Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2016-17
B 85 Bilag 3
Danish examples to
reduce plastic pollution
and making plastic
Case catalogue to serve as input to the coming European
plastic strategy
September 2017
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Awareness key to reduce marine litter
The ari e e iro e t patrols i Da ish Ha iljø ogter is a su essful Da ish a paig here
private yachtsmen, anglers, rowers and others who spend their free time at sea have agreed to help look
after our seas, by reporting oil spills and marine litter. The campaign is funded by the Defence Command
Denmark and has existed since 2006. Today almost 20.000 people have signed up and act as ambassadors
for a clean marine environment by flying a special pennant, keeping an eye on the sea, reporting oil spills
and litter, setting a good example themselves and by collecting marine litter.
The ari e e iro e t patrols’ pe a ts ha e a pre e ti e effe t, as they are a ery isi le sig al to
everyone and the campaign has raised considerable awareness about the marine environment. During the
lifetime of the campaign the number of observed oil spills in Danish waters has been halved and the marine
e iro e t patrols’ efforts are elie ed to ha e o tri uted to this su sta tial redu tio .
The campaign is a good example of how to actively engage the public. It furthermore contributes to tackling
the challenge of marine litter by raising awareness, increasing surveillance, preventing and removing
marine litter.
De ark suggests that the Europea Co
issio ’s
coming plastic strategy likewise consider engaging the
public as important actors to raise awareness, for instance through European funding options.
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Marine litter and recycling
As a preventive measure for marine litter, marine vessels are in general allowed to deliver their waste at
har ors after a o spe ial fee pri iple . The ost for the
management of this waste is included in the
standard harbor fee and does not vary with amounts or type of waste. This creates an incentive for marine
vessels to dispose of their waste under safe
o ditio s, as opposed to illegal du pi g. The o spe ial fee
does not cover collected marine litter, but most harbors receive this none the less, and thus in practice
pays for the additional waste management.
Danish regulation stipulates that recyclable waste of a certain amount is required to be recycled. This is
further stimulated economically as there is no fee on waste sent for recycling as opposed to waste sent for
incineration and landfill. A Danish company Plastix A/S has made a business of this and recycles old fishing
nets into new plastic commodities. The fishing nets are collected at harbors across Europe, is subsequently
sorted according to polymer type, and converted to granulate for other plastic businesses to use as a raw
material in their production.
This example shows that with the right combination of economic and regulatory tools, as well as the
development of new recycling technology for otherwise problematic waste fraction, can prevent marine
litter and increase the amount of recycled plastic to substitute virgin plastic materials.
Denmark suggests that the European Commission considers similar initiatives that create incentives for
marine vessels to bring their waste to harbor and to both economically and regulatory stimulate that the
recyclable waste is directed for recycling, and for technology development with the aim of developing
recycling technologies for the remaining currently non-recyclable waste.
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Phasing out problematic substances in plastic
Denmark has a long tradition for an active approach in relation to phasing out and substituting problematic
chemicals. Such activities have proved to be efficient in phasing out problematic substances in specific
products or product groups and thus increasing protection of health and the environment, which also have
the side effect of increasing circularity of the products.
The Danish Phthalate Strategy
Phthalates are a group of chemical substances with the same general structure. The substances can be
released during production and when products are used, so both consumers and the environment can be
exposed to the substances. Some phthalates have proven to be of concern, but phthalates are different and
not all have the same health and environmental impacts. The Danish Phthalate Strategy
was launched in
order to be pro-active regarding the potential risk of substituting phthalates of concern with other
phthalates, which could prove to be of concern in the long term and hence address the whole group of
phthalates from a horizontal approach. Managing phthalates must be based on comprehensive knowledge
about the whole group of substances, so that some phthalates are not substituted by other chemicals of
equally high concern. The Danish strategy examines the phthalates generally being used in Denmark and
the EU and point to measures within existing regulation, necessary to protect health and the environment
against undesirable phthalates. Guidance for industry
and consumers
is also developed with the aim of
increasing the efforts to limit the use of phthalates of concern. The strategic approach has played an
important part in regulatory initiatives such as the restriction proposal under REACH on phthalates in
Restriction on lead
In Denmark, a restriction on the import and placing on the market of products with more than 0.01 % (w/w)
lead entered into force in 2009. The restriction also comprises plastic products. A similar more limited EU
restriction proposal under REACH, on lead compounds in PVC, is under public consultation and is expected
to reduce the use of this type of PVC across the EU, when adopted.
Denmark urges the European Commission to focus on constituents in plastic that are problematic for health
and/or environment and at the same time making reuse and recycling (i.e. the circularity) of the plastic
more difficult.
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Photo: The general chemical structure of phthalates
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Preventive circular business models for food packaging
Plastic packaging is the largest single use of plastic in Europe, the vast majority of which is single use with a
short lifetime of less than a year. The use of plastic will continue to rise and measures to reduce the use of
single use packaging are paramount to decouple the plastic production from virgin fossil feedstock and
reduce environmental impacts from plastic production.
There are several industries that deliver key elements related to reusable packaging. The below examples
present some of these. Common to the examples are that they have all been in business for years, thus
demonstrating that circular business models for food packaging has proven to be practical, feasible and
with a solid business case. Reusable transport packaging is used in almost every industry types including
bakery, meat, fish, dairy and vegetable industries.
Reusable packaging requires a packaging that is durable and robust. Schoeller Plast delivers exactly this
with their transport crate. Schoeller Plast markets their transport crates for direct food contact, with many
examples of more than 10 years use time.
