European Council
The President
Brussels, 3 November 2015
&Name of the recipient
&Form of address
Our meetings in September and October set orientations in developing a comprehensive European
response to the migration crisis and led to some positive results. The fact that thanks to European
contributions the World Food Programme has been able to increase its assistance to refugees in
the region gives hope to those most affected. However, the situation is still very serious, both in the
region and in Europe. The migratory flow continues at an unprecedented pace. In October we
experienced a record level of 218,000 refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean.
Faced with such a migratory wave, some EU states have been introducing different measures at
internal Schengen borders. As I have warned before, the only way not to dismantle Schengen is to
ensure proper management of EU external borders. We must do all we can to keep Schengen
intact and so any initiative that may lead to the re-establishment of borders within Schengen
should be withheld. If we are to avoid the worst we must speed up our actions. This is why I have
decided to call an informal meeting of EU Heads of State or Government, to be held just after the
Valletta Summit, on 12 November at 14.30.
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