European Council
The President
Brussels, 2 February 2016
Dear colleagues,
Keeping the unity of the European Union is the biggest challenge for all of us and so it is the key
objective of my mandate. It is in this spirit that I put forward a proposal for a new settlement of the
United Kingdom within the EU. To my mind it goes really far in addressing all the concerns raised
by Prime Minister Cameron. The line I did not cross, however, were the principles on which the
European project is founded.
I deeply believe that our community of interests is much stronger than what divides us. To be, or
not to be together, that is the question which must be answered not only by the British people in a
referendum, but also by the other 27 members of the EU in the next two weeks.
This has been a difficult process and there are still challenging negotiations ahead. Nothing is
agreed until everything is agreed. I am convinced that the proposal is a good basis for a
compromise. It could not have been drafted without the close and good cooperation of the
European Commission. In order to facilitate this process the Commission also made political
declarations that are included in this package.
Let me briefly refer to all the four baskets of the proposal.
economic governance,
the draft Decision of the Heads sets out principles to ensure mutual
respect between the Member States taking part in further deepening of the Economic and
Monetary Union and those which do not. By doing that we can pave the way for the further
integration within the euro area while safeguarding the rights and competences of non-participating
Member States.
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