Another company, Brüel Systems, provides washing and handling plants that are vital for preparing the
tra sport rates for re ir ulatio o e the rates are retur ed fro use. Brüel “yste s A/“ is Europe’s
biggest supplier of large scale automatic washing systems, which has been their core business since 1976.
Denmark suggests that the EU-commission considers the strong merit of these established industries within
prevention and packaging, when considering measures to decouple from virgin fossil feedstock and
reducing environmental impacts from plastic production. Prevention is both environmentally and
economically beneficial as well as practically possible.
Photo: Vegetable transport crates from Schoeller Plast
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Means to prevent plastic pollution and ensure functional market for secondary
materials of high quality
Dansk Retursystem A/S is a non-profit environmental company, which has the exclusive right to operate the
deposit and return system in Denmark.
The o pa y’s task is to
collect the drinks packaging included in the
deposit system to enable recycling of the materials. The packaging carries a label that identifies that the
bottle or can is a part of the deposit and return system. Any packaging returned with attached deposit
label, gives the consumer right to receive a deposit payment. The deposit label is therefore equated with
Dansk Retursystem A/S was founded in 2000 by the Danish breweries in cooperation with the grocery
traders, and since 2002 the company has had the exclusive right to operate the Danish deposit and return
In 2016, 9 out of 10 sold disposable packaging were returned, and Dansk Retursystem A/S received over
1.15 billion returned bottles and cans, equivalent to 3.5 million packaging units per day. The majority of the
glass, plastic and aluminium - is sent for recycling. In 2016 this amounted to roughly 48,000 tons.
It is many times more expensive to produce packaging of new raw materials than producing packaging of
recycled packaging material. But the value of recycling can not only be measured in monetary terms. By
creating incentive for consumers to return drinks packaging in reverse vending machines, the environment
is protected by preventing that drinks packaging is littered in nature. In addition to saving energy, we also
avoid using valuable resources. When we recycle, we deduce less sewage and less environmental impacts
than when we produce new packaging.
The deposit and return system has the additional benefit of collecting a clean stream of high quality food
grade material. This allows for the recycled material to be recycled into new food grade packaging, which is
one of the highest grades of recycled material possible, and a sought after commodity.
This is circular economy.
Denmark suggests that the coming European plastic strategy includes measures that likewise support high
return rates that supply the recycling and manufacturing industry with high quality waste materials.
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Stakeholder involvement and cooperation
Results from a recent analysis initiated by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency show that the
emission of microplastic from Danish wastewater treatment plants to the aquatic environment is minor
compared to the total load on the plants. The average emission to the aquatic environment is calculated to
0.3 percent of the microplastic mass coming into the plant. This shows that the use of efficient and
intelligent water technology solutions can play a key role in meeting the challenges of microplastic
pollution in the aquatic environment.
Microplastic Partnership
In the past 2
3 years Denmark has made strategic efforts in identifying, analysing and mapping the
occurrence and sources of plastic pollution in wastewater. As this topic is a relatively new focus area, these
efforts have been challenging and to some extent fragmented. On this background the Danish
Environmental Protection Agency initiated a Microplastic Partnership focusing on plastic pollution in
wastewater thereby consolidating the existing knowledge base through a cross-sectoral approach, covering
national and local authorities, utilities and technology providers. The Partnership has also identified
knowledge gaps and key considerations on standardization of a cost-efficient methodology for analysing
microplastic in wastewater.
The purpose of the micro plastic partnership is to bring stakeholders together to discuss, knowledge share
and finally to make recommendations to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The micro plastic
partnership is still ongoing, but already the stakeholders are positive about the forum and optimistic about
the task they have been assigned.
Denmark suggests that the European Commission uses this positive example of stakeholder involvement, in
the coming plastic strategy, to consider similar stakeholder forums bringing them together to exchange
knowledge and make recommendations for further actions.
B 85 - 2016-17 - Bilag 3: Opfølgning på B 85, fra miljø- og fødevareministeren
Theme: Economic instruments to support the waste hierarchy
Denmark has good experience with economic instruments to support the waste hierarchy. Economic
instruments can create incentives to consume less and produce more environmentally conscious. Taxes can
encourage the development of new and cleaner technologies, and encourage shifting demand towards
more environmentally friendly goods.
Packaging tax was introduced on carrier bags in 1993. The introduction of the charge led to a significant
drop of the consumption. Today, the consumption of plastic carrier bags is estimated to be low, which is
highly due to the packaging charge. The packaging tax continuously lead to a public debate on reducing
carrier bag consumption, and many retailers are charging their customers much more for the carrier bags,
than the actual cost including the tax.
Incineration tax was introduced in 1987. The aim was to create an incentive to help reduce the amount of
waste going to incineration and to promote recycling. The incineration tax is a combination of a tax on heat
from waste, an additional tax and a CO2 tax.
Landfill tax has also been in place for many years. The main objective with landfill tax is to direct waste
higher in the waste hierarchy towards recovery and recycling, through giving the other options a monetary
benefit. In general landfill tax has demonstrated to be an efficient instrument to divert waste from landfill
and to increase recycling rates.
Economic incentives have proven to be effective in Denmark. Municipalities and others responsible for
directing waste to recycling often need to show that it is economically reasonable. The charges for
incineration and landfilling are helpful on this point. Recycling is not always economical beneficial in itself,
but if it is cheaper than routing the waste for incineration and landfilling, that creates the necessary
economic incentive.
Denmark suggests that the European Commission in the coming European plastic strategy considers
options to utilise taxes as an economic instrument, as it was done with the amendment regarding reducing
the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags to the Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging