Europaudvalget 2015-16
Rådsmøde 3454 - økofin
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 12
3454th Council meeting
Economic and Financial Affairs
Brussels, 8 March 2016
Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Minister for Finance of the Netherlands
Rue de la Loi 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 9773 / 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
MEASURES TO PREVENT CORPORATE TAX AVOIDANCE .................................................... 3
BANKING UNION ............................................................................................................................. 4
FISCAL SUSTAINABILITY .............................................................................................................. 6
INTERNATIONAL FINANCE MEETINGS ...................................................................................... 9
ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE – COUNTRY REPORTS ................................................................ 10
OTHER BUSINESS .......................................................................................................................... 11
Financial services .................................................................................................................................................. 11
MEETINGS IN THE MARGINS OF THE COUNCIL .................................................................... 12
Business taxation – Code of conduct ..................................................................................................................... 13
Excise duties – Manufactured tobacco .................................................................................................................. 13
Economic governance – Recommendation to the euro area .................................................................................. 14
Taxation - France - Motor fuels ............................................................................................................................. 15
European social fund - Youth action teams ........................................................................................................... 15
EU cohesion policy - Amounts to be covered by the EU or the member states .................................................... 17
Pesticides - Maximum residue levels .................................................................................................................... 18
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
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Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's Internet site
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Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
There was strong support within the Council for a political agreement to be reached on a draft
directive on the exchange of tax-related information on the activities of multinational companies.
The directive will be adopted once the European Parliament has given its opinion and the United
Kingdom has lifted its parliamentary scrutiny reservation. The presidency noted that the
compromise discussed by the Council could be acceptable and that no further technical work is
The directive will implement, at EU level, an OECD recommendation requiring multinationals to
report tax-related information, detailed country-by-country, and requiring national tax authorities to
exchange that information automatically.
It is the first element of a package of proposals issued by the Commission in January 2016 to
strengthen EU rules preventing corporate tax avoidance. The package builds on recommendations
approved by the OECD in autumn 2015 to address corporate tax base erosion and profit shifting
Press release on March 2016 Council stance on tax-related information on multinationals
March 2016 Council stance on tax-related information on multinationals
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
The Council took stock of progress on the EU’s banking union:
The Commission provided a brief update on implementation of the banking union;
The presidency reported on progress made within an ad hoc working group on the
strengthening of the banking union.
The banking union involves a transfer of responsibility for banking policy from the national to the
EU level. Launched in 2012 in response to the eurozone crisis, it comprises the 19 countries of the
euro area, whilst 7 other member states have indicated their intention to join.
It currently consists of two main initiatives, the single supervisory mechanism (SSM) and the single
resolution mechanism (SRM). These are based on a regulatory framework, the “single rulebook”,
that applies to all 28 member states.
On 1 January 2016, the SRM became operational and the single resolution fund (SRF), a
component of the SRM, entered into force.
The ad hoc working group was established in January 2016 to examine all issues related to the
strengthening of the banking union. It is currently examining:
a proposed third “pillar”, involving a European deposit insurance scheme;
measures outlined in a communication from the Commission, aimed at reducing risks in
the banking sector.
The Council is expected to return to the issue of strengthening banking union at its meeting on
17 June 2016.
Regarding implementation, the Council has regularly reviewed the situation since mid-2015.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
As concerns the single rulebook, a few member states are still expected to fully transpose directives
on the recovery and resolution of failing banks and on deposit guarantee schemes.
Banking union member states were due to have filled the SRF with contributions collected from
their banks in 2015 by 31 January 2016. On 4 February, the single resolution board (SRB) reported
that the transfer was almost complete.
Banking union member states are furthermore required to conclude loan facility agreements with
the SRB, providing national credit lines for SRF bridge financing. Six member states have already
signed such agreements, and others are expected to do so by the end of March 2016.
The Council will continue to monitor progress in implementation.
