Europaudvalget 2017-18
EUU Alm.del Bilag 241
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guideli es for
priorities for
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The Danish Government agrees with the
issio ’s
priority to continue the ongoing work of
implementing network codes and guidelines for 2018
The Danish Government welcomes the opportunity to comment on
the Co
issio ’s
public consultation
on priorities for network codes and guidelines for 2018 based on Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No
714/2009 and Regulation (EC) No 715/2009.
The Danish Government fully support the recently developed and adopted network codes and guidelines
on electricity and gas, that in a Danish perspective includes the most prioritised network codes and
guidelines which support efficient market in Europe on electricity and gas.
Moreover, the Clean Energy Packages presented by the Commission November 30 2016 includes relevant
areas for future network and guidelines.
All relevant parts are currently working on the creation and implementation on the network codes and
guidelines. As we see, this process requires substantial resources from all relevant part including the
Commission, ACER, ENTSO-E and the national regulators.
It is essential that these developed and adopted network codes and guidelines are implemented in a way
that makes them possible to implement and enforce.
Therefore, the Danish Government finds it positive that the Commission prioritises resources for a full
implementation and enforcement of the recently developed and adopted network codes for 2018. The
priority to continue the ongoing work of implementing network codes and guidelines for 2018 is a priority
that the Danish Government supports and agrees with. Consequently, the Commission’s
pu li o sultatio
does not give rise to further comments from the Danish Government.