Europaudvalget 2016-17
EUU Alm.del Bilag 790
Eur opol Public I n for m a t ion
The Hague, 30 June 2017
Cont act point s of
Nat ional Parliam ent s of EU Mem ber St at es
By em ail only
Fin a l a nnu a l a ccou nt s for t h e f in a ncia l ye a r 2 0 1 6 , including t h e opin ion of
t he M a n a ge m e nt Boa r d of Eu r opol on t he f in a l a nnu a l a ccou nt s
Dear Madam , Sir,
I n accordance wit h Art icle 60 of t he Eur opol Regulat ion and Art icle 99 of t he Finan-
cial Regulat ion applicable t o Eur opol, please find enclosed, for your inform at ion, t he
final annual account s of Eur opol for t he financial year 2016 and t he opinion of t he
Eur opol Managem ent Board on t hese final account s.
The final account s wer e est ablished on 13 June 2017. The opinion of t he Europol
Managem ent Board on t he final annual account s was adopt ed on 30 June 2017.
These final account s for t he financial year 2016, alongside t he opinion of t he Euro-
pol Managem ent on t he final annual account s 2016, have been sent wit h separat e
let t ers t o t he Eur opean Parliam ent , Council of t he EU, t he Eur opean Court of Audi-
t ors ( ECA) and t he Eur opean Com m ission’s Account ing Officer , wit h a view t o init iat -
ing t he discharge proceedings.
Your s sincerely,
Rebecca Topham
Account ing Officer of Europol
Final Annual Account s - Financial st at em ent s and report s on t he im plem ent at ion of t he budget – Financial
Year 2016, Europol file no. EDOC # 880022v5B
Opinion of t he Managem ent Board of Europol on t he annual account s of Europol for t he financial
year 2016,
Europol file no. # 902762v3 [ MBS 117.2017]
File no. 905393v1B
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