Banking union
Proposal for a regulation for a European deposit insurance scheme
Commission communication on completion of the banking union
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
"The Council (ECOFIN),
WELCOMES the Commission's "Fiscal Sustainability Report 2015", which updates and
enhances the multidimensional approach for assessing fiscal sustainability, based on
short-, medium- and long-term challenges.
WELCOMES the fact that fiscal risks over the short term have receded since the Fiscal
Sustainability Report 2012 with no EU country among those 26 analysed
appearing to
be at high risk. On the other hand, UNDERLINES that vulnerabilities are still present,
also in light of recent developments. In particular, for a number of EU countries the
high or increasing debt levels continue to represent important sources of vulnerability
that might generate fiscal risks should financial market instability increase.
WELCOMES the inclusion of the debt sustainability analysis to enrich conclusions on
public debt sustainability in the medium-term. STRESSES that 11 of the 26 EU
countries analysed face high medium-term fiscal sustainability risks and 5 countries
facing medium risk under the assumption of no policy changes, mainly due to elevated
government debt levels, exacerbated in some cases by projected age-related public
NOTES that one country of the 26 appears to be at high long-term sustainability risk,
and 14 countries at medium risk, primarily due to projected rising cost of ageing.
RECOGNISES that the long-term indicator has to be seen in conjunction with the other
sustainability indicators notably because it does not incorporate any specific debt level
The Fiscal Sustainability Report 2015 analyses all EU countries that are not under a
macroeconomic adjustment programme
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
HIGHLIGHTS that the appropriate combination of policies to deal with the fiscal
sustainability challenge should be embedded in the overall EU three-pronged strategy
consisting of reducing government debt, increasing productivity and employment and
reforming pension, health care and long-term care systems, depending on the main reasons
behind the specific challenges faced by Member States. EMPHASISES that windfalls from
the low interest rate environment should primarily be used to reduce debt ratios or to
compensate for the effect of persisting exceptionally low inflation on the debt ratio,
especially in those Member States with high government debt, but also possibly for
investments or structural reforms, depending on the country's fiscal position.
UNDERLINES that even in cases where the Commission analyses point to low fiscal
sustainability risks in the medium and long-term, Member States need to ensure sustainable
fiscal positions, which allow coping with possible shocks over the economic cycle, in line
with the Stability and Growth Pact. REAFFIRMS that adherence to the EU fiscal rules,
including the debt rule, is necessary to ensure sustainable debt levels.
UNDERLINES that, given demographic challenges, comprehensive reforms have a
substantial positive impact on long-term fiscal sustainability, as evident from the 2015
Ageing Report. REAFFIRMS the need to continue appropriate policy action on all age-
related areas taking into account country-specific situations and avoiding measures that
reverse sustainability-enhancing reforms already undertaken. This entails a prompt and
comprehensive implementation of the country specific recommendations issued under the
European Semester. STRESSES that further steps are still needed by Member States, though
to varying degrees, to raise the effective retirement age, including by avoiding early exit
from the labour market and by aligning the retirement age, necessary contribution period or
pension benefits with life expectancy. Moreover, recalling its Conclusions of 7 December
2010, INVITES Member States to balance the increasing need for universal health care and
long-term care in the coming decades with the need to reduce high public debt levels. This
highlights the need to assess the performance of health and long term care systems and
implement the necessary reforms to improve the quality of public finances in order to
achieve a more efficient use of public resources and provision of high quality health and
long term care.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
CALLS ON Member States, especially those found at high sustainability risk over the
medium term, to focus attention on sustainability- and growth-oriented fiscal strategies
in their upcoming Stability and Convergence Programmes; and INVITES Member
States and the Commission to take into account these sustainability findings in their
analyses and recommendations in the framework of the European Semester. These
strategies and developments of the sustainability of public finances will continue to be
regularly assessed by the Council and the Commission, including by incorporating new
developments in macroeconomic conditions, fiscal policies and structural reforms,
notably in the areas of pension, healthcare and long-term care systems.
