Europaudvalget 2017-18
EUU Alm.del Bilag 265
Tweede Kamer
Jüri Ratas
Prime Minister of Estonia
P/a General-Secretariat of the Council
Rue de la Lol 175
f4alikAzmani, MP
Chairman of the standing committee
European Affairs
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag
Contact person:
L.P. Middelkoop
T +31(0)703182307
B-1048 Bruxelles
Date 19 December 2017
Subject Four proposals to increase EU trensparency from national parliaments
E [email protected]
Dear Prime Minister Ratas,
It is my honour to transmit to you, on behalf of 26 national parliaments/chambers of
the European Union, a letter containing four proposals concerning the transparency of
political decision-making in the European Union.
The proposals we put forward in the letter have been discussed at the most recent
COSAC-meeting of national parliaments and the European parliament in Tallinn on26-
28 November 2017. The basis for this plenary discussion was a position paper drafted
by the Dutch House of Representatives and the Senate, which 1 attach for your
information. Together the 26 parliaments/chambers that support these proposals and
are signatory to this letter account for an unprecedented majority of 37 out of the 56
votes assigned to the national parliaments in the EU by the Treaty of Lisbon protocols.
The four proposals primarily concern the Council of the European Union, the European
Council and the Eurogroup, as it is our role as national parliaments to hold the
members of these bodies to account. We would be grateful if you would keep us
informed on how, insofar the proposals concern the Council of the European Union, you
intend to proceed with them.
Yours sincerely,
The chairman of the standing committee on European Affairs