Danish Refugee Council’s
position on the reform
of the Dublin system
Danish Refugee Council
Borgergade 10, 3
DK-1300 Copenhagen,
T +45 3373 5000
Danish Refugee Council
Brussels Representation
Place du Congrès 1
BE-1000 Brussels
T +32 2 894 4930
MARCH 2017
On May 4 2016 the EU Commission submitted its proposals to reform the first part of the
Common European Asylum System (CEAS), including a reform of the Dublin Regulation. On
9 March 2017 rapporteur Cecilia Wikström presented her proposed amendments to the
Commission’s proposal on the Dublin Regulation to the LIBE Committee.
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has for decades provided legal advice to asylum
seekers in Denmark. Our activities cover a wide range of issues, including legal assistance
to asylum seekers in the Dublin procedure. Through our role in the Dublin procedure in
Denmark, we have assisted thousands of asylum seekers in their appeals against Dublin
transfers. DRC thus has extensive first-hand experience of the present Dublin system’s
inability to effectively safeguard the fundamental rights of asylum seekers in Europe and
ensure fast and efficient access to a fair asylum procedure. Accordingly, our comments
on the Commission’s proposal and the rapporteur’s report are based on our practical
experiences with the current Dublin system.