INVITES the Commission to undertake its regular in-depth overall assessment of the
sustainability of public finances by early 2019 using the updated age-related
expenditure projections in the forthcoming 2018 Ageing Report, while regularly
updating the Commission's sustainability assessment in between. In connection with the
Ageing report, INVITES the Commission and Member States to further analyze new
demographic developments, including the effect of large migration flows on
macroeconomic conditions and public finances. The Economic Policy Committee
should on the basis of the in-depth overall assessment report back to the Council."
2015 fiscal sustainability report
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
The presidency and the Commission reported on a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central
bank governors held in Shanghai on 26 and 27 February 2016.
The Shanghai meeting was the first such event to be held under the Chinese G20 presidency. The
agenda covered the global economy, growth strategies, investment, international financial
architecture, financial regulation, taxation, terrorist financing and climate issues.
Additionally, the Council asked the Economic and Financial Committee to finalise preparations for
the spring 2016 meetings of the G20 and IMF.
These will be held in Washington DC between 13 and 17 April 2016.
February 2016 G20 finance ministers meeting in Shanghai
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
The Council held an exchange of views on implementation of the "European Semester", the EU's
annual policy monitoring process.
The Commission presented reports on the economic policies of the member states, and its
assessment of implementation of their 2015 country-specific recommendations. It also reported on
measures taken to remove barriers to investment.
Ministers agreed that implementation remains poor, and resolved to improve the situation. Progress
is substantial for only 7% of country-specific recommendations, whilst more than half are
implemented in only a limited manner or not at all. As concerns investment, ministers agreed to
address the challenges such as bottlenecks in the business environment and administration, and
sector-specific regulations. They insisted on the importance of assessing implementation of the
country-specific recommendations annually, in order to draw conclusions, raise national awareness
and implement reforms effectively in each country. They agreed to discuss implementation each
year in the Council.
The country reports analyse the economic and social challenges that member states are facing and
monitor their policy reforms. The findings are intended to feed into economic and fiscal policy
programmes that the member states will submit to the Commission in April 2016.
For 18 member states
identified as experiencing macroeconomic imbalances, the reports present
the findings of in-depth reviews. These member states are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
The 2016 European Semester will conclude with the adoption of new country-specific
recommendations in July. The European Council will provide policy guidance in March, in the light
of the overall macroeconomic situation.
Country reports under the 2016 European Semester
Country reports will be published at a later stage for Cyprus and Greece, as they are subject to
macroeconomic adjustment programmes and therefore already under enhanced surveillance.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
Financial services
The Council was updated as concerns work on legislative proposals on financial services.
March 2016 secretariat note on progress on financial services legislative dossiers
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
The Eurogroup met on Monday 7 March 2016. It adopted statements on Cyprus's economic
adjustment programme and on implementation by the euro area member states of their draft
budgetary plans for 2016. It also discussed the first review of Greece's programme, as well as
Eurogroup transparency and the use of benchmarking by member states in the context of economic
March 2016 Eurogroup statement on Cyprus
March 2016 Eurogroup statement on the follow-up to draft budgetary plans for 2016
Eurogroup main results
Ministerial breakfast
Ministers held a breakfast meeting to discuss the economic situation.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
Business taxation – Code of conduct
The Council adopted conclusions on the strengthening of a code of conduct aimed at eliminating
measures that can create situations of unfair tax competition.
The code of conduct is used in assessing the harmfulness of tax measures adopted, or that are in the
process of being adopted, by the member states. A working group oversees its implementation.
In 2013, the European Council called for the code process to be strengthened. Since then, work has
been undertaken to reform the scope and governance of the working group.
The Council’s conclusions call for an enhancement of the governance, transparency and working
methods of the group.
Efficiency will be improved by speeding up the assessment of potentially harmful tax regimes, and
by involving the Council earlier and more frequently. Information to the public on the group's
ongoing and past work will be enhanced.
The presidency intends a further decision to be taken by the end of June 2016 on the revision of the
group's mandate.
March 2016 draft Council conclusions on the code of conduct on business taxation
Excise duties – Manufactured tobacco
The Council adopted conclusions on a report from the Commission assessing, under its “REFIT”
(regulatory response and performance) programme, directive 2011/64/EU on the structure and rates
of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco.
