Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 59
Danish comments to the public consultation of StatDCAT-AP,
General comments
24 October 2016 2016 - 2430
Denmark strongly supports the Commission’s work with StatDCAT-AP, CPOV,
and CCCEV. Denmark finds the work valuable and supports the further
development of these proposed standards.
Specific comments
StatDCAT-AP (D02.01.01.02) - DCAT Application Profile for description of statistical
Denmark finds the draft document well-written and documented.
However, Denmark has noticed that the proposed standard in several areas allow
for a choice between
This is not seen as helpful.
Denmark would prefer that the proposed standard makes a clear choice between
the two options. When deciding on which of the two options to choose among,
we suggest to allow the statistical cases to determine on which of the two options
to use.
Core public Organization Vocabulary (CPOV) (D02.01.01.03)
Denmark strongly supports the standard and sees it as a solid platform for further
standardisation work regarding public organisations.
Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV) (D02.01.01.1)
Denmark finds it valuable to work on CCCEV and a well-developed standard will
have high value within a number of areas as also indicated in the list of use cases
in the document.
However, Denmark finds the need to further develop the standard. The standard
could be improved by specifying the RDF elements in the vocabulary of the
standard. It is not sufficient to reference the used RDF vocabulary as a whole. It
is necessary to reference the specific RDF class and the specific RDF
In addition, Denmark would like to suggest improving the clarity of the
descriptions of the different use cases in the document. The use cases have as a
goal to give specific descriptions of the needs that the vocabulary will be
providing solutions for. However, the use cases seem to be cases which are
focused on describing how the needs are fulfilled using the vocabulary. The
EUU, Alm.del - 2016-17 - Bilag 59: Notat og høringssvar fra regeringen vedr. Kommissionens offentlige høring om standarder for statistiske data (StatDCAT-AP, CPOV og CCCEV)
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general use case descriptions for CCCEV should focus on stating the needs only.
Describing the fulfillment of the needs should be separated from the description
of the needs.