Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 281
Curriculum Vitae
Lee Jae-jung
Member of the 20
National Assembly
Republic of Korea
Date of Birth:
August 2, 1974
Party Affiliation:
The Minjoo Party of Korea (Proportional Representation)
Mar. 1994 - Feb. 1998
Mar. 1990 - Feb. 1993
B.A. in Private Law, Kyungpook National University
Sunghwa Girls’ High School, Daegu, Korea
Professional Experience
Current Positions
Member of the 20
National Assembly (May 2016 - Present)
The Minjoo Party of Korea, Proportional Representation
Member, Security and Public Administration Committee, National Assembly
Member of the House Steering Committee, NA
Floor Spokesperson for the Minjoo Party of Korea
Previous Positions
Deputy Secretary-General, MINBYUN
Lawyers for a Democratic Society
Member of the Steering Committee, Public Interest Law Center, People’s Solidarity for
Participatory Democracy(PSPD)
Member of the Organizing Committee & Auditor, Seoul 2015 IBSA World Games
Legal Advisor, The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
Member of the Media Committee, MINBYUN
Lawyers for a Democratic Society
Member of the 35
Class, Judicial Research & Training Institute(JRTI)
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Curriculum Vitae
Hong Ihk-pyo
Member of the 20
National Assembly
Republic of Korea
Date of Birth:
Nov. 20, 1967
Party Affiliation:
The New Politics Alliance for Democracy
Electoral District:
Seongdong-gu, Seoul
Ph.D. in Political Science, Graduate School of Hanyang University, Seoul
B.A. in Political Science and Diplomacy, Hanyang University, Seoul
Professional Experience
May. 2016 - Present
Member, 20
National Assembly
Vice Chairman, Trade, Industry and Energy Committee, NA
Senior Vice Chairman, Policy Committee, The Minjoo Party
Jul. 2014 - May. 2016
Member, 19
National Assembly
Member, Trade, Industry & Energy Committee, National Assembly (NA)
Member, Special Committee on Budget & Accounts, NA
Member, Gender Equality & Family Committee, NA
Chairman, Subcommittee on the Issue of Sexual Slavery for the
Japanese Military, NA
Jun. 2012 - Jun. 2014
Member, 19
National Assembly
Member, Foreign Affairs, Trade & Unification Committee, NA
Aug. 2008 - Aug. 2013
Feb. 2007 - Jan. 2008
1996 - Mar. 2011
Adjunct Professor, University of North Korean Studies
Policy Advisor, Ministry of Unification
Researcher, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)
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Personal History
Full Name :
Baek, Jae-Hyun
Date of Birth : July 4, 1951
Present Address: : #729 Members’ office Building 1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul, 150-702 Korea
Party : The New Politics Alliance for Democracy
Affiliation : Industry and Trade Resources Committee
Electoral District : Gwangmyeong City / Gyeonggi Province
1979. Graduated from Kyonggi University (College of Business Administration)
Major career
2014.10-2015.2 Chairman of the Policy Committee of the New Politics Alliance for Democracy
2014.6- Chief Vice-Chairman of the Policy Committee of the New Politics Alliance for Democracy
2014.6~ Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
(Trade, Industry and Energy Committee)
2012.6~ Chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Chapter of the Democratic United Party
2012.4~ Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
(Reelected, Security and Public Administration Committee)
2012.1~ Chief Vice-Chairman of the Policy Committee of the Democratic United Party
2011.5~ Vice-Chairman of the Policy Committee of the Democratic Party
2010.6~ Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
(Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Committee)
2008.5~2010.5 Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (Strategy and Finance Committee)
2002.7~2006.6 Mayor of Gwangmyeong City
(Third Popular Election)
1998.7~2002.6 Mayor of Gwangmyeong City
(Second Popular Election)
1995.7~1998.7 Member of Gyeonggi Provincial Council
1991.3~1995.6 Member of Gwangmyeong Council
2~ Representative of Baek, Jae Hyun Licensed Tax Accountant Office
Adjunct Professor of the Catholic University of Korea