The Council called for efforts to be made to simplify and clarify the structure of excise duties on
manufactured tobacco.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
Under directive 2011/64/EU, some products, such as e-cigarettes, do not fall into any of the
categories of products subject to excise duty. The conclusions set out a way forward for handling
such issues.
The Council considers that any amendments to the directive should be proportionate to the
objectives sought. They should also aim to reduce tax fraud.
The Commission issued its December 2015 report for two reasons:
directive 2011/64/EU is part of the Commission’s REFIT programme;
such reporting is a statutory four-yearly requirement under directive 2011/64/EU on the
structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco.
2016 Council conclusions on the structure and rates of excise duty on tobacco
Economic governance – Recommendation to the euro area
The Council adopted a recommendation on the economic policies of the euro area, under the
"European Semester", the EU's annual policy monitoring process.
It recommended, essentially:
the pursuit of sound economic policies;
implementation of labour, product and services market reforms;
the pursuit of fiscal policies in full respect of the Stability and Growth Pact, the EU's fiscal
rules, with the objective of a broadly neutral aggregate fiscal stance in the euro area in
2016 and with a view to reducing public debt in 2017;
facilitating the gradual reduction of banks’ non-performing loans and improving
insolvency proceedings for businesses and households;
working towards completion of the EU’s economic and monetary union.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
It is the first time that a recommendation for the euro area has been prepared at an early stage of the
European Semester. The aim is to take greater account of eurozone issues when approving country-
specific recommendations later on. The European Council endorsed the draft at its meeting on 18
and 19 February 2016.
The 2016 European Semester will conclude with the adoption of the new country-specific
recommendations in July.
March 2016 draft Council recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area
Explanatory note on March 2016 recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area
Taxation - France - Motor fuels
The Council adopted a decision authorising France to apply reduced levels of taxation to unleaded
petrol and gas used as motor fuels (5929/16 +
6131/1/16 REV 1).
The decision, taken under article 19 of directive 2003/96/EC, will allow French administrative
regions to apply differentiated reductions under certain conditions until 31 December 2017.
European social fund - Youth action teams
The Council adopted the following conclusions on the European Court of Auditors' special report
entitled "Commission's support of youth action teams: redirection of ESF funding achieved, but
insufficient focus on results" (6257/16):
WELCOMES the Special Report from the European Court of Auditors (hereafter referred to
as "the Court") and the Commission's observations;
UNDERLINES that the challenging youth unemployment situation can to a great extent be
explained through structural socio-economic problems which require the implementation of
structural reforms based on an integrated cross-sectorial approach and with financial support
combining different funds, such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and
the European Social Fund (ESF); this, however, does not preclude more sectorial short-term
measures, e.g. to address skills mismatches;
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
STRESSES that the youth action teams (YATs) were a political initiative, taken at the
highest political level, aimed at raising awareness about the urgent need to address the
dramatic youth unemployment situation which developed in the aftermath of the post 2008
economic crisis;
CONSIDERS that, given the legal, financial and administrative framework in place, using
existing well-performing programmes through a fast redirection of the 2007-2013 ESF
operational programmes (OPs) was a suitable way forward, given that about EUR 10 billion
of unallocated ESF funds were still available at the end of 2011 in the eight Member States
targeted by the YATs' initiative;
STRESSES the importance of the Court's performance audits, but UNDERLINES that the
parameters used by the Court should be without prejudice to political decisions taken by other
EU institutions within their respective competences;
STRESSES that YATs have been instrumental in paving the way for new initiatives to
combat youth unemployment, including the Youth Guarantee (YG), the Youth Employment
Initiative (YEI) and the improved 2014-2020 legal framework for the ESF, and that all these
new initiatives to combat youth unemployment are only starting to produce results;
BELIEVES that the YATs therefore contributed positively to the fulfilment of the
expectations raised at the informal European Council of 30 January 2012;
