10. October 2016
Danish response to the open consultation on market surveillance
General remarks
The Danish government supports the ambition to strengthen efforts in the
area of market surveillance. Globalisation, new technologies and the in-
creasing complexity of products challenge current market surveillance
practices. In addition, increasing e-commerce creates more import activity
from third countries and potentially long supply chains from manufactur-
ers to end users. Therefore, a number of concrete actions and a renewed
commitment of Member States and the Commission are necessary to en-
sure a level playing field for businesses and protection of health, safety
and environment. At the same time, it should be made easier for business-
es to ensure and demonstrate product compliance.
The Danish government welcomes the Commission’s initiative to present
a broader goods package covering both the harmonised and non-
harmonised area as the two areas are, in practice, increasingly interlinked.
Regarding regulation 765/2008, it is to be considered whether the regula-
tion constitutes an up to date framework with clear definitions and obliga-
tions reflecting actual conditions, i.e. the growing importance of the inter-
net and exchange of data between MSAs.
Regarding future priority areas, the Danish government would like to
point to the following key elements:
Information about product legislation
Based on a Danish context, both authorities and business organisations in
general point to lack of knowledge as a core cause of non-compliance.
Businesses mainly demonstrate a willingness to comply but do not always
understand their obligations in practice, e.g. their roles in the supply chain
as fabricant, importer and distributor. This appears to be particularly
problematic in the field of e-commerce.
Strong priority should be given to initiatives aimed at providing more user
friendly guidance and application oriented information. Such information
should target all businesses but particular focus should be put on the