Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 256
Courtesy Translation
His Excellency
Dr Andrej Danko
Speaker of the National Council
of the Slovak Republic
Dear colleague,
Following the European Parliament’s Interparliamentary Meeting on 28 November 2016
concerning the modalities of joint parliamentary scrutiny of Europol, I would like to
thank you, on behalf of the German Bundestag, for your initiative to move forward with
the JPSG’s establishment. By consulting the national parliaments on key issues and
putting forward its own proposal, the Slovak Parliament, in the framework of the Troika,
made an important initial contribution to reaching agreement on the functioning of the
future JPSG and laid the foundations for the constructive dialogue at the conference.
From what I have heard, the meeting showed that there is still a need for
interparliamentary discussion. The reflections put forward by my colleagues from the
German Bundestag met with great interest, and various aspects were taken up during the
discussion. I would like to follow up on this by underlining several issues where I
believe it would be desirable for clarification to take place and a consensus to be reached
before the Conference of Speakers is held in April 2017.
One fundamental question is the JPSG’s numerical composition. The national
parliaments’ responses to the Troika’s questionnaire already showed a majority in favour
of at least four members per national parliament. The greater the extent to which the
composition of the national parliaments and the European Parliament is taken into
account, the greater the democratic scrutiny and legitimacy. Particularly in the case of
bicameral parliaments, there are therefore some grounds for having more than one
representative per chamber. If there is support for increasing the number of members
from the national parliaments, which I would warmly welcome, a proportional increase
in the number of European Parliament representatives would also be logical.
In light of the scrutiny and hearing rights to be exercised, the German Bundestag also
favours at least two meetings being held each year.
We expressly welcome the Troika’s aim of attaching high importance to the JPSG’s
workability and efficiency. Efficiency depends, in particular, on workable structures
being in place from the outset. Like a number of other national parliaments, the German
Bundestag is therefore calling for further modalities relating to the functioning of the
EUU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 256: Høring af nationale parlamenter om mandat til fællesparlamentarisk følgegruppe til Europol
JPSG to be clarified at an early stage. The issues which should be examined include, in
particular, the establishment of subcommittees on specific subjects, voting procedures
and quorums for decisions, the possibility of a right to put questions to the Europol
Management Board, and the establishment of a secretariat. My colleagues would be
willing to submit some thoughts on these issues to the Troika as an initial basis for
We are all keen for the JPSG to be able to fulfil its function as soon as possible after the
Europol Regulation’s entry into force in May 2017. It would therefore seem useful for a
further interparliamentary meeting to be held at expert level before the Conference of
Speakers, so that we can reach as broad a consensus as possible there on all of the main
modalities of the JPSG’s functioning. Should you decide to move in this direction, please
allow me to underline, on behalf of the German Bundestag, our willingness to play an
active part.
Yours sincerely,
Sgd. Professor Norbert Lammert
President of the German Bundestag