European Council
The President
Brussels, 31 January 2017
Dear colleagues,
In order to best prepare our discussion in Malta about the future of the European Union of 27
member states, and in light of the conversations I have had with some of you, let me put forward a
few reflections that I believe most of us share.
The challenges currently facing the European Union are more dangerous than ever before in the
time since the signature of the Treaty of Rome. Today we are dealing with three threats, which
have previously not occurred, at least not on such a scale.
The first threat, an external one, is related to the new geopolitical situation in the world and around
Europe. An increasingly, let us call it, assertive China, especially on the seas, Russia's aggressive
policy towards Ukraine and its neighbours, wars, terror and anarchy in the Middle East and in
Africa, with radical Islam playing a major role, as well as worrying declarations by the new
American administration all make our future highly unpredictable. For the first time in our history, in
an increasingly multipolar external world, so many are becoming openly anti-European, or
Eurosceptic at best. Particularly the change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult
situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American
foreign policy.
The second threat, an internal one, is connected with the rise in anti-EU, nationalist, increasingly
xenophobic sentiment in the EU itself. National egoism is also becoming an attractive alternative to
integration. In addition, centrifugal tendencies feed on mistakes made by those, for whom ideology
and institutions have become more important than the interests and emotions of the people.
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