Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 110
Public consultation on D04.01 - Core Public Service Vocabulary
Application Profile 2.0 (CPSV-AP 2.0): Danish comments
Denmark generally welcomes the Core Service Vocabulary Application Profile v.
2.0 and finds the standard well-developed and well-structured.
However, the limited clarity and the missing indications of which RDF classes and
properties are to be used are significant weaknesses which need to be addressed.
Denmark finds it important to improve clarity of the use profile diagrams. In
addition, it is necessary in parallel to the public consultation to publicise an
accessible RDF/Turtle file describing the model.
Denmark does not find the translation of the Danish CPSV-AP multi-lingual
labels usable due to an erroneous and misleading translation (i.e. using words that
do not exist in the Danish language). The translation could be improved
significantly by using the European Commission’s own language service as well as
ensuring that Danish grammar is used in the translation. It is important that a
common understanding of the terms in the vocabulary exists.
2 November 2016 2016 - 2666