December 2016
Danish response to the open consultation on the Single Digital Gate-
General remarks
The Danish government supports the ambition to make it easier for busi-
nesses and citizens to access information on the single market and make
use of the contact points available for assistance and problem solving.
The Danish government welcomes the intention to streamline and im-
prove existing efforts by establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG).
Architecture of the Single Digital Gateway
The Danish government supports the concept of the SDG as a single entry
point at European level. In order to ensure a consistent approach to archi-
tecture, navigation and concepts for content at all levels, it is important
that the Commission takes the primary ownership of the portal. This also
applies to technical issues and digital solutions which should be devel-
oped by the Commission and take into account considerations of interop-
erability at Member State level. The Commission is invited to carefully
consider to which extent principles like once only and reuse of data may
be integrated in functionalities of the SDG.
At the overall European level, the SDG should provide an independent
layer of information, e.g. an overview of areas with common EU rules. At
Member State level, the Commission should ensure a similar structure,
user interface and ways to present content for all countries. This is crucial
to ensure a certain quality consistency and comparability across Member
States. The Commission should develop structures and concepts in close
cooperation with Member States and by involving businesses and citi-
zens. In this respect, it is important to map existing channels and infor-
mation to avoid overlap and duplication of information leading to confu-
sion for users and to heavy demands for maintenance.
Content according to the reality of users
It is important to obtain clarity regarding which areas of information that
should be available to users. Today, existing information services and
contact points (e.g. the product contact point, the point of single contact
and Solvit) each have a defined scope. However, from a user’s perspec-