Folketingets Kirkeudvalg
Kirkeudvalget har ved brev af 16. oktober 2017 (KIU L 19 – spørgsmål 4) bedt
om min besvarelse af spørgsmål:
”Mener ministeren, at lovforslaget kan være eller er i strid med FN’s
anbefalinger, eller at lovforslaget afviger fra både europæiske og internationale
menneskerettigheder, jf. FN’s tidligere Rapporteur on freedom of religion or
belief, Heiner Bielefelt’s udtalelse under besøget i Danmark sidste år?”
Frederiksholms Kanal 21
1220 København K
Telefon 3392 3390
Telefax 3392 3913
Dokument nr.: 128759/17
Dette dokumentnr. bedes oplyst ved
henvendelse til Kirkeministeriet
Nej, jeg mener ikke, at lovforslaget kan være eller er i strid med FN’s
anbefalinger, eller at lovforslaget afviger fra både europæiske og internationale
I rapporten om FN’s tidligere Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or
belief, Heiner Bielefelt’s, besøg i Danmark fremgår det af pkt. 44, at:
”44. By rendering the acknowledgment of a religious community dependent on
faith in a transcendent power, the Danish law deviates from European and
international human rights law. Both the European Court of Human Rights
and the Human Rights Committee, which monitors compliance with the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, have developed
jurisprudence that understands freedom of religion or belief more broadly.
According to the Human Rights Committee, article 18 of the Covenant protects
“theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, as well as the right not to profess
any religion or belief”. In other words, freedom of religion or belief covers the
whole range of identity-shaping convictions and conviction-based practices,
including beyond traditional forms of monotheistic faith and worship. For
article 67 of the Constitution to remain in line with the development of
freedom of religion or belief in European and international human rights law,
it should be interpreted in a broad and inclusive way. The future treatment of
the humanists may in this context assume the quality of a test case.”
Endvidere fremgår følgende af anbefalingerne i rapporten:
“(i) The criteria for granting and removing acknowledgement status, which
are currently under review, should be fully in line with all principles of due
process, and the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of religion or
(j) The new criteria currently being elaborated should also allow the
acknowledgment of life-stance organizations that are not based on a belief in
God or a transcendent power.”
Dato: 13. november 2017