises that this will be accompanied
by further training and awareness-raising activities in order to enhance the protection of
fundamental rights at all levels of Council work. In this context the Council welcomes the
recently adopted Better Regulation Guidelines,
Better Regulation for Better Results - An EU
and the proposal for an Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Regulation.
The Council underlines the essential role of the Agency in raising awareness of the Charter
rights, its scope and about where to turn to concerning fundamental rights issues. Practical
toolkits such as the Charterpedia application and the CLARITY project are to be welcomed
and further developed.
The Council recalls the international conference organised by the Latvian Presidency on 28-
29 April 2015 in Riga on the role of the Charter in the legislative process of the EU and its
application in the European Union's case law with a special focus on the impact of the Charter
on the area of freedom, security and justice. In that context the Council notes that it is
necessary to continue promoting training and best practice sharing with regard to the
application of the Charter at national and EU level.
The Council welcomes Commission plans to launch annual colloquiums on the state of play
of fundamental rights in the Union, including the first edition of this initiative in October
2015 on tolerance and respect: preventing and combating anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim
Having regards to the obligation to respect fundamental rights under the Charter the Council
welcomes the Commission announcement to take steps to increase awareness of the Charter
among the Member States when managing European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI
b) Security
The Council notes the European Agenda on Security put forward by the Commission
welcomes that the first of the five key principles is the need to ensure full compliance with
fundamental rights.
9079/15 ADD 2
See Commission Communication (2015) 185 final, The European Agenda on security, at:
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Security and respect for fundamental rights are consistent and complementary policy
objectives. Taking into account growing threats from terrorism, serious and organized cross-
border crime, including cybercrime, security plays an important role in ensuring that every
individual can enjoy fundamental rights. Member States and the EU need to work together to
ensure that all security measures comply with the principles of necessity, proportionality and
legality, with appropriate safeguards to ensure accountability and judicial redress.
Proportionate and legitimate responses also foster peaceful, inclusive and diverse societies
and integrate respect for fundamental rights into planning and implementing counter-terrorism
and other law enforcement actions from the outset.
c) Racism and xenophobia
The Council expresses concerns at the growing incidence of racist and xenophobic acts
throughout the EU and deplores them.
The Council recalls that promoting inclusive tolerance, integration and shared values
combined with raising awareness of fundamental rights of all, are important guarantees
against the rise of racism and xenophobia in our diverse societies.
The Council invites Member States to fully implement the Framework Decision
2008/913/JHA on
combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia
means of criminal law.
d) Asylum and migration
The Council takes note of the European Agenda on Migration
and welcomes the emphasis on
the importance of complying with fundamental rights in the EU asylum and migration policy
at all stages, starting with the arrival of migrants and asylum seekers in the EU, through to
migrant and refugee integration, and the return of those with no right to remain.
In that context, the Council invites the Member States to strictly enforce the immigration and
including the respect for the procedures and standards that allow Europe to
ensure a humane and dignified treatment and a proportionate use of coercive measures, in line
with fundamental rights and the principle of non-refoulement, and to reinforce the protection
of the fundamental rights of asylum-seekers, paying particular attention to the needs of
vulnerable groups, such as children. In this context appropriate cooperation measures for the
benefit of Member States facing significant migratory pressure could improve the respect of
the fundamental rights of migrants and asylum seekers.
e) Digital single market
The Council shares the concerns of the Commission about the effective protection of
fundamental rights in the digital environment.
The protection of personal data, as guaranteed by Article 8 of the Charter is of key importance
and should be enhanced with the adoption of the data protection reform package that is being
The Council also notes with interest the adoption of the Digital Single Market Strategy for
Europe by the Commission on 6 May 2015.
f) Consistency between internal and external policies
COM(2015) 240 final, 8961/15.
COM (2015) 192 final, 8672/15
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
The Council recalls its conclusions of 5 and 6 June 2014, in particular on the consistency
between internal and external aspects of human rights' protection and promotion in the
European Union and welcomes cooperation in particular through information exchange
between FREMP and COHOM working parties of the Council.
g) Victims Directive
20. The Council recalls that the deadline for transposition of the Victims Directive (2012/29/EU)
is 15 November 2015 and encourages all Member States to have the legislative and policy
measures in place to ensure the full implementation of that Directive.
h) Rights of the Child
21. The Council welcomes research projects on the subject of children's rights undertaken by the
and recalls its conclusions of 4-5 December 2014 on the promotion and protection of
the rights of the child.
As follow-up to these conclusions, on 8 June 2015 the FREMP and
COHOM working parties of the Council held a debate on child protection systems as follow-
up to the 9th European Forum on the Rights of the Child which took place in Brussels on 3-4
June 2015.
22. The Council agrees with the Commission that accession to the European Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) remains of paramount
importance and will strengthen fundamental values, improve the effectiveness of EU law and
enhance the coherence of fundamental rights protection in Europe.
23. The Council reaffirms its strong commitment to the accession to the ECHR as required by the
Treaties and invites the Commission as the EU negotiator to bring forward its analysis on the
ways to address Opinion 2/13 of the Court of Justice of the European Union."
The most recent joint meeting took place on 8 June 2015 on integrated child protection
systems and on combating racism and xenophobia.
For example child-friendly justice:
guardianship for child victims of trafficking
Rådsmøde nr. 3401 (almindelige anliggender) den 23. juni 2015 - Bilag 1335995:
23 June 2015
Amendment to protocol 31 of the EEA agreement
The Council adopted a decision on the position to be adopted, on behalf of the EU, in the EEA joint
committee concerning an amendment to protocol 31 of the EEA agreement.
This amendment enables the continuation of the cooperation in actions concerning "Operation and
development of the internal market, particularly in the fields of notification, certification and
sectoral approximation" and "Implementation and development of the internal market" (9413/15).
Tariffs and quotas on certain products
The Council adopted a regulation amending regulation 1388/2013 opening and providing for the
management of autonomous tariff quotas of the EU for certain agricultural and industrial products
The regulation aims to ensure that adequate and uninterrupted supplies of products which are not
produced in sufficient quantity in the EU can be imported at reduced or zero duty rates of the
Common Customs Tariff duty for appropriate volumes, without disturbing the markets for such
The Council also adopted a regulation amending regulation 1387/2013 suspending the autonomous
Common Customs Tariff duties on certain agricultural, fishery and industrial products
Public access to documents
On 23 June 2015, the Council approved:
- the reply to confirmatory application No 09/c/01/15 (8981/15).