NOTES the finding by the Court that YATs made limited specific proposals and that the
advisory role of the Commission was hampered by the level and quality of the information
available to it;
NOTES that some of the findings of the Court appear to be factually incorrect, REGRETS
that the Court did not cross-check the information received from the Commission with the
concerned Member States, and INVITES the Commission and the Court in future audits to
consult the responsible national authorities in order to avoid a different interpretation of the
information available;
(10) ACCEPTS the Court's recommendations, but CONSIDERS also that the new European
Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) legal framework for 2014-2020 already addresses
most of the recommended requirements:
Article 30 of the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) requires that requests for
amendment of OPs submitted by a Member State are duly justified and in particular set
out the expected impact of the changes on achieving Europe 2020 objectives;
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
Article 50 of the CPR requires annual implementation reports to set out key information
on the implementation of the OPs and their priorities by reference to the financial data,
common and programme-specific indicators and quantified target values;
Article 125 of the CPR requires the managing authorities to provide the monitoring
committee with all the necessary information, in particular data relating to the progress
of the operational programme in achieving its objectives, financial data and data relating
to indicators and milestones;
CALLS on the Commission and Member States, for future initiatives of this kind, to:
take due account of the possibilities and constraints given by the political and legal
contexts, as well as the availability of the corresponding financial resources at EU and
Member State level;
formulate the targets set and resources applied in a specific, adequate and transparent
where relevant, given shared management responsibilities, cooperate more closely when
transmitting and communicating data to be used;
ensure that minimum plausibility and reliability checks are systematically carried out,
especially given the risk of unreliable or incorrect statements being included in updates
and reports being provided by the Commission or Member States."
EU cohesion policy - Amounts to be covered by the EU or the member states
The Council decided not to object to a Commission regulation laying down conditions and
procedures to be applied to determine whether irrevocable amounts paid under EU cohesion policy
are to be borne by the EU budget or by member states (5740/16).
The regulation concerns expenditure made under the European regional development fund, the
European social fund, the cohesion fund and the European maritime and fisheries fund.
It is a delegated act pursuant to article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. It can now
enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects.
Rådsmøde nr. 3454 (økonomi og finans) den 8. marts 2016 - Bilag 1336866:
8 March 2016
Pesticides - Maximum residue levels
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of regulations updating regulation 396/2005 as
regards maximum residue levels (MRLs) for:
Cydia pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV), calcium carbide, potassium iodide, sodium
hydrogen carbonate, rescalure and Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040 and Beauveria
bassiana strain GHA (5209/16 +
5209/16 ADD 1)
captan, propiconazole and spiroxamine (5248/16 +
5248/16 ADD 1
5248/16 ADD 2)
atrazine (5216/16 +
5216/16 ADD 1
5216/16 ADD 2)
chlorantraniliprole, cyflumetofen, cyprodinil, dimethomorph, dithiocarbamates, fenamidone,
fluopyram, flutolanil, imazamox, metrafenone, myclobutanil, propiconazole, sedaxane and
spirodiclofen (5307/16 +
5307/16 ADD 1+ 5307/16 ADD 2)
cyazofamid, cycloxydim, difluoroacetic acid, fenoxycarb, flumetralin, fluopicolide,
flupyradifurone, fluxapyroxad, kresoxim-methyl, mandestrobin, mepanipyrim, metalaxyl-M,
pendimethalin and tefluthrin (5218/16 +
5218/16 ADD 1
5218/16 ADD 2).
Regulation 396/2005 establishes the MRLs permitted in products of animal or vegetable origin
intended for human or animal consumption. These include levels that are specific to particular
foodstuffs intended for human or animal consumption, as well as a general limit that applies where
no specific level has been set.
MRL applications are communicated to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which issues
a scientific opinion on each intended new MRL. In the light of this opinion, the Commission
proposes a regulation to establish a new MRL or to amend or remove an existing MRL, modifying
the annexes of regulation 396/2005 accordingly.
The Commission regulations are subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. The Commission
may now adopt them, unless the European Parliament objects.